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No official date?

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    Our "timeline" is somewhat complicated, because we've broken up several times. I know in -most- cases, that's not a good thing, but for us it is actually working because each time, we learn from our mistakes and actively work to improve our relationship.

    As for anniversaries, I literally have a photographic memory when it comes to dates, so I'm in charge of keeping track of them.

    We have three anniversaries that count:

    January 28, 2009: The night we "met" in Final Fantasy XI.

    October 16, 2009: The night we finally met in person (I live on the west coast of the U.S., he lives on the east coast of Canada).

    February 20, 2011: The day he asked me back after breaking up with me 6.5 months earlier.

    Hopefully, we'll be creating another anniversary soon, because he's hinted that the next time we meet, he's going to have "something" for me and ask a rather important question.


      We met at 27 of december of 2008 in person for the first time, after talking two months online (had our first conversation on skype at 26 of october of 2008), and we had our first kiss the day we met in person, and were acting like a couple, and dating exclusively and all. but the day he asked me to become his girlfriend was 26 of jan of 2009, so i count from that day, even though it only changed on the status, because we were already acting like boyfriend and girlfriend before that, its important for me, but it was just one month after we saw each other, so it isnt that big difference, specially now that we are almost 3 years together, one month is just one drop in the ocean, of the time we spent and of all the years there are to come!
      our story.


      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


        Oh wow, thank you everyone for your replies! It seems to vary amongst everyone but I honestly thought I was only one of the few, but a few of you have said that you don't have a date set either. I actually just asked him over skype what we should decide on (he's playing a game so it might take him a little bit to reply) and I guess i'll get back to you guys with the answer!


          Yeah, I think it just depends on the couple. This is my first serious relationship, so I tend to remember a lot of things like that, exacts dates and moments, lol, but not everyone does that. Good luck with picking a date though
          You never forget your first love...


            Okay so last night I ended up speaking to him on skype and had a huge talk about everything we went through in the beginning stages, and we fell asleep together so I didn't get a chance to come back here. We decided on a date, which is December 27th, 2010. -does happy dance- haha so yeah my mind is a little less weighed down. Thanks everyone!


              We have had feelings for each other for awhile now, but neither of us thought it was official until we had met. I consider our day to be October 11th. I asked him what this was because we were sititng cuddling on the couch and I'm like I'm not going to be all cuddly unless this is something for real. I didn't tell him that until after he told me we were bf/gf.


                Do you remember the exact date that you decided you would become "bf/gf"? Yes, we became official 4 years ago 10/26/07 though we'd admitted being in love with each other in 2002 but stayed just friends because of the distance. We've been best friends since 1998.

                Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                  I definitely think you should talk to him, my bf and I also sort of had the same thing going on. As for being official he asked me in a weird way.. saying "So does that make you my gf" just randomly one day mid conversation so I was a bit confused and was like "uh sure?"
                  It wasnt until the next day that I was like um.. what happened yesterday and he explained that he meant it hehehe

                  that was just a random story that you know.. isnt really the same thing (but the actual progression to it is somewhat similar to what you are saying.. just over a wide space of time)

                  Now my point was that he sometimes thinks its silly of me to keep asking when the heck is our real "monthaversary" the 29th or the 30th but really I think its important to some people to know these things especially if you are like me and like to celebrate milestones even if they are teensy.

                  As for you I would say that a year is sort of a big deal so definitely figure it out just let him know what you were thinking it was and really ask him his opinion I mean worse case scenario you have to choose something in the middle or something more meaningful to you both than your individual dates but I do think its important to have one. Especially if its important to you

                  Sorry this is getting rambly off to bed now
                  Let us know how it goes and congrats on your belated or upcoming 1 year exciting stuff!

