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Sitting and Waiting

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    We usually have one day a week that is ours, and we will talk more often that day. On the other days, we do usually Skype, just not as long. I know I'm really, really lucky in that regard. Well, on our last special day, I sat by the computer waiting...and waiting. He didn't call, and I got slightly worried. Things got busy here, as a friend of mine stopped by and some friends of my daughter's stopped by. He called to say he was going out with friends and would be calling about bedtime. I was sad that he hadn't Skyped earlier and that his friends would get the best hours of the evening, but I was happy he could go out and have fun. I was also extremely relieved that I wouldn't be sitting by the computer by myself. What a perfect day for my friend to drop by! I think it's better for a guy to know his girl has a life without him, but I'm embarrassed to say I spend way too much time on the computer hoping to hear from him.

