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Big age difference !?

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    We are just dating he isn't my SO but there is about a 30 year age difference.

    I think mutual respect, the person's character, and similar values (especially if you plan on having children together) are the important things in a long term relationship.


      It just depends on what the couple thinks is best.


        I would think that an age gap would become more apparent. The number one problem in communication is generational in this instance and personal enjoyment/fulfilment will differ once the older partner reaches the Middle Ages before the other. People tend to get less active, less social and more confined as they get older. While travel and other activities are still done they are done differently!

        I wouldn't find a man that was 20 years my senior to be a practical life partner but to each their own.


          The two most successful couples in my life, have sizable age gaps- one 10 years (30 and 40 when they married), the other 18. (19 and 37 when they married.) Granted, I've also seen some flops of marriages that had a large age gap. But I certainly have never seen this whole sizable age gap = dooom thing.

          Honestly, I hardly notice the age gap between my SO and I (10 years, 2 days.). And I don't treat it any differently than if it was a typical one. We are very, very different people, from vastly different backgrounds. Age seems to be the least of our differences, lol. We didn't even know each others age until we had already developed feelings for each other. We had both assumed that the other person was in their mid-twenties. Man, the poor guy. He thought it was all over when I found out he was 28.

          Thing is, I know he's more mature than I am. I will be the first to stand up and say, "I am a whiny little teenager, who doesn't know jack." He's done so much with his life, while I haven't even started. I'm not afraid or ashamed to admit that yeah, a 19 year old and a 29 year old together is a little strange. But it works for us. I want someone who can provide for and protect me, and be the voice of reason and guidance I need, and he wants someone to care for, to be a partner, and to love him.

          I don't judge people for their enormous age gaps. I know they're together for a reason, and while yeah, there are a lot of creeps out there taking advantage of younger people, there are a lot of couples that genuinely love each other, regardless of age. The heart wants what the heart wants.


            I think interest and compatibility matter more than anything else. As a society we place limits on what would be acceptable and what should give us the creeps though, and thats probably not gonna change much. So... why worry about it? Personally I've never been interested in someone outside my age group. I don't find older men interesting or attractive in real life. Im in an exciting time in my life and I want someone to share that with too not someone to whom it may seem distant and silly.
            Im glad that you're happy in your relationship and thats all that matters. You do have to take other things like life outlook, family planning and health into consideration though; no way around that I think. Its part of being compatible.


              I don't really thinks age matters too much, but it all depends on maturity. My bf and I have a big age difference as well. We are 11 years apart in age. My bf was surprised when he found out my age because he didn't expect the type of person I am to be my age. But the main importance in a relationship like this is maturity and communication. Of course my bf and I have had some obstacles to overcome but in the end it was all worth it.


                yeah.. I was surprised myself as well to learn that my Rob is 13 years older than I am.

                he doesn't 'feel' that much older, maybe it has something to do with the fact he has a small kid himself?
                his mind is very young... sometimes even younger than mine I have to admit. but at the same time, he is way older and wiser and gives me good advice.
                The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

                Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


                  Love doesn't count ages. As long as you have faith, hope, and love to each other, you'll find the place for both of you.


                    well I'm sorry I couldnt respond to all of the replies on here but I have read all of them. Thanks for all the positive replies I appreciate them, and I respect the other opinions.

                    Just wanted to say that sometimes we can't judge a person's relationship from its outside look, no one lived other people relationships, there is a lot of things we don't know about it.


                      Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                      The older you get the less the age gap matters. My personal limit would be 10 years older and 5 years younger

                      This is how I feel about age differences. I've only ever dated two people my ex and my current boyfriend. My ex was 5 years younger than me (when we started dating he was 18 and I was 23). My current boyfriend and I have a 6 year age difference (he's 32...33 in march and I'm 26). With my ex I couldn't definitely feel the age difference toward the end of the relationship (almost 3 years later). I was becoming much more mature and he...wasn't. With my current boyfriend though I don't really feel the age difference. I guess the only thing is that he has many more life experiences that he can tell me about than I do but, really that's about it. I think when you get a little older an age gap doesn't really bother you as much.

                      Met Online: 02/2012
                      Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
                      First Met in person: 09/22/2012
                      Started Dating: 10/30/2012
                      Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


                        I have an 11 year age gap in my relationship if you love each other & he treats u right don't worry about age difference❤

