No one has criticized my relationship with my S/O so far on my side. He has gotten a lot of slack for it, but I have not. My mom knows I am happy, my dad knows I am happy. My grandparents know I am happy as well, but do not really comment further aside from that. My mom actually thinks this is my "one". So, even though my grandma and her sister (since I don't really know what you call your grandma's sister in family, I just say Aunt) talk a lot, apparently she wasn't so clued in about the situation with me and my boyfriend. She said "Who's this?" on a picture I posted of him, I said my boyfriend. After that, she said "Great bring him to Thanksgiving". Well, I said he's in Wisconsin, hasn't my grandma clued you in? She said some, but this is her exact comment:
"Well some but didn't know what he looked like so this could have been a new one. His is hair bleached? He doesn't look like someone u would go for so what do I know. Tell him to come c u. How was your interview?"
I dodge some of this because I just thought it was rude, like the "he doesn't look like someone u would go for" comment, which is plain Jane funny considering my Aunt has never seen a single person I have dated!! But I did say he can't come see me because he has kids and a job he can't leave behind.
Her response is this, even though the comment I responded with? The majority of it was in relation to my job interview, just to get her to stop. This specific Aunt is notorious for criticism as well. While some of you may be thinking what you are about to read is her warning me that I may not be ready for the kid situation, it isn't. You have to know this woman to know. She's commented on how pale I am before saying, "Why don't you go outside?" three times in one day on Facebook and etc. What she doesn't understand is that both one of my sisters and I CANNOT tan!
This is her last comment:
"Kids! How many? Do u really want to start a relationship out with kids its hard enough with just 2 people & out of town. Give it some thought. From this wise old woman. Lol"
I find it insulting she would think I would jump so irresponsibly into any situation I was not ready for. As far as out of town goes, these are the types of relatives I'm kind of *glad* this whole thing is out of town when I think about it. Clearly, she doesn't know how miserable this place has made me since day one. Again, no one has really questioned my relationship until now. My friends see that I am happy. My mom, who I honestly thought was going to trip out, was happy and continues to be happy for me and that is saying a lot, considering my mom and I bump heads a lot. Even she knows that I am making a rational choice. I just need to vent. My boyfriend's at work and so is my best friend so...last resort: LFAD. Plus, I am pretty sure some of you understand what it's like! Just so frustrating and insulting. I am twenty-four years old, not a child --- and again, I would NEVER irresponsibly run into this situation if I KNEW I couldn't handle it. Repeats: It's just insulting she thinks I am that irresponsible and irrational.
"Well some but didn't know what he looked like so this could have been a new one. His is hair bleached? He doesn't look like someone u would go for so what do I know. Tell him to come c u. How was your interview?"
I dodge some of this because I just thought it was rude, like the "he doesn't look like someone u would go for" comment, which is plain Jane funny considering my Aunt has never seen a single person I have dated!! But I did say he can't come see me because he has kids and a job he can't leave behind.
Her response is this, even though the comment I responded with? The majority of it was in relation to my job interview, just to get her to stop. This specific Aunt is notorious for criticism as well. While some of you may be thinking what you are about to read is her warning me that I may not be ready for the kid situation, it isn't. You have to know this woman to know. She's commented on how pale I am before saying, "Why don't you go outside?" three times in one day on Facebook and etc. What she doesn't understand is that both one of my sisters and I CANNOT tan!
This is her last comment:
"Kids! How many? Do u really want to start a relationship out with kids its hard enough with just 2 people & out of town. Give it some thought. From this wise old woman. Lol"
I find it insulting she would think I would jump so irresponsibly into any situation I was not ready for. As far as out of town goes, these are the types of relatives I'm kind of *glad* this whole thing is out of town when I think about it. Clearly, she doesn't know how miserable this place has made me since day one. Again, no one has really questioned my relationship until now. My friends see that I am happy. My mom, who I honestly thought was going to trip out, was happy and continues to be happy for me and that is saying a lot, considering my mom and I bump heads a lot. Even she knows that I am making a rational choice. I just need to vent. My boyfriend's at work and so is my best friend so...last resort: LFAD. Plus, I am pretty sure some of you understand what it's like! Just so frustrating and insulting. I am twenty-four years old, not a child --- and again, I would NEVER irresponsibly run into this situation if I KNEW I couldn't handle it. Repeats: It's just insulting she thinks I am that irresponsible and irrational.