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Do you believe in destiny?

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    Do you believe in destiny?

    Having been around on LFAD for a while now I've come to know the stories of how many of you met your SOs

    I think to myself sometimes how crazy it is that had it not been for our paths crossing online, or a friend we both happened to know, or ending up in the same place at the same time (for those of us who started CD), we may well have missed finding the loves of our lives. Was it chance, just a question of luck? Or did fate have a hand in it because it was meant to be?

    If my SO had never stopped to post on my wall on the website where we met, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this today. I'd exchanged messages with so many people on that site, yet I remain in touch with just one - the best! - of them.

    I believe in destiny. Do you?

    yep i do i met my bf on a music website and yet here we are in a LDR it must be destiny x


      I believe that paths cross for a reason, and that our souls recognise those we've known in lives past, but I can't say I believe in destiny. Say I broke up with my SO tomorrow or we got married and divorced 30 years down the line, destiny would mean I either missed my opportunity with "the one" or my SO simply wasn't "the one" but was a pathway to finding that person, which would, in my opinion, negate the significance of the relationship I have with my SO. Even if we broke up, it would not minimise the impact he's had on me or what our shared relationship has meant for both of us. Because of this, I don't believe in "the one" or in destiny, but I definitely believe that our paths have crossed because of reasons neither he nor I could explain without some serious introspection and hindsight.
      { Our Story on LFAD }

      Our Beginning
      Met online: February 2009
      Feelings confessed: December 2010
      Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
      Officially together since: 08 April 2011

      Our Story
      First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
      Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
      Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
      Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

      Our Happily Ever After
      to be continued...


        I met him in his home town in a very small Swedish village, with about 100 people... A village I wasn't planning on going at all for summer at first, but on a cold december night, all of a sudden I knew I wanted to work there for the summer, instead of travelling through Europe
        Yes, it must be destiny!


          We were put in a flat together in our fresher year of uni totally fate


            This is what I believe: The gods tie an invisible red string around the little finger of those that are destined to meet each other in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

            It means no matter what happens between my SO and I we met and fell in love for a reason, whether he's the one I'm supposed to spend my life with is irrelevant we were meant to meet and so we did. If he is the right one for me then no matter what comes between us we will always find a way to be together.

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              I believe in destiny. The odds of me happening to be on the site I met my SO on, at the same time she was on, coupled with the likelihood that out of all the people there we would talk to each other, coupled with the likelihood of our friendship developing so strongly so quickly, coupled with the fact that we would both develop feelings for each other AND make them known... I feel the odds on that happening are so so small, and the fact that our relationship means so so much in my life story, indicates to me that it was something written in my story from the start.


                I'm pretty sure I believe in destiny, and if not destiny, something pretty close. It was really amazing that we both were in the same chat room- I was considering stopping what I was doing online a few days before but for whatever reason, I wanted to log on one more time which led to us meeting. We also went through some very difficult things but overcame them and we are still growing together. I just think that so many things happened that could've torn us apart but didn't, that this has to be something extremely special.


                  i defiantly do, Denise came at the moment that was most horrible in my life.If she hadent come into my life when she did i would still be with my ex with his abusive cheating ways, still misrable. it was just perfect timing and i do believe it was destined to happen


                    Destiny? Nah.

                    We do know how lucky we are to have met. We talk about it all the time. But we speak of dumb luck and coincidence, not anything else.

                    I wish I could be more romantic and say some spiel about fate or destiny or the universe or whatever. But I just can't. I'm happy we're together and I don't like giving the credit away to some magical power or being. We're together because we want to be and because we work hard to make it that way.


                      This is a weird one.

                      He came over here...not very sure of the uni we shared for a year, we met in class, we didn't get on at first, met at a party as my last relationship was ending (I'd perhaps not have thought twice of him if not)....then after both almost balking on the same 'end of night' plans (from different starting plans) we'd have never got together...but fate is a strong word...but it's so surreal to think back to us in September arguing about British politics in the Uni coffee shop to how madly in love we are now...
                      I think something special happened for sure.


                        Nope, I don't believe in destiny or fate at all. I know I sound totally cynical and unromantic, but that's me I do believe it was a lucky coincidence that I found someone I'm actually compatible with at work, and he felt the same, but there was nothing mystical about it, just a very fortunate set of circumstances. Two people who managed to find each other, that's all, and that's good enough for me.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          Intellectually? No but yes. No because I don't think that it's like on purpose or anything. But yes because, given an infinite number of universes and an infinite number of chances, it's almost positive that an event like meeting and falling in love with somebody would happen. And I'm sure that, like death and taxes, there are some things that are inevitable in our universe.

                          Emotionally? Yes, definitely.


                            I belive its luck i am so glad that i met my penguin through facebook, when i was almost gonna quit facebook because of the crazy people who were there I am happy and when i think of it i go like omg what if i didnt met him there, what if he didnt send me a friend request and what if i didnt accept it its pure luck and i have the best guy on this planet :P


                              Logically, I want to say no. I just can't fully convince myself that it's real.
                              Emotionally, I sometimes think so, yes, but then the logic kicks back in and I tend to disregard the thought.

                              The reason I question my logic sometimes is because the circumstances to everything seem way too coincidental to just be 'luck'.. considering we both seem to have horrible 'luck' in general.
                              From meeting in a place that we normally wouldn't be, to talking to each other out of the 50+ other people there, 'clicking' with each other so quickly (we're both rather reclusive and un-trusting people), being in other relationships when meeting, helping each other through breakups/relationship troubles, both being in a 4+ year relationship before, mother issues at the same time, etc. The list goes on.. and I have never met another person with so much in common with me nor have I met someone who was going through the same issues (even if not all exactly at the same time). So, in a way, yes, I do.. but I can't get past the logical point of view if I think on it too long, and he's the same way. lol.
                              "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                              This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                              "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                              Por siempre, mi amor. ♥

