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Denied fiancee visa

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    Denied fiancee visa

    I was denied for my fiancée visa to the uk.
    We met all the requirements expect for the money part
    We have to have 23k£ saved up just to get me there.
    Its unfair and an unreasonable goal.

    If anyone else if trying for a fiancée visa make sure you read everything about the money
    requirement first they are very strict on it. We have to wait another year now to save up the 23k
    so I can try and apply again.

    We are both very upset but we have agreed to try again and see if we can make it ... if not we have decided we will have to part ways and that is the most awful think to ever have to say to him .. it just about killed us to agree on it. ='[
    Last edited by MeganK; April 6, 2013, 12:49 AM.

    Wow.. I'm so sorry to hear that.

    £23k seems like an EXTREME amount though, I think you'd be hard pressed to find any regular person who LIVES in the UK having £23k sitting around in their savings... Unless they were saving for a house.

    Sounds like the UK government are trying to make it hell difficult for any international relationships to close the distance there.. that majorly sucks. I feel especially sympathetic because I could have EASILY been in your position.. with my SO being from England and all...

    big hugs and MAJOR anger at the UK government on your behalf right now!

    Edit - the more I think about it, the more I think that it just can't be right.. the average income for most brits is about £20k a year, give or take... so they expect you to have OVER a YEARS worth of income in savings? that just can't be right..
    Last edited by Jazi; April 6, 2013, 12:59 AM.
    Met Online: February 2009
    Feelings grew: January 2011
    First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
    Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
    Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
    Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
    Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
    Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
    Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
    Engaged: 1st of July 2012
    Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
    Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
    Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
    Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
    Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
    Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

    Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


      Originally posted by MeganK View Post
      I was denied for my fiancée visa to the uk.
      We met all the requirements expect for the money part
      We have to have 23k£ saved up just to get me there.
      Its unfair and an unreasonable goal.

      If anyone else if trying for a fiancée visa make sure you read everything about the money
      requirement first they are very strict on it. We have to wait another year now to save up the 23k
      so I can try and apply again.

      We are both very upset but we have agreed to try again and see if we can make it ... if not we have decided we will have to part ways and that is the most awful think to ever have to say to him .. it just about killed us to agree on it. ='[
      Can you not try other options before parting ways, getting married elsewhere, then doing the spouse visa?


        Really sorry to hear that. Can you reapply as soon as you have the money or is it a year between applications?


          Originally posted by Jazi View Post
          Wow.. I'm so sorry to hear that.

          £23k seems like an EXTREME amount though, I think you'd be hard pressed to find any regular person who LIVES in the UK having £23k sitting around in their savings... Unless they were saving for a house.

          Sounds like the UK government are trying to make it hell difficult for any international relationships to close the distance there.. that majorly sucks. I feel especially sympathetic because I could have EASILY been in your position.. with my SO being from England and all...

          big hugs and MAJOR anger at the UK government on your behalf right now!

          Edit - the more I think about it, the more I think that it just can't be right.. the average income for most brits is about £20k a year, give or take... so they expect you to have OVER a YEARS worth of income in savings? that just can't be right..

          That's what I thought that it didn't sound right ... but the requirement right now says he has to make 18.600k a year well he falls short by about 2700£, he has in his bank account 14k, in savings 4k but bcus he doesn't make the 18,600k a year he has to make up for that in savings plus id have to stay for 2 1/2 years then id have to re apply after that for another 2 1/2 years I have to be there a full 5 years before i can even think about applying for citizenship .... so the math problem she had on my refusal letter was this

          2700x2.5+16000 = which came out to like 22,795 something daft like that

          the only think is .... the money has to be in his account for atleast 6 mnths for it to even be considered useful he has 14k now but
          she only took 12k in to affect bcus it sat there for 6 mnths, she also took in to count the money I had saved up which wasn't much but we still fell short, its absurd imo but sadly there is nothing we can do but try and save up for another year and try again.

          if we wait another year ive figured up with what he makes now after tax he will have around 7k after 6 mnths which will take him up to 20k in his bank plus his savings which will go up so he might have around 4500k then and that takes us over the 23k limit but we cant apply until march by then he will have loads more but as I said before it has to be in here for atleast 6 mnths to even be acknowledged.

          its a complicated mess and very very frustrating bcus the immigration laws are changing again this nov .... and that might make it even harder to get in but sadly we wont know until that comes around. =[
          Last edited by MeganK; April 6, 2013, 01:15 AM.


            Originally posted by redapple View Post
            Really sorry to hear that. Can you reapply as soon as you have the money or is it a year between applications?

            We can re apply as soon as we have the money but as I said up ^^ it has to be held for 6 mnths so we would still have to wait a year so the money can just sit for the time frame they want.


              How about you get married somewhere then apply for a spouse visa? I can't even think of you guys getting separated just because of a fiance visa. I'll feel really bad if that happens.

              I have to say this: fuck governments. They always have weird ways of keeping us away from our SOs.


                Sorry to hear.

                How much of the financial numbers did you know before you submitted your application MeganK?


                  Gah, I'm sorry to hear that What the UK government is doing right now makes me want to leave the country for good, to be honest. Today's the start of the financial year; a raft of new cuts have come into effect and it's going to make it harder than ever for people to stay afloat financially. With the way things are I wouldn't be surprised if it had a knock-on effect on visa applications and whatnot. Of course I'm not trying to bring you down further or anything, just know that you couldn't have done anything differently this time around. I don't have any advice really, but I do hope you guys will be able to work it out
                  Last edited by lademoiselle; April 6, 2013, 04:04 AM.


                    Is moving to/getting married in the US an option? I know that they don't have any kind of monetary requirements for the spousal visa although you do need to fork out a couple thousand for the application, medical checks, police check etc.


                      :'( I am so sorry to hear that. The experience must have been heart breaking You guys are so far away and still trying for each other and here, at times, I feel I can't cope up with my distance =( I hope you guys find a way somehow. No one should have to part ways just because of the situations.
                      All relationships go through shit.
                      Real relationships get through shit.


                        Have you considered actually getting married and THEN apply for the spousal visa?

                        To be honest I wouldn't want to live in the UK and not making more than £50,000. It's not a cheap country.


                          Originally posted by digitalfever View Post

                          To be honest I wouldn't want to live in the UK and not making more than £50,000. It's not a cheap country.
                          There is a lot of people that don't make that much money in the UK. Up until a year ago my SO and I were making half that and we were able to afford a flat, go out on the weekends and have food in the fridge. It isn't that expensive, unless you are looking at the £1000/week flats in London.

                          Are you sure the fiance visa requires you have that much in savings? For my unmarried partner visa that I am applying for it only requires that your sponsor makes a certain amount of money per year and has been at the job for 6 months and over. I just looked and he needs to make over £18,000.


                            Originally posted by digitalfever View Post
                            Have you considered actually getting married and THEN apply for the spousal visa?

                            To be honest I wouldn't want to live in the UK and not making more than £50,000. It's not a cheap country.
                            Getting married then getting the married partner visa doesnt change the amount of money you need. It's the same for both visa's.

                            I've owned a home and had holidays and such on £24,000 a year, and i live in Birmingham, the UK's second city. If you honestly think you'd need 50k to have a good life here you must have really expensive tastes!! Lol
                            Last edited by leonsfangirl; April 6, 2013, 05:18 AM.
                            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                              £50,000 is a lot of money, especially for a single person.

                              If you were earning that sort of coin in Sydney or Melbourne, you could live pretty comfortably. Rent in Melbourne seems to be a bit cheaper than in London but other expenses are noticeably more expensive. Every Brit that I have met here has said that Australia is definitely more expensive than the UK. When I was in London, grog and food (especially supermarket food) was a lot cheaper than in Melbourne.

                              Is pursuing another option like an unmarried partner visa or spousal visa an option Megan?

