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How often do you get to see your SO?

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    Originally posted by stephanieaz View Post
    I think not knowing when we'll see each other again makes this even harder on me.
    It's the same for me.

    We know each other from kindergarten...ahhh long story...anyway,this is my second month of LD, before we were CD for just two months.
    I don't know when we'll see each other again and, I think that, when this will happen, will be because we will be closing the distance.
    Plane tickets are too expensive for me know. Minimum 500 euros for one-way ticket...


      Nbaby, that's cool that we have the same avatar. Great minds think alike!

      Wow, I truly envy you couples that see your SO ever few months! I wish it was like that for me. My SO and I are hoping to close the distance in two to three years, so right now, we just enjoy our daily Skyping and such. I wish every single one of you all luck!

      As far as saving money, I don't do anything that I don't need to. I mean, I don't buy anything extra if possible. I go to school then straight home. It sometimes sucks not getting to do anything or go shopping a lot, but since it is helping me to see him, I don't care. He is my everything, and I will do anything to get to see him. <3

      To read our love story, click here.


        So far my SO and I have visited once a year.. first visit was for 2 weeks (Nov. 2010), then 6 months later, I saw him for 4 weeks(May/June 2011), and then 1 year later and I saw him for 3 1/2 months(June-Sept. 2012). I'm not sure when we'll be together again, hopefully at least next summer, though it'll probably have to be a shorter visit, like 2-4 weeks, because we're starting uni courses now. We're looking at a good few years before we can close the distance.
        Last edited by squeeker; October 29, 2012, 12:07 AM.


          We've been seeing each other twice a year:
          2010: When we met CD, and his first visit to the USA
          2011: His visit to my university, and my visit there after I graduated
          2012: His visit here after finishing university, and...
          ...Well I don't think we'll get the second visit this year since we're both working now and our schedules are incompatible, plus trying to save money.


            Ooh somehow I missed this thread yesterday.

            Currently, the number is once every 2 years... but we're going to aim for once a year after this. We've been together for 2 years and 2 months and we've only been together in person once (this past August). We don't have a solid date set for our next visit yet since it's so far away (July 2013), which has made it difficult to cope with being apart again.
            Last edited by kittyo9; October 29, 2012, 12:24 AM.
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020


              We aim for 3-4 days once every other month.


                We're international, but instead of a huge ocean there's only a small river between our countries
                We get to see each other ever three to four weeks for four-ish days.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  Not often enough. )=
                  I've known him for almost two years and I've seen him once, this past summer. It was for a month though, so that was nice and I know it's more than some people get.
                  I'm currently tossing around the idea, with him, about me going back there to visit again in the spring.. so that would be around 6-9 months since our first visit.
                  Our original plan was for me to come home then save money to move there, but that's proving to be more difficult that we had hoped and I would much prefer another visit than going a year or more without seeing him again. After this visit, if nothing comes up to stop it from happening before then (like me finding a job or something), then I will come home and continue the job search to move to him.
                  I love the man but I hate the distance. I much prefer being with him than away from him, I just don't want to drop everything and move to a new state with nothing but hope and a man to cuddle with.

                  But, to answer the actual thread and get back on topic, we're not international, but we still don't get to see each other often because of financial/life issues. We get to visit once or twice a year apparently.. at least, that's how our planning seems to have it working out for now.
                  Last edited by XxFranticLovexX; October 29, 2012, 05:03 AM.
                  "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                  This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                  "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                  Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


                    About every 3 months for 90 days. There are exceptions like this week to sneak in an extra week at 60 day mark instead. When I go back home next week, I will have to wait only another month before I can come and stay with him for another 90 days.
                    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                    Benjamin Franklin


                      For me its a very long long way between us. We've been together for 15 months and will be 18 when i finally meeting him for the first time! I'll have 2 months to spend with him at least. I honestly don't know if our love is strong enough to compete with the distance... the thought of being apart really just makes me sad. If we are able to maintain it though, I'm thinking two times a year at least. I'm sure I wont survive anything less


                        2009: One visit
                        2010: One visit
                        2011: Three visits
                        2012: Two so far

                        That's a little less than twice a year on average. Our visits lasts more or less two weeks.
                        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                          On average it's every 6 or 7 weeks. However there are periods when we see each other every month (late spring/summer) and sometimes we have to wait 2+ months (autumn to winter) - depends mostly on our work schedules.

                          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                            Originally posted by jleec24 View Post
                            My SO and I will be in the same situation next year! I'll be in England she's currently in Utrecht. When I have military breaks, I will be visiting her straight away and if I can get a few weekends off I'll definitely visit her one of them that I get the chance.
                            Oh yeah defenitely the same kind of situation! Do you already know how you will travel? We go by bus now because it's cheap but it does take up a lot of time. I didn't find anything cheaper though and as poor students we can't afford to buy planetickets every time
                            Good luck to both of you!


                              Originally posted by memyselfandi2x2 View Post
                              Oh yeah defenitely the same kind of situation! Do you already know how you will travel? We go by bus now because it's cheap but it does take up a lot of time. I didn't find anything cheaper though and as poor students we can't afford to buy planetickets every time
                              Good luck to both of you!
                              My SO is relatively wealthy so she doesn't really sweat that stuff. Her choice of travel will probably be via the Eurostar. Mine greatly depends on where I currently am and how much time we have together. If we have just a weekend together and I have enough saved up to catch a red-eye, I will take that. If I haven't got enough for a red-eye both ways, probably a Eurostar as well! As it doesn't take as long as the ferry or a bus. If we have longer together (a week or more), I probably would take a bus as well just to save up for those occasional weekends.


                                We have been together for a year and a half. He lives in England, I'm in America. Our first visit was for one month in the summer of 2011 (Summer of Love!) ...I flew to England to stay with him on his Narrowboat! It was very romantic, and I absolutely love England, too. This past summer he came to visit me in the states for one month...and we got married! We traveled around Oregon for our honeymoon and had a blast. It is so damn hard to say goodbye! The first goodbye, at the Liverpool Airport was beyond agony...I kissed him so hard his whiskers left a lovely burning reminder for hours after! And the airport had this stairway that went up 4 flights, behind a glass panel.We said our goodbyes right before I ascended the stairs. Each time I came to the next level and looked out, he was still there looking up at me...his face looking redder, I knew he was crying! No! keep smiling, you mustn't lose it now girl! And at the last level my romantic boat captain took off his cap and waved it me...I remember hearing a gasp come out of my mouth and felt a stab of pain, I stopped for just a second, there was a long line of people behind feet now just operated on automatic and I was numbly plodding on...that image kept playing in my head relentlessly throughout that long flight back home and I would just burst into tears, sobbing (quietly!) like a lost child, I could not hold it back. We discussed that scene afterwards many times and agreed it was one of the most painful things we ever experienced, partly because we just didn't know how long it would be before we saw each other again. So the second time, with him leaving the U.S., we agreed to make it as quick as possible. I pulled up to the "drop off" area, we got out of the car and hugged and kissed and fought back tears...I took a deep breath and drove away, telling myself I can not possibly cry and drive safely, so I better just save it! I started to cry when I got home, but the pain was so huge...I had to stuff it back, it was too much to bear all at once. I learned to let it out in small doses, like releasing a pressure valve, and that worked well. Money is the only thing keeping us apart, and he is finishing college at the tender age of 56! I might get to see him at Christmas for a couple of weeks, I might not...the finances...but ! My man is moving here to Oregon summer of 2013, and the adventure continues...

