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Marriage talk with your SO

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    My SO and I have talks about marriage and our future together all the time. we started doing this around last fall and it's gradually become much more open and fun! Recently it's even become pretty serious...(: Basically i would say that we are pretty much "unofficially engaged" so now talking about these sorts of things isn't awkward anymore. we both enjoy it!


      Awwww this thread is so sweet! Haha, my SO and I talk about it all the time. I think I say, "I can't wait to be your wife!" about every three seconds...he first mentioned it around Christmas (he said I should expect something sparkly one of these days :P), and I know he's going to propose when he comes over for Christmas to meet my family (he wants to ask my dad's permission--how darned cute is that???).

      We are "unofficially engaged" as well. Literally, the only thing we are waiting for is for him to meet my family (since I'm spending the entire summer with his :P), but I think we do a good job of balancing grounding ourselves in the present, yet always revolving around the axis of the future, and our hopes and dreams together. So, in essence, we talk about it constantly, have made a few tentative plans, but we're really going to sit down and plan it out this summer.

      Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I'm so lucky to be spending the rest of my life with him!!
      "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


        We've talked about marriage pretty seriously over the past couple months. My SO is dying to move back to the states and we gotta get hitched to do it. The idea of being married freaked me out to begin with, but I'm getting used to the idea. He's told me he's been thinking about how he's going to propose, so I expect something sometime this year (since we have to be married within a year if we want to move back to the USA in 2!) I think the plan is to get married courthouse style and then once we've settled in the USA have a big party.

        Wedding planning we don't talk about. He brought up dress code once and I basically said I didn't give a shit what people wore. Jeans and tshirts is cool with me. He liked that. Also, don't tell anyone, but he's watched Say Yes to the Dress with me, and we comment about the dresses. He'd kill me if he knew anyone knew that! I just say things like I don't want strapless because I want to dance a lot, and nothing to heavy or bulky.

        But yeah... that's about it!


          We've never discussed any thing marriage.


            Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
            Also, don't tell anyone, but he's watched Say Yes to the Dress with me, and we comment about the dresses. He'd kill me if he knew anyone knew that!
            haha, my SO has watched it before with me, it's really not his favorite show though . I skype with him while I watch them though and last night I was watching "girl meets gown" and he was listening along and heard the different title of the show and was like "seriously? this show is exactly the same as say yes to the dress!". he also asks me whats going on in the show when he can only hear it, pretty interested in it for someone who doesn't like the show imo
            Met Online: February 2009
            Feelings grew: January 2011
            First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
            Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
            Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
            Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
            Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
            Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
            Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
            Engaged: 1st of July 2012
            Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
            Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
            Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
            Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
            Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
            Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

            Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


              We talk about our wedding a lot. We actually went and looked at churches last year and picked one where we're going to have the ceremony. We also checked out a possible venue while we were already there...

              We're planning to get married in January 2015 and I told him for that to work out he'll have to propose within the next year (until June 2013), because I'm not going to start planning a wedding without a real proposal and to get the date you want you need to make a deposit and arrangement with the church and venue about a year to 1.5yrs before the actual date.
              He told me he's going to do it, when I least expect it We've definitely been having a lot of marriage talk lately.

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                We started talking marriage quite early into the relationship. Unfortunately not only for romantic reasons (though those are still there) but for practical ones, since in order for us to be able to live together, I'd have to have a residence permit in his country, and the best way to go about that is to be married.

                That said, we are engaged (since last summer). Still don't have a date in mind (depends on a lot of factors), and when we do get married we're not planning anything, probably just a small civil ceremony and then a low-key party with family and a few friends.
                I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                  We discuss it fairly frequently; general ideas, really, about how we both want to wear dresses, and what our colour scheme would be. We also occasionally look at pictures of engagement rings to see what we'd like.


                    We have talked about it in the past, but it's not something we're looking at doing right now. Our main focus is getting him here and closing the distance and stabilising ourselves. I told him I wanted to live with him for around 6 months so we can get an idea of how we work as a couple under one roof. I'd love to get engaged after that though. I don't really think about weddings but I know that I want it to be somewhat small and intimate.


                      I'm twice divorced. Got married way too young (22) the first time and things didn't work out (he was an alcoholic and there was infidelity as well- we're friends now though). I was married again at 27 and thought that one was forever. The divorce was final in November of last year. We separated in August 2010 though it was probably dead long before then. The final straw that broke the camel's back was infidelity on his part. It was at least an emotional affair if not physical. I can only speculate on the physical but seeing as they (ex friend who I accused of infidelity with him) are now together and expecting a child it doesn't seem unreasonable. My SO and I have been together for just over 16 months now. He's way too young to consider marriage and I'm happy with that. I'm kinda disillusioned with marriage given my history. Both had infidelity issues and emotional abuse (to some degree - the first husband was alcoholic and put me through the wringer with it and my 2nd husband is passive aggressive). Though that said, I did tell my SO that if we ever travelled to the USA together to meet up with some mutual friends I'd go for the crazy quick-e-wedding (has to be in Vegas with Elvis and a whole heap of other stupid conditions) in one of those 24 hour wedding chapels. It would be completely meaningless though because it wouldn't be recognised under Australian law.


                        Originally posted by notyourexgirlfriend View Post
                        Though that said, I did tell my SO that if we ever travelled to the USA together to meet up with some mutual friends I'd go for the crazy quick-e-wedding (has to be in Vegas with Elvis and a whole heap of other stupid conditions) in one of those 24 hour wedding chapels.
                        Haha! Miguel and I were planning to do that for a while! It just HAS to be with Elvis :P

                        "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                        -Miguel De Cervantes

                        Read our story HERE


                          Well, who else should marry you but The King LOL


                            Early on and even now we'd talked about actually getting engaged and married, but we've never talked about the details....
                            Not to get clever
                            but with you I see forever
                            But whatever it is,
                            Here's to you,
                            I Love You Kid...


                              My SO and I have discussed it several times, especially soon after my SO's mum died. He even has a ring . However, despite the fact that we try and stay together every holiday, he wants to wait until we know exactly whats happening... Although, we have both agreed that our future is together, and that one day we will get married and have children. (and we have already discussed names...)


                                The SO and I finally had the marriage and babies talk! When I was there this past weekend, I found out that an old friend of mine got engaged and was a bit shocked, since she's not been with him very long, and he's her first boyfriend of any sort. We were discussing how long we thought seemed like a good length of time for people to get to know each other before getting engaged, and we both agreed that for us we're kind of at that stage, haha. Later, we somehow got on the topic of kids, and I just flat out asked, you do want to have kids with me some day, right? He laughed and was like, well, I kind of assumed we would!! And then a day or two later he commented on having opened the floodgates for questions! Haha.

                                Kind of relieved that we had that talk before we move in together in a few weeks!

                                Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                                Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                                Closed the distance June 18, 2012!

