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HELP Surprise visit upcoming, but last night he turned off his phone mid conversation

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    HELP Surprise visit upcoming, but last night he turned off his phone mid conversation

    Hey y'all,

    I need advice on what to do in this situation. This week, I found out Jare is planning to visit me on Monday and Tuesday of this upcoming week. So, in like 3 days.

    Right now he is a few time zones earlier than me, so by the time he calls, I am generally too tired to talk and somewhat cranky after a long day of school in the morning and being on my feet all afternoon at work. By the time he calls me (and he never contacts me other than via phone call anymore - i.e no texts) it is usually midnight, and I get up at 6:45 every morning.

    So last night, I was asking him kindly that if one night a week (1 night out of 7) he could call me a little bit earlier, even if it was just at 11 my time vs. 12 my time, or even just 30 minutes earlier. Or if one day a week we could just write an e-mail (but he ever responds to those, so I'm not sure why I keep writing. UGH). It is too hard on me to stay up late every single night for him. Ideally I'd love to, but it's simply too tiring and contrary to my schedule. He proceeded to go on a tirade of ranting at me "Do you expect me to stay in my hotel room while everyone else goes out and does something together just to talk to YOU? That's crazy. I won't do that...etc. etc. etc." I wasn't able to get a word in edgewise. He was talking in an angry tone of voice, and was being very rude and condescending. He was also putting words in my mouth. Finally he finished ranting, and I was silent for a moment. Honestly, this caught me off guard. When I tried to respond, he began to talk over me. I said, "Be quiet! All I wanted to say is that I don't care if you go out with your co-workers/friends. It's fine. It was just a suggestion on compromising to help me communicate more effectively with you. I tend to not be able to communicate well when I am half asleep, have been at school for 5 hours and work for 7 hours." But before I could finish, he hung up the phone on me. I tried to call back, but it went to voicemail. And has continued to do so ever since. I believe he has either turned off his phone or blocked my number.

    This is really frustrating because I do not think I will hear from him again any time soon. Things had been going great for us - he got me a ring, I'd been doing better with the distance and little communication, and we had an awesome Skype date together 2 nights ago.

    He calls so late because he goes out to dinner every single night with the people he works with. I really am not a fan of his new job or the person it is turning him into. He has become more arrogant, more condescending, louder, and more argumentative. He seems boastful and inconsiderate most of the time as well.

    Now I have no idea if he is coming to visit, and I intended to use my day off getting my apt. cleaned up and getting ready for his visit. I'm tempted to block is number and ignore him - I'm tired of being walked all over and dealing with his new found self-centered attitude. In my opinion ignoring someone is the most ineffective way to handle conflict, and it's really ineffective in an LDR, too. I feel very disrespected, and this has impacted my opinion of him in a huge way. I have to figure out if I truly want to spend my life with someone who handles conflict like this and feels it is a great way to handle conflict (he has done this in the past when he is angry with me. ignoring me is his way to "prove a point" to me).

    What do you guys think of this conversation and his actions? For this first time, I don't feel like this is really my fault. I've told him a million times he can do whatever he wants and go to all these (stupid) dinners (I didn't tell him I think they are stupid though). I'm supportive of this job, I'm supportive of him even though we only talk once a day for 30 minutes. I'm supportive of the fact that we never visit each other anymore. I just don't know what else to do or how to handle this situation, and I really need some advice. Let me know what you all think!?!

    Honestly, to me, he comes across as bordering on the line of abusive. I have read your posts before where you've mentioned saying everything, in his eyes, always has to be made out to be your fault; he can't simply accept something as his fault or that he could be doing better and move on. I think I remember somewhere you also mentioned that he's a lawyer? Or a law student? In one of those posts? Something like that... Though that may or may not have been you, what he's doing is far from rational argumentation and where I say it's on the borderline of abuse is because he's actually using tactics such as belittling you, talking over you, hanging up on you/cutting you off completely when it's your turn to talk, etc. If not abusive, it is certainly extremely controlling behaviour, and I don't think I could ever be as patient or tolerant with it as you have been so far. It's hard for me to decide what to suggest. On the one hand, I want to say try and talk it out, but on the other, I'm not sure if this is fixable. But I don't see you as being in the wrong here. I see him as being controlling and borderline abusive from what brief commentary/preview you gave us here.
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...


      Thank you for giving me some of your input into the situation. This is very difficult for me to understand, and when an issue comes up, I always like to be certain my point of view is rational and I am attempting to see both sides of the story. Hence my love of input, advice, and suggestions from those who are a 3rd party.

      This all happened last night between 11-12. Since then, I have written him an e-mail and sent one text. His phone still has my number blocked (I know it is not turned off, because he has to have his cell phone on for his job), and I have not heard anything from him.

      It is so hard to decide what to do. Things were great right up until we were LD. And things were relatively great when he had his first job during our LDR. Ever since he got this new job, however, he has become pompous, proud, arrogant, condescending, and he seems to have really run out of time for me. I have the instinctive feeling that he is no longer very committed to this relationship or invested in it. He basically wants nothing to do with me unless it is convenient for him (i.e. midnight my time zone, and last weekend he kept calling me, but I was at work, and I had specifically asked him not to call while I was there, since I wanted him to call when I would be available to talk and enjoy a conversation). He has become very self-centered.

      It is hard to know what to do because I love this man. However, I have little tolerance for these types of recurring situations which I did nothing to cause, because I was in a really bad 5 year relationship prior to this one, and from that relationship I learned that I do not need to put up with being ignored or cut out of his life or treated badly by any guy. It is so difficult to determine what is acceptable and what is a deal breaker. It is hard to know how much room for error to give someone, and when to move on with your life. That is a very fine line, which at 22, I have not yet deciphered. I don't know what issues I want to work with for someone, and what issues can't be fixed. I think everyone, my self included, has some things innate to their personality that aren't easily changed. I feel like Jare deals with problems and conflict by ignoring me. That has been a pattern with him and I do not know that he is willing to change. He honestly believes that is an incredibly wonderful and appropriate way to deal with conflict. And thinks I am wrong for the fact that it upsets me.

      I have no clue what to do. So lost right now. I also am worried about when he does call...should I answer or not? I feel I should, because I want to take the high road and talk things out. However, my gut feeling is to ignore him and be just as passive aggressive as he is being. I feel like now I want to hurt him because he has hurt me. Obviously that is awful and I couldn't do that (I'm a nice girl!) but, I just needed to get those thoughts out.

      Please give me some advice, y'all! I feel so alone right now. He is somewhere in OKC, and I'm in North Carolina. Like, I don't even know how to contact him or where he is. I don't know what hotel he is at this trip or when he flies home.

      This sucks. So BAD. I can't even cry I'm so bummed out. I feel horrible. I'm so sad, I took my ring off, I haven't gotten anything ready for his visit. I don't know what to do here. He just leaves me hanging like this on a regular basis, and it's so confusing. HELP!


        "Do you expect me to stay in my hotel room while everyone else goes out and does something together just to talk to YOU? That's crazy. I won't do that..."

        I would tell him, yes! That's exactly what you expect him to do! You already told him that you only expect it ONE DAY a week! And if he really cared for you, he wouldn't even question it! I think it's time for you to rethink this relationship... He sounds like my ex-boyfriend, who was very controlling and abusive emotionally...



          I would have gone ghetto on his ass. Words cannot describe how angry I am for you. He has no right speaking to you or anyone else in that manner.

          None of this is your fault. You can’t control how he reacts to what you said and you didn’t say anything that should illicit such a response. His reaction seems ill placed and highly inappropriate to say the least. Alright – I think you should give him his space and allow him to come to you. No letters, emails or calling. Why? Because this is rewarding his bad behavior and stroking his ego that even when he treats you badly you will come running.


            Thanks for the replies, y'all. I'm just not even sure what to do. I always seem to meet bad guys. He's so awesome sometimes, though. But when he gets mad, he is terrible. Not that he does anything, but he just ignores me and cuts me out of his life (if we are LD) or when we were close distance, he refuses to talk to me, hang out with me. and if I push him to communicate, he yells and throws shit.

            He texted me today (digitalfever-i didn't text him, this was just random). He said the reason he got mad was "because i have had girlfriends in the past who tried to control me and my schedule and i will never put up with that again". I felt that was stupid as hell, because I wasn't trying to control him or his awesome-so radically cool work life (sarcasm). I simply wanted to compromise on one night a week talking before midnight. I'm wearing myself out waiting up for him. other than that, he texted that he was still visiting this weekend and was over the whole situation. Then why the hell did he make such a huge deal out of things?

            Maybe he is planning to visit, but now I'm not so sure I want to see him. I'm really, really, really hurt by what he did. He blocked my number for no reason - I did not even get a word in between his ranting, so it def wasn't my fault (not trying to place blame, but really, I did nothing to deserve him to hang up on me.) I am so hurt by him, and seeing him do this has really affected my opinion of him and his character. I really try not to get upset at him or go ghetto on his ass (haha) because that makes him get even more angry at me, which, as I am sure you all can tell, is pretty awful anger for me to endure.

            I'm hurt because compared to any other girl I know, I ask relatively little of him. I don't beg him to visit, skype, or even f-ing call me on the phone. I don't go on and on about missing him, I don't speculate about the future, and I don't complain about the present situation we are in. I do my best to try and be supportive of this god forsaken job (which I HATE). I do anything I can for him. And this is what I get in return????

            I still have no clue what to do, but this text really threw me off. He is taking out his anger on me for something I didn't do and have never done - try to control him. And then he adds that he is over the whole situation? I am dreading his visit. Don't know if I even want him to come! How do I tell him that??


              Really think about if you want him to come or not and once you know what you want tell him.

              I'd probably let him know over the phone rather than a text or email because that way he can't sit there and interprete what you say to suit his arguement. If you choose not to see him don't feel guilty - your feelings ad what you want are valid and should suit you first. Your emotions and well being should always be a priority.

              I always suggest starting off with a postive and then going in for the kill and then ending with a positive.

              For example: Baby, I love you and love spending time with you and while I miss you I really think that we should reschedual our visit to another time when we are both more calm and in a more positive place. I wouldnt want to ruin our time together ruined because of our disagreement!

              I think remaining positive wont allow him to bring your down and feed his neggo spree right now.


                Think of it this way. Whether he chucks a tantrum or not, he will have to listen to you if he visits. He can't just block you and cut you off. So you'd be able to explain directly to him why you feel the way you feel and maybe that's what he needs. Sit him down and calmly explain that its making you too tired and that he needs to play his part in the relationship if its to survive. One day a week is not that big a deal when he still has six other days to do what he wants.


                  Originally posted by digitalfever View Post

                  For example: Baby, I love you and love spending time with you and while I miss you I really think that we should reschedual our visit to another time when we are both more calm and in a more positive place. I wouldnt want to ruin our time together ruined because of our disagreement!

                  I think remaining positive wont allow him to bring your down and feed his neggo spree right now.
                  Loving how you put this, digitalfever. I don't know what I'll ultimately decide yet, but I like how you worded this. I'm currently exhausted and have a migraine because I have stayed up til 1 am dealing with him every day this week and woken up between 6 and 6:45 for school/work mega crazy long days.

                  Another worry to add in the mix here is that he is traveling with all girls. His team of attorneys that he goes on these trips with is all girls. My friend said he is probably cheating on me. Ugh. Stressin' me out. I know a lot of the girls on his team are in relationships, and it is a professional environment, but still. I can't understand that all these people put off speaking to their SO's to go out to dinners that last until 11 pm their time. I just can't believe that, but he claims it to be true.


                    I say its done. sorry but he sounds like my ex.


                      As much as he can frustrate me I love him. I really don't want it to be done. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I swear if this relationship doesn't work out, I quit and will grow old alone with a thousand cats (well, actually I can't because I'm severely allergic to cats).

                      But yeah. Damn. Thanks for your honest opinion Alayna. I do appreciate it. I personally hope to God we can work things out. This job ends in May, and his career (lawyer) won't involve travel like this as he is only licensed in one state. I've been through hell and back after my last relationship of 5 years. This one truly is much better than than one could ever have been. I do feel like Jare is the one, but not sure how to navigate the complex problems of being in love. I guess that expertise comes with age and experience that I don't have at 22.


                        I hate to say this, but you shouldn't have to "navigate the complex problems of being in love" at 22 or 102 years of age. True love will not be all that complicated. Someone who respects you and loves you will meet you halfway and never make you feel like shit for needing to make a compromise! Of course any healthy relationship requires some work on the parts of both partners, and the partners will need to work together to make both people happy, but it isn't like pulling teeth. In a healty relationship with 2 well-balanced partners, even conflicts will be resolved in a manner that isn't abusive to one partner (passive-aggression is a form of very sly abuse, IMO). I'm just saying that it will flow naturally with the right person. Time spent trying to navigate the Bermuda Triangle (this is how it is trying to please a selfish person, you never CAN no matter how good to them you are - and God forbid you may need them to give their part in the relationship, or to meet you halfway on anything!) could be better spent just working on yourself.

                        I could do a whole diatribe about my arrogant, asshole exes to cite examples of my experiences. :P I think you're too young to take yourself off the market forever should this not work out. I won't push you to make any decision on this relationship. Just think about how it really makes you feel to be with him. Weigh your options. You never know who's out there, and someone else could totally rock your world and also treat you completely with the respect you deserve, and even be willing to (gasp) meet you halfway on having your needs met in the relationship! Take care of YOU. Don't accept less than what you deserve, period!


                          Originally posted by SquishyLove View Post
                          I hate to say this, but you shouldn't have to "navigate the complex problems of being in love" at 22 or 102 years of age. True love will not be all that complicated. Someone who respects you and loves you will meet you halfway and never make you feel like shit for needing to make a compromise! Of course any healthy relationship requires some work on the parts of both partners, and the partners will need to work together to make both people happy, but it isn't like pulling teeth. In a healty relationship with 2 well-balanced partners, even conflicts will be resolved in a manner that isn't abusive to one partner (passive-aggression is a form of very sly abuse, IMO). I'm just saying that it will flow naturally with the right person. Time spent trying to navigate the Bermuda Triangle (this is how it is trying to please a selfish person, you never CAN no matter how good to them you are - and God forbid you may need them to give their part in the relationship, or to meet you halfway on anything!) could be better spent just working on yourself.

                          I could do a whole diatribe about my arrogant, asshole exes to cite examples of my experiences. :P I think you're too young to take yourself off the market forever should this not work out. I won't push you to make any decision on this relationship. Just think about how it really makes you feel to be with him. Weigh your options. You never know who's out there, and someone else could totally rock your world and also treat you completely with the respect you deserve, and even be willing to (gasp) meet you halfway on having your needs met in the relationship! Take care of YOU. Don't accept less than what you deserve, period!
                          I agree with this completely. A good relationship can have its issues but they are solved in a more mature way than his selfish way.

                          Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                          Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                          Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                          Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                          Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                            I agree that he is selfish at times, but he also does have qualities that are redeeming. I, too, have qualities that are less than desirable and I have good ones too. This is what I mean when I say the complex problems of being in love. When do you know enough is enough, and how does one decide that? How does one determine what is crossing the line and being too selfish and too passive aggressive, and how does one know when it isn't really that bad and should just be tolerated? I'm a firm believer that you can't just run from any problem. What if he is the best person I'll ever meet, the closest match I'll ever come into contact with? And I choose to leave, just because it isn't always perfect. It sure as hell could be worse, and I know from previous relationships that this is a true statement. I spent 5 years with a guy who was truly abusive, so Jare seems like a dream compared to him. I guess that's why it is hard for me to know if Jare's actions are ok or not/acceptable or unacceptable, because I spent 5 years with a psycho who I now have a restraining order on.

                            I guess what I am trying to get at is, how does one decide what to tolerate and what not to tolerate in a relationship? I suppose its a personal decision, but what do you all think on that? As you can tell, I love asking questions and getting others' opinions. Helps me think things out more completely.

                            PS...Thanks for your awesome post SquishyLove. Made me think of things in a new way and made me think of new questions to consider. I appreciate that, and I appreciate your insight and advice. Y'all are the best. Keep it up - this advice is really, really helpful to me.

                            PS: How the heck does he have time to play words with friends with me, but not time to text me or call? My friend thinks he is cheating on me. Because all the co-workers he travels with are girls, and that's when he became such a dick to me. Yep, I'm just winning at life today. Ugh.


                              I have no clue what to do and I'm starting to feel sick. It's 9 pm in my time zone. You think he'd be worried I wanted to leave him after how he treated me, and you think he'd care enough to call before midnight (since I guess that's what he got so angry about in the first place). But no! He is out at the stupid dinner. How exciting can a dinner be? Ugh I just feel so defeated and worthless at this point. I am so upset and too tired to cry. My stomach is in knots. What do I do? I love this man, but I just wish he cared more. I know he won't call til midnight again tonight. And that is just rude, especially because he knows that is upsetting me. I feel like he is walking all over me and I feel he doesn't think I will leave him ever, so he does whatever he wants.

                              I'm so hurt. I wish I had some girlfriends or something to go hang out with. Unfortunately all my friends have moved away. Everyone is gone, and I am here trying to deal with this all alone. This blows. And I'm not even that excited to see him tomorrow. I don't want to kiss him, I don't want to get intimate with him. I honestly don't feel like having a conversation with him.

                              I love him more than I can explain. But what he did last night showed me a lot about his character and made a huge impact on my opinion of him. I can't believe he blocked my number, and I didn't do anything to warrant that treatment.

                              What do I do. Help.

