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Marriage talk with your SO

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    We have talked about the fact that neither of us want to get married to anyone until we're finished with school and financially stable. He's starting law school next fall, and I still have 2 years left in school, so we aren't interested any time in the near future.

    "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
    - A. A. Milne


      We don't talk about it that much but we both know that we want to get married. It's not going to be anytime soon, though, because we want to close the distance first.
      How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


        We talk about wanting to. But for some reason he doesn't like to discuss it. He gets stressed out. . .


          My SO and I have these kinds of talks constantly


            Originally posted by Tabitha View Post
            We have talked about the fact that neither of us want to get married to anyone until we're finished with school and financially stable. He's starting law school next fall, and I still have 2 years left in school, so we aren't interested any time in the near future.
            Thats what my sister did! Very smart
            "Forever and Always"


              Me and my Hun talked about it and we both want to get married, but it is all up to him. I said i want something creative, so he needs to work a bit xD
              I will see what he will come up with... but i would say anyway yes :3


                Nope.. we've only been together 6 months and are fairly young still..
                One time, I did joke about me not taking his last name if we would marry, cause I couldn't face the idea of both my first name, middle name AND my last name beginning with the letter "L".. would sound like a weird alliteration

                But other than that, no.. Marriage isn't something I'll want to rush into, so talking about it isn't that appealing..
                It's too important to me.. When the time comes, I want it to be JUST right..
                Plus, I'd want to be engaged a few years beforehand.. I like the idea of being engaged.. sounds so romantic and: that way I'll be able to postpone the stress of a wedding for a bit longer

                We aren't in any hurry I can easily enjoy my BF without the legal paperwork.. so for me, it's most likely not happening until I'm in my late 20's - at the earliest! 30's is more likely.. so I'll probably have one or two kids by then..


                  We've started talking like this too and every time it happens, I just can't stop blushing! My boyfriend really isn't a commitmentphobe so he brought it up in the first place. We're young (I'm 19 and he's 23), but I think with the distance, it's only normal that we should be thinking into the future.

                  I was very undecided about marriage before I met him, but he really would be an awesome husband and a wonderful father. ...I want to have his babies!

                  Okay, okay, back down to the present. Day dreaming is fun. All the marriage/engagement talk is aimed at least 3 years into the future and I'm so glad we're on the same page.

                  Married: June 9th, 2015


                    My husband and I had those talks less than two months into our relationship...When we had met and started talking in September of last year, he had made a comment about waiting at least four years before he would settle down for education and careers and such. I was disappointed by this, but was willing to wait, even when we entered into a long distance relationship. By December we had decided we would close the distance, get engaged, and start school together in Summer 2010. Things in my homelife had us closing the distance unexpectedly, and much sooner than we planned, but despite some obstacles with his brother's crazy gf and his little sister, everything fell into place. Instead of our original plan, we got married that summer I loved those talks...There's nothing like dreaming about, and hoping for, the future Now our dreaming tends to lean toward getting settled (more difficult than anticipated), house, and babies.


                      Adam and I have been having these talks a lot lately. We are in the process of finding a ring. Then he can go back and get it and propose to me when he feels fit.
                      I asked him to wait until after my 21st in August (which works nicely so he can use his tax refund) and I have a feeling he will propose in September... but I don't know really.
                      So we are using these couple of months to get ideas together so we can start planning straight away. It will take us longer than normal to plan the wedding as we are living in VIC, Aust, and will be having the wedding in our hometown of Brisbane, QLD, Aust. So we will have to fly up to check out venues and caterers etc, which will obviously take some $$$ and time.
                      So we have a lot of things planned already - the date, the venue, my bridesmaids, I have a pretty good idea of the dress, bridesmaids dresses, pretty good idea of the food, the colours etc etc

                      We decided we will have a 2 year engagement so we can plan and organise but yeah we're using these couple of months for ideas etc.


                        We've met, but before we did, he was already saying he wanted me to move with him. :]
                        Our six month anniversary is in 4 days and we've only spent a week together, but I already have quite a bit of the wedding planned. I seriously need to be blocked from this entire section because it's giving me more ideas.
                        I'm just gonna propose with a ring pop so people will think I'm less crazy for planning a wedding when I'm not even engaged. Lol.


                          We do sometimes. He actually brings it up more than me. I think it's just a good way to understand that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! I always get so flustered when he talks about it. It's so exciting to think about though!!! *blushes*


                            Its come up. In the very beginning when we were thinking of getting together, but me being worried that because he's 5 yrs my senior(20-25),he'll pass usual marriage age by the time I'm even ready to get married. But he said that he would want to be successful and able to support a family before he wants to get married, and I definitely need to get out of all my schooling, get a job, and such. IF we end up married to each other, it'll still be another 5-6 years or more down the line.


                              Me and my SO always talk about it I know im only 15 but i cant wait till i get married to him


                                Yeah, me and my SO talk about it alot, we're engaged(without rings) though. We go on websites and search around. I look at dresses and show them to him to get his opinions. We look at flowers, and tux's,everything.

                                We already decided we want to get married in a small christian chruch.(same religion)

