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Which tech item do you use the most for talking?

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    We're texting nearly all the time, lol. If we're not texting we're on skype or the phone! I love the phone and skype equally because I feel there's advantages to both that you don't get on the other (at least in my case, lol)


      We are on our cell phones texting to each other off and on all day. He's just bought himself a new "i" something and my cell phone doesn't even have a camera. So, I promised him I'd finally upgrade and I'm researching smartphones now.
      Also on MSN IM almost daily either during the day if he has time while at work and/or late evening. Maybe we'll try using Skype or something similar soon, but we haven't discussed it yet.


        Good ol' skype. Cos I get to hear his voice as well as see him everyday

        we use our mobiles too but it's abit pricey all the time so we use skype mostly


          Mostly webcam and yahoo IM, but we also use cell phones, texting and everything else


            We mostly use our cell phones.


              Oh my, well when Garnet and I first started our relationship, there was lots of IMing through AIM. Then once we both got in our comfort zone of webcamming, with me using a Windows computer and her using a Mac, for some reason (Perhaps mine, or hers, or both our connections), we could never get video that would come through clearly, or wouldn't just disconnect. We've both learned to hate Skype very much. :O Since we couldn't afford the costs, LD texting was usually out of the question, let alone phone calls. It was a treat when one of us would send a text to each other. I guess though in the end, it would have to be probably 25% video chat/75% IMing, 50/50, or 75/25, depending on the day. Really helpful numbers there huh. :P


                It started with Skype, because I got no service on campus on my cellphone (crappy campus bah). And then it morphed to emailing and skype because I had an itouch (and wireless areas on campus), and he had his email linked to his blackberry. And over December last year it moved from skype to AIM (because it was terrifically difficult for 2 people in 2 different timezones to be online concurrently on laptops), and I had AIM on my itouch. Now that I'm away for 6 months I set up google voice (calling from my itouch and laptop), and I have a free texting app which works (USA numbers). Apart from that, we're supposed to re-setup skype but that hasn't been done yet. :/

                But it's almost the same as me being the US! Since we can call and text and AIM and well... just basically as though we're not apart... I really need to get skype up again.


                  My boyfriend and I actually started on different messengers, since they made Yahoo Instant Messenger compatible with MSN screen names. That worked for a long time, but when it came time to share pictures, cams, or even voice calls he made the switch to a yahoo account. He didnt really believe in AIM but broke down and got an account when he wanted to meet my best friend (who was not going to create an account and install YIM for "my online lover"). Once they became good friends, him and I moved our conversations to AIM so that the three of us could chat, now the old dusty yahoo logs sit there...untouched for some time. We Started using Skype when he convinced me "its made for calls, it'll be clearer and boy was I hooked when his face wasnt pixelated or fuzzy like yahoo often did! So now we mostly use AIM and Skype for our calls. Its really convenient since both AIM and skype work on an Ipod, as Sheraccoon mentioned. AIM also works on my cell phone so we he can send me messages on aim while Im out and hes in. It cut our texting charges in half. . If only theyd tweak AIM forwarding to send to UK numbers too...but, they are America online...haha


                    We use our cell phones the most. In fact, the computer is used very rarely. My SO isn't computer savvy... we have never skyped or anything. We just talk on the phone or text.


                      Yahoo messenger both voice and text since we can call through our phones on Yahoo which is cool and doesn't use cell phone minutes, text message, Skype for video and voice tho video is kind of sucky on a slow connection and we still log into Second Life to play together as well.
                      Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                      Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                      Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                      You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                      Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                      Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                      Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                        Yahoo messenger and unlimited talk and text messaging plan. These help me survive each day without my SO.


                          A text or two a day is the norm for me and my love. The time difference is a big reason for that. The occasional Facebook message happens. Mostly we use AOL Instant Messenger though. (Old school I know, but old habits are hard to break) We used to love to Skype but horrible connections make it a pain anymore. Definitely going to look into Google Talk.


                            hi,my bf has got a new cellphone with internet connection(android phone),so what he always did he always call me with cam in yahoo messenger video call,whenever he's walking outside,sitting on a bus,sitting on a resto,he will call me and tour me around,it feels like im there wid him,.that was awesome!


                              Well at first we started using Xfire, which is a chat software for gamers, and lets u know what they are playing etc.... but after a while i made him create an MSN account so we could web came and share pictures and stuff...
                              and later on we realized that skype was the best thing we could use to webcam, call and chat, but we still use msn to share pictures and to txt each other.


                                My Marine and I typically use our phones. He has a Sprint Droid and I have a Motorola Atrix. We typically webcam through those if we are out and about but if we are both at home/base then we will webcam through our laptops. We tend to text and send picture mail a lot throughout the day to show the other what we are doing or where we are just so we can feel like we're apart of each others lives again like the times before he went to boot camp. I use Oovoo when talking to all of my Marine friends but when I talk to him I use Skype. Oovoo is perfect for webcamming on the phones if you have the App.

