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Attraction Growing with Time?

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    Yes and no. No because I was not at all attracted to my ex but yes because we somehow had enough fun for me to manage to overlook it for a year/a year and a half, even if I'm inclined to believe our sexual relations were more gratifying for him than me, and that's putting it mildly, though that may have been down to the drool too... :P

    That said, with my current partner, I have always, always been insanely attracted to him. Still have conversation history from years back where I told friends I was watching/listening to a cute Irish boy playing me guitar over webcam. :P But he has only gotten more and more attractive to me as time has gone on, simply because we continue to get to know one another on deeper and more fulfilling levels, and I think the deeper we get to know each other, the more we love about one another, and the more attracted we become.
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...


      Funny enough for me I wasn't attracted to my SO in the initial stage. I was busy with my son, work and school and I didn't want the complication of a relationship and I was also worried about ruining our friendship. Eventually, I decided to take a chance and honestly the more I am around him the more I love him and the more attractive he gets.


        I thought my SO was hot to begin with but he just keeps getting hotter over time. I have never been more attracted to someone in my life!


          we were friends when I came abroad..and I was not at all attracted to him.. he was absolutely not my type.. but as I'm not a superficial person and impressed with his character and personality I fell in love with him. and with the time his attraction grew more and more.. I caught myself a few times looking at him and thinking "damn he is soo hot! can't believe I didn't see it before" lol for me he is the most handsome man


            Yes, it was very much like this for me. When I first met my SO he wasn't at all the typical guy I would've gone for, but time passed and everything changed. I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else now


              Most definitely. I need more than physicality to consider myself "attracted" and while my SO has always been really smart and funny, the more I get to know him, the more I fall in love. He gives me a reason to fall more each and every day. As a result, I'm more attracted. Also, he's been working out haha! That doesn't really matter too much to me, but does spice up the bedroom!


                Yeah, of course. I seem to learn more from him each day In a good way
                " There is always hope.


                  As with many of the people here, I will definitely say yes. I remember when I added my SO on Facebook when we were originally just friends. And we had like, a two minute webcam session before he had to get off, hah hah. Between those two things, I did say, "Wow, you're kinda cute," but it wasn't like OMG DROOOOOOL. But since I've been with him, the attraction factor has grown IMMENSELY. I've always said he's been about 80% of my type, physically. I love angular features, and I swear I could draw that boy with all straight lines. He is dark haired and dark eyed and fair skinned, all features I love. And... He looks great with stubble and has a strangely meticulous hair-do for a guy. (He's eccentric, hah hah!) The only thing that kept me "eeeeh" at first was three things: I am normally attracted to individuals a few years older than me (he is only four months older), with a bit more meat on them (he is skinny as a rail, I outweigh him by 10 pounds and I am only 130), and taller (he's about 5'08" or so, and I liked closer to the 6'00" mark). But when I began to become attracted to his personality, all that went by the wayside. Now he is 1000% amazing and sexay!


                    Definitely! When we first got together, I wasn't that physically attracted to him- it was more because I thought he was really nice. I had really long hair when we first met and it basically took over since I'm a small girl with thick, wavy hair. We were looking through old pictures at my house over the summer and I said something about how my hair looked scraggly and that it was too much. He was like "yeah i know i was so happy when you cut it". We had a good laugh over that. Guess we felt the same way! Haha!


                      When I was first introduced to my now SO I had no intentions of being in a relationship with him, let alone even considering it. I was married when we were introduced. There was nothing sinister about our communication and we just talked about random stuff. My marriage ended and I dated someone else for a while butI still kept in touch with my now SO. A few months into the relationship with the guy I wasn't seriously dating he started pursuing me. He won me over eventually with a gift that he sent me that was so touching. I thought to myself I'm going to at least give him a shot. We're an unlikely couple but we're still together almost a year and a half later. I can't complain.


                        Yup, i thought he was hot the first time i saw him although he isnt the type i normally go for. Attraction isnt jsut about the physical stuff. The more i get to know him the more attractive he is. I have never been so attracted to someone.


                          We were friends for quite a while before we hooked up I remember when I first saw him I found him an interesting person but I had a boyfriend back then and I usually don't "scan" men for attractiveness then. After my ex and I broke up though I started liking him pretty soon without even noticing it at first so maybe the attraction wasn't growing with time but hiding for a while and came out in the right moment.


                            Definitely... When I was in the USA on exchange, I barely even noticed him. Except for the fact he was sort of the only one who actually knew where The Netherlands were and what language they spoke there. He got my email address and we started emailing. I fell for him once he asked me to be his girlfriend, and started to grow real love. So yes, but I think that's the way it's supposed to be too.


                              It definitely changes over time. As my feelings for him get stronger, I get more attracted to him. I also find different things attractive about him the better I know him. That's what love is. If you find you are less attracted to someone over time, it probably isn't love.
                              Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
                              Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
                              Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
                              LD again: July 24, 2012
                              Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
                              Married: November 1, 2014
                              Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


                                I was very much attracted to him when I met him. After a while when I fell madly deeply in love with him everything about him just seemed perfect! But as time passes that image also changes Im still very much attracted to him but not in an idealizing way now! However our connection goes way deeper as time passes!

