Originally posted by Zephii
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I want him to realise that i'm quite happy to continue as we are, LDR, and I can visit him when I get the money together, maybe he can visit me one day if he can get the money together, until such time as we are both ready to take the next step.
Like, i'm quite comfortable at the moment with what we are doing. Obviously I would prefer to physically be with him, but not until he is ready.
Maybe i'm being too forward? We've only been together since March, although we knew each other since before then, but I think it's too soon for him to put an ultimatum on us? You know? I just don't know if i'll be able to convince that to him.
Bleh. It's starting to make me feel uneasy about going to see him =(
I have to agree with the others that said it seems like he's not ready for this step. I feel like from what you've said, that anything you suggest will be shot down. Maybe try asking him bluntly if this is the case? Maybe if you both can discuss it openly then he'll be able to see that you can continue the relationship as it is until a later time.