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What made you fall in love?

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    What made you fall in love?

    Just curious about what makes people fall in love with someone.

    Im stuck in the middle in my LDR I think it might be to soon to say I love you but he means the world to me and then I think Im too young for love but then im not. I know I confused myself too.



      I can't really say, I can't even remember, I just told her one day and it felt so natural, I didn't even think about it or question, or realise I guess, it just came out, and she said it back, and since then it's official we are in love, she is everything I ever wanted and more and what we talk about, how we are, it's great.

      "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

      1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
      2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
      3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
      4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
      5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
      6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
      7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
      Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
      UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


        There's no tick box list for falling in love. It just happens for all sorts of reasons. You dont find out if you are, you know.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          You just KNOW. It's not something specific; You fall in love.

          "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
          Married April 18th, 2015!!
          Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


            He loves good booze and good food just as much as I do. He also wakes up early like me. That's soul mates right there!


              I fell in love with my SO when I saw what a big heart he had. He was someone whom I could enjoy my time with, without having to really do much. We love many of the same things and I can read his mind without meaning to.. I guess it was just meant to be


                This seems cliche but I fell in love with him the first night we met. It was just a feeling of "Wow, I think I just found my soulmate." He became my best friend instantly. Then through the last two years he's done so many things to confirm my feelings. He would stay up late if I had a bad day to make sure I didn't have any nightmares (which was common for me) and if I did he made sure he could be there for me when I was going through depression. He actually listens to me, encourages me to express all of my feelings, he makes me laugh like nobody else can. He's private when it comes to our sex life (not like most guys who brag about how they banged their girl). He calls me special and beautiful every single day. He tells me he loves me 30 times a day. He works hard to be able to have a future for the both of us. He's supportive and very handsome. Ah, I think I just fell in love all over again

                We both felt the same way when we met but didn't actually admit it until 6 months in! Say it when you feel it
                Last edited by Black_Halloween; June 6, 2013, 02:10 PM.
                Made it official: 12-01-10
                First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
                Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                  We fell in love a week after we had been together. And even after our break, he said I love you a week after we had gotten back together a second time. You really just know, but you don't expect it. I said it to him accidentally. I didn't mean for it to come out, but it just did.

                  First met: June 2012
                  Became Committed: June 04, 2012
                  Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
                  Next Visit: October 2013!

                  XXX XXX

                  Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.


                    What a passion for Christ he has. He is so kind hearted and pure. He loves the Lord and everything about him. He has the most infectious laugh that makes my heart melt everytime i hear it. The way he can look into my eyes and literally feels like he sees right into my heart. Theres nothing like being loved and loving someone truly for who they are. <3


                      He is kind and has a caring heart. He is honest and genuine. Very sweet and romantic without even trying. After our first talk on the phone (which lasted 4 hours) I knew I had found someone special. When I'm around him, I feel more like myself. He makes me laugh every single day. He's an amazing person and I feel so lucky. I love him very much! <3


                        i was only 14 years when i fell in love with my SO... i have no idea how this happened but yes i just know one thing that since that day my life has changed completely!... he is the one for me... the way he listens to my problems and tries his best to sort out everything for me, makes me fall in love with him all over again... his trust in th eLord is undying and he also guides me in every possible way....! the way he pampers me and the way he kisses me till date it sets buttereflies to flutter in my stomache!! i guess this is wht is love is all about for me!!!!


                          There is two or 3 things that i can pin point that made me fall in love with my SO since we started really hitting things of 3 months ago.

                          1. Before we started really talking again this year i was REALLY ill in bed and i remember waking up to a message on facebook and he said something along the lines of 'If i was there i would do everything in my power to try and make you feel better' i just remember thinking. "ive blown this guy off for the last 5 years and he STILL cares about me and my health" a little part of me fell in love with him then and thats when i gave him a chance.

                          2. We were sitting on the quad bike out on tuttle creek park and were al muddy and wet, the sun was kind of setting and i remember him turning to me and saying he would never give up on me and that we would always talk things through and work it out instead of giving up and ending things his words were 'even if you cheated on me, id wanna work it out because it took 5 years to get you and i aint letting go so quickly' another part of me fell in love right then. Just the fact i've never been with someone who has wanted me as much as i have them, and i could tell then that i mean the absolute world to him.

                          3. Our last weekend spent together, He booked a cute little Suite room in Kansas city for 2 nights. i remember checking in and going up to our suite and i was sitting on the bed and he was on the couch and i just remember thinking 'my god i am so madly in love with you right now' it wasnt the fact hed spent money on a nice place. I think its cause we had the place to ourselves and it felt like our apartment. It just made me feel like for that weekend this is how we could spend our lives together.

                          Others. There would be a few little other things thats made me fall in love with him but those 3 stood out the most for me. Waking up to him every morning, getting into bed with him and him pulling me closer so he could hug me! Him telling me i was beautiful numerous times a day EVERY DAY.


                            I think everyones time line is didfferent when they fall but its funny cause the day i met my bf there was somethin that pulled me in from him just bein in the room in a game with friends somethin that pulled me in that made me want to get to know him to talk to him. After i did and we went from bein friends to eventually talkin on the phone i felt my walls startin to fall pretty rapidly. I went from meeting at the first of december to by feb. hitting rock bottom in love with him. I love that he gets me more than anyone has ever understood me and my sense of humor, i loved that he could make me laugh and also I know TMI but he could turn me on without even tryin due to his sexy accent and voice there was much more but these were def. key parts in falling madly in love with him and now it has just grown deeper than ever


                              I think it's the way that we just simply get each other, and are both just very creative people, we both like roughly the same things, and even though some people usually say that opposites attract, in our case it's the other way around, and it really just works. We're on the same page about almost everything.

                              I have been constantly falling deeper and deeper in love with her every day for the last eight months. I remember telling her, quite early on, that if she had lived any closer, she would have been almost perfect girlfriend material, and she tentatively said the same thing to me. I don't remember if she had gotten her webcam by then, I don't think so, but after she had gotten it and I could see her "live", I rapidly started falling even deeper. Her smile... it's so easy to make her smile, and her whole face lights up when she sees me, and I'm sure mine does when I see her too.

