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Doesn't want to wear his wedding ring

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    My S.O. doesn't like rings, but he said if it was important to me, he'd wear a wedding band...
    Luckily for me, we don't have to think about that just yet, because I don't know how I feel. I grew up with my mom only (my dad died when I was young) and once mom remarried, neither her nor her husband really ever wear their wedding bands (same with my grandparents.) and it's never been a huge problem. So I'm not sure how I feel about it.

    First Met Online: October 2010
    First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
    Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
    First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
    Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
    Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
    Engaged!: June 1, 2013
    Picking out wedding dates now!


      Well, my SO and I have talked about it, and he would wear one occasionally but if he wore a metal ring to work it could kill him. :P He's an electrician and wearing metal could increase his rick to being electrified, or his hand could get caught and his finger would have to be cut off.... so if he doesn't wear it I don't think I would be TOO upset... just if he chose not to wear it when he wasn't working is when I would be upset.


        Weighing in as the bad guy here, I don't intend to wear a wedding band. I've never worn rings, they make me feel incredibly uncomfortable, and when I do wear them I fiddle with them until I ultimately lose them, because I am absolutely useless. For everything but the initial ceremony and special occasions, I will wear my wedding ring/engagement ring (if I get one and not a substitute piece of jewellery) on a necklace around my neck.

        I understand that it's an important symbol of love and unity, but I'll still be wearing it all the time, just in a different place. And I'd hope my SO would understand just HOW irritating I find wearing those bloody things, and respect that. If he really is upset about it, I dunno. I'll have to undergo hypnotherapy or something.


          I really hate wearing rings too... then again, my parents never ever wore their wedding bands, and now they're divorced. So I would probably wear it out of superstition I guess... I like the idea of wearing it around your neck on a necklace or something though!


            Originally posted by Summer View Post
            One option I've heard of is getting a wedding ring tattoo... the ring getting caught can be a serious issue, but it's also nice to have a constant reminder of your commitment (and a signal to other people who might be "looking" ).
            My SO and I have talked about rings, and he said he wants to get a tattoo of my name underneath the ring. I think it's sweet.


              My SO is kinda weird about jewelry too. He loves rings. LOVES them. But he really can't stand wearing a necklace for too long. I dunno, it makes his neck feel weird or something. I wish he told me that BEFORE I bought us both puzzle piece necklaces last year for Christmas XI
              In my opinion though, I can certainly guarantee that I would take it the wrong way if wearing rings made him feel that same physical discomfort especially a wedding band. But I can definitely understand too. I think I would probably have to ask him to at least try to wear it for like a month straight, and if it still just gives him the woolly-buggers, then I guess wearing it on a chain would be a decent alternative. Or getting a tattoo around his ring finger mentioned in an earlier post, that's a great idea.
              Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
              Our first LDR ~ August 2009
              Closed the distance ~ January 2011
              He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
              Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
              He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
              Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
              Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

              Proud of my Airman!!


                Originally posted by rivi87 View Post
                Yea I wouldnt like him not to wear it and insist on him wearing it esp if Im wearing a ring to symbolize my love and devotion to him thats fair. That being said my SO has already told me he would have no problem wearing a ring. It would have to be a durable one though (I'm thinking tungsten or titanium), he does alot of work with his hands but when he's working with dangerous machinery I would want him to take it off then...
                my so works with dangerous machinery at work and they arent alloed t wear rings in there. so i would be ok with him taking it off during work times, but wearing it all other times. its something important for me.

                he never wore a ring, and earlier in our relationship said the only ring he will ever wear will be his wedding ring, our wedding ring now. <3
                our story.


                02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                  Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                  Well here in Finland (it concerns you now Moon ) both the man and the woman usually wear an engagement ring... And they usually buy them together too which I know isn't very romantic but it's practical lol.

                  Andy finds that weird too since they don't do that in Britain (and probably not anywhere else either by the sound of it hah) and he said he wouldn't want to wear one. I really wish he would but I'll cave with this I think as long as he promises to wear the wedding band!
                  we do that in brazil too!
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    Originally posted by morgan(: View Post
                    Well, my SO and I have talked about it, and he would wear one occasionally but if he wore a metal ring to work it could kill him. :P He's an electrician and wearing metal could increase his rick to being electrified, or his hand could get caught and his finger would have to be cut off.... so if he doesn't wear it I don't think I would be TOO upset... just if he chose not to wear it when he wasn't working is when I would be upset.
                    my so is an electrician as well!
                    our story.


                    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                      My personal feelings are that I'd prefer him to wear his wedding ring all the time, unless, like some have mentioned, he was in a field of work where doing so could be dangerous, then I would ask he wear it when he wasn't at work. I personally would wear mine everyday, and only take it off when necessary, because I like the idea of having the ring symbolize our commitment to each other. Lucky for me, it seems as though he'd be happy to wear a wedding ring, from prior discussions we've had about rings, so that shouldn't be a problem.
                      But if he was absolutely against it and had a good reason, I would try and work something out to make us both happy.
                      You never forget your first love...


                        We plan to always wear our rings on our fingers unless we're needing to do some work or something with our hands that could either hurt us or the rings by having them on our fingers. We actually plan to pick out matching chains for our necks to wear the rings on for those occasions. To us it's just a symbolic gesture to wear our rings always. I wear my engagement ring all the time, but I work in a kitchen and he is ok with me putting it on a chain during work and I wear it like a necklace at work.

