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And then it was all over...

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    And then it was all over...

    Hello you who remember me.
    I'm back or something at least for a few days while I continue to process.
    My relationship with Katelyn is officially over.
    Allow me to give some sort of walkthrough over the past months events.
    During the summer and during the fall we started to drift away, in the amount of time spent together. The reasons were the same, School, work, friends and other things that always seemed to pop up to keep us apart. This time, distance didn't make the heart grow fonder. Reversibly it caused rifts between us as I had to listen through things such as her coworker had said to her friend that she was hot, or that her other coworker thought she looked like a younger version of his former girlfriend. Sure my work on jealousy had come quite far by now, yet I felt it was a bit insensitive. Constantly were the days where we just spoke on the evening and the most I ever really got was how she was sad because she overate, and I listened through what she ate, or something similar like that. Granted I had to adapt after a while, with the positive effect of not being too dependent on her. After a few months of this sort of treatment we had a fight. I don't even remember what it was about anymore.

    We started working on the relationship after that, however, and it was going pretty good. We started talking more and saw eachother more. Then came this dance party of her friends, that had been in the planning for actually a surprisingly long time as I remember I asked her if she wanted to go with me, despite me being bad at dancing, at least 3 months prior, to which she said no. She said she rather go alone, since I didn't know anyone there.
    Then about 2 weeks ago her guyfriend, well at least that's what she calls him, asks her to this dance and she says yes. Katelyn and I saw eachother the whole evening that same day but she didn't mention anything. In fact she blocked me from her facebook so I wouldn't find the pictures of the two together. The next day I did see them despite that, as her friend uploaded them and I caught them on news feed. I was destroyed within, not as much from the fact that she said yes, as the fact that she actively hid it from me and took measures to hinder me from finding out. This is not the first time she's kept things from me as 10 days before I moved here, for her, she danced with this other guy, dirtydancing to that, and I found it out a week after I had moved here.

    The direct result was that I was too heartbroken and broke up with her right then and there. The fury that I kept inside came out a bit too much at times, I admit. We decided however to remain friends. One evening also after that her friends started IMing me via facebook and told me that I don't deserve her the way I treat her and that I never did. That I was manipulative and controllive etc. etc.

    My second breakdown from this series of events came today when she changed profile picture to one where the other guy holds her arms wrapped around her and she holds his hand in hers. I can't find any sort of reason why she would change that even though she still claims that they have nothing together.
    Idk just ranting and sad.I'm now officially alone, feeling betrayed by the person I moved across the world for, having to stick it out for another few months until I'm done with school and can move back to my own country.

    *hugs* So sorry to hear it ended. If you want chat or just vent feel free to message me. *hugs again*
    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


      That's so awful I'm so sorry to hear. I hope the next few months aren't too. unbearable


        my heart goes out to u. must have been a terrible feeling. i am going to see my LDR partner of 3 years in a few days and i am very worried he has strayed from me.... trying to stay possitive etc. im guessing ill see when im there but if somthings up i know my heart will be internally bruised for a very long time. all the best. hope u have the time to mend and move past this


          I'm grateful at least that I wasn't as emotionally dependent on her as I was at some points earlier in the relationship, and no not dependent as in needy, obnoxious etc.
          It still hurts, but I should be fine. It just sucks that she tries to shove it down my throat. Another annoying thing is that she doesn't seem to have been affected at all by this.
          Anyway sitting here trying to figure out how much this whole charade must have cost me. Somewhere around 20000-30000$ and 2.5 years of my life thus far.


            yeah i can understand. its hard. putting so much time energy and money into a commitment and not feeling the same in return. I visit my partner in a weeks time and are very worried i have spent around $15 grand on trips over the years and hes around the same. deep down i have hope left. but if i was to find out that it has been a lie.... im not sure what id do. i dont fall for people easily but this guy has had my heart for a long time now.

            Funny how people can be on complete opposite sides of things lol. i am here waiting for him to come but unsure if its still what he wants.....


              I'm sorry to hear this. It sounds like she's trying to deflect the blame on you to make herself feel and look better. She was in the wrong and she knows it. I would block her from facebook, so you can't see her and cut her out of your life at least for awhile. It helps getting over someone
              "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                Definitely remove her from facebook. She's trying to make you jealous, and it's working. I think she's been acting strange for a while now. Keep your chin up, if nothing else, school in the USA will look good on a resume. You improved your life. Good luck and take care of yourself.


                  Sorry hun
                  Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                  I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                    I'm so sorry to hear about this ): sounds like you've been through a lot in the last few months! I'd agree with the removing her from Facebook though, might do you good for a little while, you always have the option to re-add her in the future as well It can be a bit difficult keeping an ex as a friend.
                    <3 My Si Shake


                      Wow hon, you don't deserve her, YOU DESERVE BETTER. You moved to her, and for her to say she doesn't want you to go to the dance with her but she's okay going with some other guy is just wrong. Not to mention hurtful.

                      Id say its best to move on at this point and forget about her for now.

                      ---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 PM ----------

                      Wow hon, you don't deserve her, YOU DESERVE BETTER. You moved to her, and for her to say she doesn't want you to go to the dance with her but she's okay going with some other guy is just wrong. Not to mention hurtful.

                      Id say its best to move on at this point and forget about her for now.
                      " There is always hope.


                        try to enjoy it there before you go back to your own country. you are a beautiful guy and you gave her your love. not your fault she was shaddy and hid things from you. you will find a woman that deserves you, it just wasnt her. if you want to talk feel free to message me! *hugs*
                        our story.


                        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                          *hugs* sorry for that, but keep moving on


                            I'm so sorry to hear that - glad you came back an we're all here for you! *hugs*
                            .We've Closed the Distance.
                            no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                            i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                            no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                            all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                            Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


                              Thanks everyone for the support!
                              It makes me feel less lonely
                              Yeah I'm probably going to block her from facebook sometime rather soon.
                              About moving back I've planned to at least finish this semester, despite me not having any motivation anymore to do well in the classes, since I only study here for her anyway.
                              I'll get over her, I've had practice the last few months with seeing her less and less. It just sucks since we used to be so close.

                              Yeah I'm acting like a worthless boyfriend/friend in my relationship with this site. I'm here when I got need for ya but as soon as things are well I just forget to show up ^^,
                              This has been my backup for sanity this whole relationship though

                              ---------- Post added at 02:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 AM ----------

                              Thanks everyone for the support!
                              It makes me feel less lonely
                              Yeah I'm probably going to block her from facebook sometime rather soon.
                              About moving back I've planned to at least finish this semester, despite me not having any motivation anymore to do well in the classes, since I only study here for her anyway.
                              I'll get over her, I've had practice the last few months with seeing her less and less. It just sucks since we used to be so close.

                              Yeah I'm acting like a worthless boyfriend/friend in my relationship with this site. I'm here when I got need for ya but as soon as things are well I just forget to show up ^^,
                              This has been my backup for sanity this whole relationship though

