I dont really know where to start, so please forgive me if I ramble. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3.5 years now. We met through a game online and a year later i went to met him in person. Him and i had a very great relationship, at least together, things have kind of changed on the computer recently. After, the first time I went to meet him, we decided to try to live together. He is in Costa Rica and I am in California. I lived there with him for 6 months leaving everything that i had here, pretty much giving up everything. My parents of course were not happy, then we got pregnant. I just recently went visit him after a year of not being able to see him at all. Our daughter also just turned one last week. He is really upset that we are apart and wants me to move to Costa Rica because it is going to take him a long time to ever be able to come here. The problem is that I am in school and school will take me at least another 5 years before i can get my degree. He gets upset with me because he says that my happiness is material and his is just us being together no matter the place, and he has no way to get here right now. When he was a baby his mother took him from Nicaragua to Costa Rica and never got him is papers in Costa Rica. So he has spent his whole life in Costa Rica illegal. I understand why he wants me to move there, I just do not know what the right decision is. My parents threaten that I will lose everything i have here if i decide to move to Costa Rica. I am going through school and my parents put a car in their name that is my car and I pay for every month. However if I moved there i would have no way of paying for the car, so the say they will sell it. Also, they say if it does not work out, I am on my own basically. I understand that as I am 24 years old and an adult. I am just not sure what i should choose. I really am so much in love with my boyfriend, but I am confused as what choice to make. He can not offer me anything sure and secure, he says that we will figure it out, the important thing is that we are together. But I am scared to give up everything and things do not work out, and I am left with no way to support myself and our daughter. In CR i would not be able to continue to go to school and i would not be able to get a job that i wanted because I would not have any legality seen as he is illegal himself. He wants to fix his legality in CR and that is taking a long time, they keep denying him. Another option is for him to go back to Nicaragua and try everything from there, however he is really against that. My parents and everyone else tell me to move on that he doesn't want to come here and that he just wants me to go there and give up everything and he is being selfish. But I love him and half of me is ready to give up everything and go, and the other half is scared to let go of security that i have here. Opinions? thank you