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Moving on

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    Moving on

    Do you think it's possible to completely move on from someone you love in a matter of weeks?
    What constitues "moving on" to you?

    moving on is when you know if your ex asks for another chance, you would say "no" without a second thought... x

    i dont think it is possible to fully move on, to be honest. the first guy i ever dated, i still wish that he was here and my friend (not dating)... was a sticky breakup where he moved and we cut contacts


      If the feelings in a relationship had fizzled out a while ago then it is completely possible to move on within weeks of breaking up. Moving on is being able to detach from any former romantic feelings you had for that person before dating again, if those feeling are still there when dating it is more of a rebound I'd say.


        I don't think i could "move on" in weeks, i doubt i could. If we were to break up, i feel that it would break me. My SO said he could move on with time. So i guess time can heal all wounds. But for me i know it wouldn't be weeks before i was over him. I can't even imagine getting over him and losing these feelings of love for him. But i guess its possible for some.
        I think you moved on completely when you have no romantic attachments. No hints of longing, no remenessing about kisses or dates or wishing to be comforted by that person.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          It's possible. I was over my ex within a week or less. Granted he gave me a reason to get over him quick, and any lingering feelings I might have had dissipated with that. However, it's been a little over a month since things have happened with my current partner and even if we're not together-together, in the sense there are no labels, the idea of being with anyone other than my partner turns my gut. I feel physically ill at the idea of even meeting someone else, let alone moving on from him. I'm not saying I couldn't. I think it's possible for everyone to move on with time, no matter how strongly attached they are, but it would come with conditions. I honestly don't feel we could ever be friends, not for a very long time if at all. :/
          { Our Story on LFAD }

          Our Beginning
          Met online: February 2009
          Feelings confessed: December 2010
          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

          Our Story
          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

          Our Happily Ever After
          to be continued...


            I can't do it but I know people who can. my ex-bf is just one of those that can. 3 months after we broke up he found another girlfriend. he later told me that it would have been sooner but out of respect for me he waited. yeah right... whatever!


              I agree with the people who said if that relationship was on the outs before the official break up moving on, n getting over it happens that much faster. That being said, I was once told the appropriate amount of time to completely get over someone is half the time you spent in the relationship. So if you were together a year it will take approx 6 months to really be in a place to move on. I don't know how true that is. It definitely took me at least a year to really get over my 5 year relationship when that ended, but I knew that was over before we officially called it quits.
              "You want for myself
              You get me like no one else
              I am beautiful with you

              I am beautiful with you
              Even in the darkest part of me
              I am beautiful with you
              Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
              You're here with me
              Just show me this and I'll believe
              I am beautiful with you"



                I think it depends. Its been about 5 weeks since me and my ex broke up and there is no way I am over him. I guess it depends how long you have been together and why you break up.


                  I think it is possible to get over your ex aka to move on in a matter of weeks, but it is situational, you know, what kind of break up it was. I've had ex-boyfriends who I got over real quick because I didn't love them as deeply as I thought I did or the break up was so easy. And then I've had an ex-boyfriend who hurt me so bad that I took a very long time to get over it and him. Five years to be exact. And I can't ever be friends with him nor forgive him for the hurt he has dealt me. Honestly, everyone is different in how long you take your time to get over someone. It's nothing to be ashamed of if you just need a week to get over someone as long as you're sure about your feelings.

                  For me, moving on means that you don't feel attached to that person anymore nor do memories hurt you. Also what mefashion said about never even wanting to get back even though your ex asks for another chance. You won't ever go back to that person. Period.


                    I think the more time you spend privately crying about the need to break up before you actually pull the plug, the less time you tend to spend crying afterwards, because you have already got a lot of the grief out of your system.
                    This is why the dumper often has a headstart on the dumpee as far as getting over it goes.
                    But there is also often a certain "shock" period after the failure of an intense love relationship where the grief hasn't fully taken root, yet - a sort of delayed response - and this can look a lot, to both the individual and others, like being over it immediately; more likely, they haven't quite started to process their feelings yet, but it is coming. I have been in this position, and when the pain finally, properly hit, it rocked my world, because I wasn't expecting it.


                      I think it all depends on the break up. It is possible to move on fully from a break up if the other party had done something very hurtful, or it was a mutual break up where they're doing it for each other. It took me 1.5 years to fully move on from
                      My pervious relationship.

                      Moving on means you have detached yourself from your ex. Those little things that used to remind you of them is no longer valid.


                        weeks? I think it depends on the person, the relationship and the situation. I think moving on means letting go. I think it means being able to be greatful for what has shared and learned, but to be able to not rely on or think of how that person is or how else they can effect you. I love Tyler Perry's movies with Madea, and he said that you know you have moved on when you are given the chance to take revenge ( or anything of that sort) and you choose not to take it. When you are the bigger person and do what is best for you.
                        Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                        I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                          I don't think I could, but it might depend on the person? I know my ex-boyfriend had a new girlfriend three weeks after we had broken up, but I wasn't ready to date anyone for more than six months after breaking up... I think it also depends on the reason that the couple breaks up.



                            I really think it depends on how the relationship was when it ended. If for example I had felt myself falling out of love with the person and we both knew it wasn't going anywhere, then it would obviously be a much shorter period of time than if I had loved the person so deeply and they abruptly ended it. I think I would have a hard time coming to terms with something like that and it would take me months. If it were to happen with my SO (God forbid), I would probably never get over it, and if I did it would take years. I would then feel like if anyone else were to come along, I could never completely love again. Or maybe that's just me being dramatic lol.

