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Do you and your SO talk about marriage?

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    Do you and your SO talk about marriage?

    My boyfriend and I have talked about it often, not making any commitments or anything. But he has a whole plan in his mind and tells me all the time that "I'm the one" or "(he) wants to spend the rest of his life with me". I'm starting to get used to it because it is amazing to hear him say those things, although for awhile it freaked me out because i thought it might be too presumptuous....
    Do you talk to your SO about marriage related things? How do you feel about it?

    Yes. We don't know when we want to get engaged/married just yet, but we do talk about those things. I love it!


      It's been brought up before sort of as a joke like "well we could always get married to get you a visa.. haha". But recently my SO will say things like "Do you want me as your partner for the rest of your life?" and things like that. The actual word "marriage" might come up in the next year or so, as we are now planning on moving back to the States.


        We really started seriously talking about it more recently. We always knew we wanted to get married someday, but now were talking details. Actually todays wedding talk day lol, were going to sit and just throw wedding ideas back and forth. He says he know he's going to propose, and we have an idea of where we want it. And we have a date period when we want it. I know he's the man i want to spend the rest of my life with. So yeah me and my SO talk about marriage. I feel like im on cloud 9 when we do. I get so full of butterflys and imagining my life with him makes me get so smiley and happy!
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          Lol...yes...and no...mostly I laugh it off. I was hoping to hold off until I'm thirty, but...


            Yeah, me and my SO have jokingly talked about marriage as a way to "scam" more money out of the government for us lol.

            Lately, we have been talking about spending the rest of our lives together. Not specifically marriage (because when we first got together, I was against the whole concept) but just... Staying together. I don´t date casually. I would only go to the trouble of being in a relationship with someone if I actually saw at least the possibility of a future together for us. This is not a view Miguel shares, however in the past 4 months or so he seems to have decided that, at least right now, he would like to spend the rest of his life with me as well. We are only 20, and I´m still not completely convinced about marriages, BUT I think we are pretty set, considering all.

            "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
            -Miguel De Cervantes

            Read our story HERE


              My SO and I talked about weddings often, but we are careful not to make commitments because we still have quite a few years of being apart left....unfortunately.

              I've always loved weddings and have been fascinated with them since I was young. I've been a part of 3 different weddings and some of my best family memories were made there.
              When I really miss him, I'll sit down at my computer and just google every wedding. lol. Everything from dresses to potential honeymoon places. I'll e-mail him pictures of dresses I like or ideas for places and he is always willing to talk about it and offer feedback. I love when he says "I would love to see you in a white dress someday." Its one of the best things he's said to me

              I hope someday I wont just be looking these things up because I miss him, but because it's a reality.


                We watch Four Weddings on tv all the time and talk about what we like (colors, table settings) but there has never been talk about marrying each other. We know we see this long term but the marriage talk has never come up. He asked me early on in our relationship if I'd marry him I told him no and from then on he tells me he'll have to find someone that will.


                  We are both young and are still in school so marriage is pretty far off for both of us. We talk about how nervous and excited we are for our future not just together but as individuals as well. Do I see her as "the one?" Yes. Is marriage our future? Only time will tell. All I know is that I love and care about her more than anyone else in the world outside of my family.


                    I'm far too young to be considering marriage I think. It's something I think I want in the future... but I mean MANY, MANY YEARS in the future. I think that so much can happen in one day, let alone a year, two years, ten years...
                    Sure, I want to stay with my SO - that's why I'm in a relationship with him. But I still have so much life ahead of me, and so much time for things to happen that'll change me and more importantly, my mind, on so many things, including marriage.


                      We talk about it a lot! I know he's the one I want to marry and be with forever and I know he knows the same because he's said it to me too. But we also know it'll most likely be awhile before we actually get married. But every now and then when I'm bored and miss him and want to fantasize about our future I'll look up wedding stuff, which I've hardly ever done in the past... just to see if I can get some ideas so when the time comes I'll be a little ahead of the game. Though we'll probably have a long enough engagement that we can plan things without stressing out too much and being able to enjoy every minute of the anticipation of our upcoming wedding. But it's so fun to think about it, I love just closing my eyes and imagining getting married to him, and I love it when we talk about getting married. I also love how he put it once.. he said he was pretty much already married to me.. and to me that just demonstrated how commited he was and I love putting it that way because I know I don't have to have a ring on my finger to tell me that we're commited to each other. And I just remembered now something he told me during the early stages of our relationship, before we were official, how we both agreed marriage is for life. I can't wait to spend forever with him!


                        Well, not seriously. We did touch upon it once in a while because a friend is getting married and we got into it, but we never were talking about that marriage being ours. I wasn't ready yet to think about our marriage, because I felt we need the time to just be and not talk about any plans for closing the distance or marriage 'cept for when we're seeing each other next. He did say we're going to talk about it when we see each other in six months. However, I think we have to talk about it sooner rather than later due to my getting more comfortable with that idea and because of some plans that are changing. And I don't want any more distance. I'm getting fed up with it.


                          We've talked about it, but not seriously. I often enjoy[ed] reading through wedding threads and sending him pictures of dresses and rings or invitations and decorations, which often got him started, but it's not something we've talked about seriously, as in planning. We both share the want to spend our lives with one another but at the same time, we are also both very young, and for me, marriage isn't necessarily something that I want to happen until after grad school, nor is it something I want immediately but rather as I get older/later on into my 20s. The way I see it is that if we're meant to last forever, a ring on my finger isn't going to prove that any more than our love for one another, and speeding up a wedding/engagement isn't either. I would love to be married some day, but currently, I'm content to be in a long-term, serious relationship.

                          EDIT: I sound so presumptuous using "long-term" and "serious" like that, but I meant more that I'm content to be in a relationship where the want to spend our lives with one another exists but is not rushed, as in I'm happy with the commitment and don't need a ring on my finger to prove it. Still sounds presumptuous, but hopefully that clarified a little bit. :P
                          Last edited by Haley53; December 6, 2011, 12:19 PM.
                          { Our Story on LFAD }

                          Our Beginning
                          Met online: February 2009
                          Feelings confessed: December 2010
                          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                          Our Story
                          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                          Our Happily Ever After
                          to be continued...


                            Yes we do. We're actually engaged, but life took a different turn for us so we won't be getting married when planned. In the last couple of years we've been acting so much like a married couple that we're almost not thinking about it anymore
                            Marriage talk might be scarry, but it is so important! There are so many things you need to talk about and discuss before getting married that you need time to discover i
                            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                            ~Richard Bach

                            “Always,” said Snape.


                              My SO has already said to me that i aint getting away xD Im his woman and we're basically married. As in his commitment to me. We both agreed that if we werent long distance we probably wouldnt be thinking about getting married...just yet. We'd have moved in..i've basically moved in anyway. So much of my stuff is at his apartment xD

                              But yeah he never thought about getting married before i came along so to hear him say that we are basically married was amazing. We're planning for the wedding sometime next year xD but we havent discussed engagment because that is, in his words "his domain". The wedding is mine hehe.

