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He didn't get on his flight...

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    He didn't get on his flight...

    Monday we was suppose to come for a visit. I was getting ready to leave for the airport and I checked my facebook. He sent me a break up letter. He never got on the plane. He was just telling me on Sunday how he loved me and would see me 'tomorrow'.

    I'm still in shock. I really thought he was the one, I really thought we'd make it. I really thought this is what we both wanted, we would both beat the lrd odds. I don't know if I'll ever get closure. I don't even know what happened. We had our whole lives planned out, moving, marriage, kids all in detail, both of us. I don't know what to do. I'm so lost. I never thought I'd have to live my life without him. He always said "love is believing" i geuss he didn't believe enough. Part of me doesn't think this is real, that it's really over but the other part knows it must be. He missed a flight! In his message, it said things like "i don't know if i love you anymore, this isn't the future I want, i don't want to spend the rest of my life with you anymore" After everything we've been though, to be left like a piece of trash. He knew everything about my past, every insecurity, ever way i'd been hurt.... and he hurt me the worst. Part of me just wants him to come back, this was suppose to be my life! I move home to save money to come see him, I did a whole lot more too which I just can't bare to write. I'm so lost guys... Why me? why me...

    I hope he see, one day, what he lost. I can't believe this, I just can't. What do I do? I was never more sure of someone or anything in my life. I hate writing this because it makes it more "real" more "final". I haven't had enough strength to write earlier. I barely do now. I can't stop thinking about everything, every plan, every promise, every word he said to me. No one could believe it, no one still can. but how could someone do this, in this way... how? so cold, so cruel... but I love him, but I know I have to move on I just don't know how.

    He has a huge break down in November since he was suppose to move here in January. We talked everything through (so I thought) and pushed it back to July. He even asked me if Tuesday we could work on his school stuff. He just told me last week about how he thought our foundation is strong. I don't know what else to say right now. My heart is broken. Completely destroyed.

    Oh my goodness I'm so sorry =C. That must be tough. There isn't much advice I can give other than keep yourself busy, do things for yourself, and focus on things that will make you strong again. Until then, time heals all wounds. I'm sorry.


      I'm so sorry to hear that, I can't even imagine what that would be like. Hang in there and try to stay busy, there's not much else that I can offer you


        I'm so sorry this just made me cry. I don't know what to say, but I agree with Yaaamiii, keep yourself busy ad sound time with friends :/ it will take a while to heal those wounds, so give yourself time


          I'm so sorry dearie. It broke my heart when I read your post. Stay strong and keep your head up. We are all here for you! I hope on day things will become clear for his reasons, but live your life. My prayers go out to you!
          "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob


            Wow! I'm sorry this happened. I've actually heard of it happening before... A friend of mine lives in Hawaii and his boyfriend lived in California. He was supposed to finally fly out to Hawaii so they could meet after like a year, so my friend was expecting him and all, but instead during the time he was supposed to be making the flight, his boyfriend broke off all contact and never spoke to him again. It's a really awful time and way to do a breakup, and, like you said, I hope he sees what he gave up.
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020


              I'm so sorry. And I think it was majorly unfair of him to make it such a shock. If he wasn't feeling the love, he shouldn't have been saying it. If he didn't intend to get his flight, he shouldn't have told you he'd see you tomorrow. He so should not have left it til the very last minute. These kinds of things you think about, you don't just wake up and decide you don't love someone anymore.


                I'm so sorry. The best thing you can do for yourself is to be a little selfish and take good care of yourself before anything else. What he did was too cruel, the only consolation right now is to try to be grateful that he showed himself for the unfeeling coward he is now, rather than when you moved with him. I know it feels like the end of the world and you're hurting unimaginably, but just know it will feel better, it takes time and you can't rush it, you just have to allow yourself time to grieve. The best thing you can do, as hard as it is, is cut contact. Trying to be friends or pleading for further explanation really won't help you, every time you talk to him, it will set back your healing process.
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  This post broke my heart. I am so sorry to hear this. *big hugs* I think you should try and stay busy and as time goes on, your heart will heal. He was a coward in the way he went about it and should NOT have done that to you! =[

                  "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                  Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                    Oh sweetheart... my deepest sympathies What an awful thing to happen. I can't believe he strung you along like that - unintentionally or otherwise. Dropping such a bombshell was an incredibly inconsiderate and cowardly way of handling the situation. I'm really sorry you're hurting right now. The others have given some good advice, so all I'll add is that you will indeed come through this tough, tough time even though it may not feel like that at the moment. Hugs and best wishes x


                      I am so sorry your going through this. I can't imagine the hurt your feeling and going through. He shouldn't have blindsided you like this, you deserve more. Stay strong, so sorry though,
                      I love you Nathan <3
                      5/25/09 <3


                        thank you everyone. i don't know what else to say. i never expected this... we always worked through everything i thought. I have to bank the good memories and just let myself see what actually happened. i'm so scared to do so, i'm so very scared. this was my life, my future and it just disappeared like that.


                          Stay strong! *hugs* i cant believe people can actually do that kind of thing. It made me so sad reading your post.


                            Wow. Really, really sorry to hear that. That's just plain mean, and you deserve so much better. Take care of yourself, and good luck.


                              This is heartbreaking. I wish I could say something other than that. I'm so sorry that this is something that you are going through and you know we are all here to support you in anyway that we can.

