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why bother with an LDR?

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    When you both realize that you both seriously are in love and want only that person-you put up with the distance. Somehow we found eachother and clicked instantly and just became best friends and lovers. There are some benefits to the distance: You grow stronger and you and your partner really have to try to make things work. If you really care about that person you'll send them texts, you'll webcam, you'll talk on the phone. I feel like in a long distance relationship there is so much more emotional stuff because you have to get to know them through ways other than physically so you have to really get to know them by their personality and you appreciate them so much more when you finally see them. When you see them it's like the most perfect feeling ever. You really do feel complete. I WISH EVERYBODY THE BEST IN THEIR RELATIONSHIPS !!


      Short answer: because my SO is the love of my life, the only man i ever really loved and considered to marry/spend the rest of my life with.

      because it is him, it is me, it is us. if any part of this equasion was different, it wouldnt be worthy it. but it isnt different, and it is worthy it! <3
      our story.


      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


        I believe all of us here are in LDRs because, at some point, we all found ourselves at a point where we couldn't consider not being in one for the person on the screen, for all that person represents and could represent.

        Shamefully cliché but true, when you close your eyes and leap off a precipice, you could either land safely or you could grievously harm yourself, but either way you plummet through thin air, sometimes screaming and sometimes calm. Nobody can tell if you if jumping will be worth it, but, could you live with yourself if you didn't?

        I guess we all said no.


          why do you bother with your relationship, if there are ups and downs?
          We have had our disagreements and moments but I could never see myself with anyone else. He is truly the most amazing caring and supportive guy I ever met. He knows me inside and out and I wouldn't trade him for anyone.
          why so you bother with the LDR?
          Thats just the nature of love. I would not be in this situation if I wasn't truly in love with him. I mean we have always been long distance which has been hard, but now he is deployed overseas and that brings a whole 'nother part to this. I consider it the last true obstacle until we can be together for good and start our life together
          " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
          Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

          Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


            Well, for us they are mostly ups He just ticks all the boxes for me, and where his from, whilst a complication, is irrelivent. I don't find an LDR more of a bother than a CDR honestly, though the lonliness bites.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              Because he's wonderful, and as people have told me a lot recently he's the other half of my soul. This all just sort of fell into place, and it's LD because we happen to live so very far away from each other most of the time, even if we met in person to start with.
              It will be so wonderful to see him, and knowing he's somewhere, but still here for me is lovely~


                Like someone else said: "because the ups are worth the downs".
                Because being apart is hard but I can't conceive my life without him in it.
                Because he is everything I've been looking for and it happened to live 11000km away! So what? he is still the one that makes me feel complete.

                I had many boyfriends before but I wasn't able to move, not even a few km for them, and I'm willing to take a 18 hour flight for this guy without even blink.
                And I know, at the end, we'll be together.


                  Every relationship has its ups and downs. No matter if LD or CD. I "bother" with mine because I love my SO so much. I wasn't looking for a relationship and neither was my SO, but we found each other. We clicked instantly. We have such a strong emotional bond. She makes me so happy. I'll never let her go again.


                    i think that ldrs are hard, only if there is something there you will survive the distance, you are free to find something easier and still you insist there . Also in my opinion when the only thing you can do is talking you eventually know the other person better than having him right next to you and never make a serious conversation .


                      Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                      Every relationship has its ups and downs.
                      Ditto! I'd also like to add that you even have ups and downs in your relationship to your friends, family members and work collegues and with some of them you don't question the worth of it because you can't quit it. I've had tough times with a lot of people that fall in that category and I don't love them any less. For every bad thing there are three good things, good memories that make it worth it all over again if I have to put in it in those terms.

                      LDRs are tough simply because of the physical aspect that is important to both me and my SO. We love to be physical with each other, but to us that doesn't mean we have to quit. Or the simple fact that life and work can and does get in the way. I know he is good for me and treats me right. He is working hard so that we persevere and so do I. I love him for being the person he is. I just do. For me, it doesn't get any better than this.


                        Why bother with my LDR?

                        I'm older, I've left a slew of boyfriends and a couple of husbands behind me, and it's not my first time at the rodeo, if ya know what I mean. All of my past relationships were local, I didn't plan to be in an LDR, but I found what I thought was impossible at this point; the guy who gets me. He understands me, he accepts me for who I am, he encourages me, he's not afraid to point out when I'm being a jerk and does it nicely. He loves me, and does it exactly right. Yeah, he lives in Finland and I'm in the US, but what can you do? After all those years of failed relationships with local guys, I found what I was sure didn't really exist, so I've learned to live with the distance. Considering the alternative, I'll take it

                        Sure, I hate the 4200 miles between us, and I can't wait until we're in a position to close it, but in the meantime I get to travel to amazing places and see really cool things. I try to focus on the positive things that make this whole thing more than worth it. If you're lucky enough to find the right person for you, a few miles shouldn't be so big of a deal.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          I figure in my relationship, the ups far outweigh the downs, and the ups are far better than the downs are bad. I also love my SO, and as much as I hate saying goodbye to him, I know that the excitement I will feel when I see him again makes it worth it. I can't imagine not having him in my life, and I would do anything to be with him. He feels pretty much the same way... He's the best man I've ever known, and no one else measures up.

                          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                            I'm with him because I fell in love with him, from the bottom of my heart I love him, he came into my life when I was on the brink of suicide and he showed me what love is, he showed me that even someone who had never met me would be there for me if I needed him, he honestly saved my life. I don't care where on the earth he is he could be 5000+ miles away and I would still love him, the distance doesn't stop love it only makes it stronger.

                            Met: 8.17.09
                            Started Dating: 8.20.09
                            First Met: 10.2.10
                            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                              I bother with my LDR because I have no choice but to cope with it, it's the USMC lifestyle and I wouldn't give up on him for the world. I think a majority of my relationships have been LD, a few of them with my best friends who are Marines. You get use to it and you realize that it won't last forever. That's the thing you always have to keep in mind. If you love someone, are they worth waiting for? I love my life regardless of the hardships and the fear I face every time he deploys. It's scary not knowing if he could come back, but I'm what gets him through those hard times and he turns around and does the same for me. Love is a powerful thing.


                                1. Why do you bother with your relationship, if there are ups and downs?

                                Because ALL relationships have ups and downs, regardless of distance. If someone can't handle that reality, they are not ready for a relationship! When you love someone, you both find ways to make it work. We support each other through the ups and downs.

                                2. Why so you bother with the LDR?

                                Because I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. I love him in a way I have never loved another person. The few times we are together in person are more than worth it for all the times we have to spend alone. Because we are perfect for each other. We believe God brought us together. Because I love him whether he is 1 mile away or 1 million miles away; distance doesn't change love. I love him with all my heart, soul and strength and I know he loves me in the same way. We also know our distance is only temporary and one day we will be together in person every day.

