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My LDR is both the happiest and the saddest thing in my life.

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    My LDR is both the happiest and the saddest thing in my life.

    I've been in a long distance relationship for almost 3 months. I'm from Argentina, and my girlfriend is from Italy.
    I had a really boring and sad life until i met her on Omegle, a site to meet strangers. Since that time I knew she was special, and i could not let her go. We added each other on Facebook and we've talked for hours everyday since then. Once we chatted for 18 hours straight. We see each other everyday on skype, and it has really helped us out, seeing her makes me the happiest man in the world, but the distance is killing us.
    It makes us so sad going to sleep alone every night, not being able to kiss her, hug her, take her hands, go for a walk together.. all those things normal couples do and we can't, it's just destroying us.
    We've talked many times about it, she's the perfect woman for me, and i'm the perfect man for her. We live so far away and we can't afford plane tickets right now, we haven't met in real life yet, but we do see each other on skype everyday. We just don't know what to do, we know we're perfect together but being apart is really making us sad.
    This relationship is the happiest and the saddest thing in my life, and i wanted to tell someone about my story, since we have kept it in secret so far, and it's really hard not having almost anyone to talk about this. Just needed to express myself and my feelings, thanks for reading!

    I think you're going through with so, so very many long distance relationship couples go through. I can CERTAINLY relate. I love my SO more than I can say, and he brightens my life like no other person can. But at the same time, the distance sucks and can sometimes be a downer.

    Keep your chin up! When you can feel someone's love from thousands of miles away, I think that's proof that love knows no distance!


      Yeah, the distance sucks! But it's nice knowing that someone out there loves you just as much as you love them. Though this forum is great for those times when you really need some support because the distance seems so much.. because we all are in similar positions, being geographically separated from the ones we love. Stay strong!


        I totally know how you feel. My boyfriend is the light of my life, and at times the ONLY light. I also haven't met him in real life but we Skype every day. It can definitely be depressing, not being able to actually be in their presence, but I'm just thankful we've been so lucky with how much we get to Skype. Welcome to the forum!
        "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


          I know exactly how you feel. We have been going through it for four years. We met online on Facebook, and still haven't met offline. The closest we have come to meeting face to face is frequent Skype video calls. We have been lucky to be able to have almost daily contact with chat, Skype and messaging. Now, due to changes in his job, we can't chat or Skype during the day, only when he is off work. That will mean LATE nights for me, with the 17 hour time difference. And we will be relying more on e-mail than we usually do.

          I will say that in the beginning, it was very upsetting that we couldn't actually have physical contact, it was especially hard for him to handle, and we came close to giving up more than once. But we never have been able to stay away from each other. So we have learned to handle our relationship, and accept that things won't always go the way we want them to. We have committed ourselves to the possibility of a very long road ahead, in a long-term LDR, due to extenuating circumstances in both our lives. It's been hard to accept it, but it simply isn't time yet for us to be together physically.

          Yes, the distance, the frustrations, the loneliness, and the time differences suck sometimes, but it is doable. And the LOVE and Connection between us makes it all worthwhile. When I see his name pop up on Skype, or get a notification that he's left me a message, I have a smile on my face that lasts for hours. And when we have the opportunity for a late night chat or Skype call, we both go to sleep with smiles on our faces, and happy dreams.
          Last edited by AussieAmericanGirl66; February 4, 2014, 01:49 AM.


          Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


            Thank you all for your responses, i'm new to this forum but i can already tell that there are many wonderful people who are living the same than i am and can help me with kind words, thank you all!


              When I saw your thread title, I had to shout "Amen!" It is sad to be in love with someone far from you, and there isn't much to do about it. The only advice I have is to try to keep connected in any way you can. The little connections mean a lot.


                I just wanted to say that your post is so sweet. It is a nice reminder of how beautiful this all really is, I mean even having someone to feel this way about... life is pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing. I hope you find some support here!

                Met in July 2006
                Dated very briefly in November 2006
                Reconnected in July 2011
                Something changed in August 2013
                He visited in November 2013
                I traveled in November 2013
                I visit in February 2014


                  Such a sweet but sad post, and yes, a lot of people in here feel that way. I hope you continue to be in contact, and that you can afford to meet in person soon.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    I guess in this type of relationship it is farily easy to feel despair and sadness. I'm in one of those periods at the moment, but what really helps to move forward and continue this relationship is to focus on how much I love him and all the things he makes me feel. Try to concentrate on small things that can bring you closer together and details that can remind her that you're there, even though you're not THERE. Everytime I start getting that awful sense of my stomach being pulled from behind my back he just tells me how much he really loves me and everything goes away.


                      This forum is amazing, thank you good people!
                      We're only 16 years old, and it's really hard for us to travel such a long distance right now, money problems and our parent won't let us. We've decided she would come here to Argentina to study and live here, and it won't be a long distance relationship anymore, it will be truly amazing and we'll be so happy, but we need to resist these 2 years being so far away, and your answers helped me a lot, thanks, i'm sure i'll be posting here a lot these years seeking for help or giving advice, this forum is really great with great people.


                        "The happiest and the saddest thing in my life," that's exactly how I would describe it. My SO is wonderful and I don't know where I'd be without him, but at the same time it's heartbreaking that I can't be with him physically.

                        I heard once that LDRs, despite the distance, might actually be stronger, because since they can't do a lot of the little things most couples can, they will never take those things for granted. To LDR couples, even being able to just hold hands and kiss is something special. I treasure just being able to see and hear my SO.


                          Originally posted by iPie View Post
                          I heard once that LDRs, despite the distance, might actually be stronger, because since they can't do a lot of the little things most couples can, they will never take those things for granted. To LDR couples, even being able to just hold hands and kiss is something special. I treasure just being able to see and hear my SO.
                          THIS! And also I would add the connection that comes with communication. In a LDR it may be that we communicate more and better than we would if we were living under the same roof. (Doesn't apply always of course).

                          And yes that feeling when you are together and you are able to hold their hand, kiss them, smell them, fall asleep next to them...


                            Distance is the hardest part of being in a ldr and being young just makes it so so much worse. My girlfriend and I were going to meet last year but her family wouldn't let us and that put a massive strain on out relationship. we spent a whole year just wishing we could be together and getting by on the thought of we'll meet eventually.
                            My advice to you is just to keep your head up and think about how amazing it's going to be when you actually do meet. If you can hold on, I promise it will be so so worth it in the end
                            my girls <3

                            Josie (SO)
                            Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                            Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                            Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                            Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                            Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                            Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                            Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                            All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~

