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why bother with an LDR?

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    why bother with an LDR?

    this isnt a "trolling" thread, honest *angel face*

    i was thinking today about my relationship - about how it has such great ups, but also catastrophic downs. how we have broken up at least 3 or 4 times, yet only for makimum 24 hours. how we have fought tooth and nail for "us", and how sometimes its like we hardly know each other....

    so, why bother? why do we actually bother? and, subsequently, why bother with an LDR?

    well ill answer my own questions first then let you.....

    why bother with the relationship?
    we bother because we have gone through bullying, a death, some mental stuff that i cant talk about (personal reasons), and have supported each other equally. i bother because he doesn't just make me happy, he makes me complete....

    why bother with an LDR?
    because these 8 years are so small, compared to the rest of our lives, i suppose. some days its dark and we do think "wont you be happy with someone else and not worry about being long distance" (both sides), but other days we both think "i cant wait to see you". so i suppose its because we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel....


    why do you bother with your relationship, if there are ups and downs?
    why so you bother with the LDR?

    (once again, im not trolling, i really am just asking and interested in responses x)

    love n hugs

    Because I'm old enough and have been around long enough to lose my innocence and then in turn, my cynicism. He's part of me, and I know what we have is something many people don't have, something I never thought I would have, and I won't let distance come between us. What's between us is so much greater than the miles that separate us.


      why do you bother with your relationship, if there are ups and downs?
      Because he's the only person who has ever stuck with me throughout the ups and downs, who accepts me for who I am completely, who doesn't take my crap, and who loves me for me.
      why so you bother with the LDR?
      Because the 2-4 years that we will be apart are so small compared to the rest of our lives. Plus it's only college so we can see each other over breaks.

      Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
      Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
      Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
      Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
      Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


        Why bother?
        Because he is my best friend. Because I've known him my entire life. Because we fit each other very well. Because I've known for a long long time that no one else will do. I pushed myself through dating other people, and I still always came to the conclusion that he was who I really wanted to be with, if I got the chance. I even had one relatively serious relationship that broke down, purely because my current SO... well, there was always something there. And I got my chance to go and see him, and it was very natural and comfortable and...instant. I know this is something very special. If I didn't truly believe that, then I wouldn't be putting myself through it.
        I don't think there is anyone else in the world I would do long-distance with. Just him.


          Because at the end of the day, LDR relationships tend to be the stuff of legend. You find something in each other that the majority of CDR couples don't find these days. You have to rely on personality alone until you see the person (for those that start out as LDR). You get to know the person on a lot deeper level before you even touch. He's my best friend and does what he thinks is right by me, even if I don't agree with it sometimes. He shows me what I need, not what I want. He's stuck with me despite losing friends on both sides because we were together. We've fought tooth and nail for what we have and neither of us would have it any other way, except to be with each other finally. Soul mate.. only way to describe what we have found in each other.


            you are singing the same song as i am. God that was lovely to read.

            I choose to be in an LDR because it's a relationship that was the first time I believed in love. We've been through some really gloomy days. Either work is stealing time and soul, or there seems to be an endless stream of the tough stuff, but we've always gotten through. I came out and she always was understanding, non-judgemental and supportive to me. Things always feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing every minute we are face to face. Lately things have been on the rocks. It seems like we are on a perpetual see saw --i'm up, she's down. she's up i'm down. we both have found the strength to forgive eachother and address eachother's frustation. there have been soooo many changes in our worlds. there has been so much adjusting to do. i get so sad when things i felt so deeply start to feel numb. i pray we both are able to come out srtronger and live a happy life together soon as she finds a new job.


              because you love them.
              .We've Closed the Distance.
              no matter where i am, no matter where you are
              i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
              no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
              all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

              Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


                You don't pick who you fall in love with. I'm in an LDR because I love him. I'm in an LDR because He's like no one else I've ever met. I'm in an LDR because the ups are worth the downs.

                Also everything 2girlsinlove said <3
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  Originally posted by Rugger View Post
                  You don't pick who you fall in love with. I'm in an LDR because I love him. I'm in an LDR because He's like no one else I've ever met. I'm in an LDR because the ups are worth the downs.
                  Exactly! Nicely said.


                    I'm with him because I love him. If I had it my way, I wouldn't want to be LD, but I fight for what I love and I refuse to give up on something/someone so absolutely amazing because of a small obstacle named distance.


                      I fell in love with a girl and to me nothing can keep us apart.


                        I've been with my SO off and on for three years. He has helped me thought a lot, as I have helped him as well. No one has done near as much for me than he has, He treats me right a loves me for me and its worth it, even if it sucks at times, I know the end result is worth dealing with the distance now.
                        " There is always hope.


                          Why bother?
                          I didn't chose to be in a LDR but I love Chris more than anything and if thats what it takes to be with him them I'm willing to be away from him for long periods of time because the little time that we do see each other is beyond amazing. I didn't know I was capable of loving someone as much as I love him, and even though it may be hard at times, I'm never giving up on him because I know in a few years we'll finally be together =) He's truly my best friend and I'm so blessed to have found him. Being long distance has only made us stronger as a couple and has helped us have great communication and trust. He's stuck by me no matter what and is always there to make me laugh and smile =) I seriously can't even find the words to describe how amazing he is and how much I love him. He makes me wanna dance around like a crazy person haha he just makes me so happy and I can't believe I'm going to have him forever =) Wow..=) He's way worth the 2832 miles =)



                            First let me say that one should not get into a long distance relationship for 'fun' or for a casual relationship. I don't really see way too many of the draw backs (other than being apart for most of the time which does really stink). but I think that's a lot like asking why be in a relationship at all? Every relationship, CD or LD, has great ups and downs. Especially younger people, just starting out dating, will have relationships measured in weeks in CD (and, yes, that happens with older people and in LD). But my point is that LD is sort of a more dramatic and stressed form of what your CD relationship will probably be like. So if it's not worth it in LD, why should it be worth it at all?

                            EDIT: Also, just out of my own curiosity... are you saying you've been dating for 8 years or it's going to be 8 years once you're out of your long distance thing?


                              why do you bother with your relationship, if there are ups and downs?
                              When I first random messaged him, it wasn't like i said i want a online relationship! sign me up. It just happened, but i fell for him. And we got to a point in our relationship where I made a decisions, I was going to make this work. It was a rocky road, there were up's and down. But I had already invested my heart in him. And I truly believe if it's love, you make it work, weather good or bad. It's as simple as that, I bother because I love him. No complicated explination or other reason. It's hard, and it could get a whole lot harder, but I love him so i stand by him, and weather in tears or near to breaking, i'll fight for us.

                              why so you bother with the LDR?
                              The LDR parts unfortunate. It sucks, and I wish i wasn't in one, but that's how the cards played out, not my fault the guy I love is miles and miles away. I think if it was anyone else I would have gave up, and couldn't do the long distance if it weren't him. He makes it all worth it.[COLOR="Silver"]
                              I love you Nathan <3
                              5/25/09 <3

