yes sometimes it is really hard... Funny thing is, I was missing him and I got angry at him for being - what I first perceived as - distant, serious and almost cold. I was trying to be cheerful and making him cheerful and it did not really work. And I got really upset! But then I thought... I am feeling low because I miss him, he just might be feeling the same thing. And as soon as I said those words out loud (well actually wrote them), "sometimes the distance is hard", is was like he loosened up and became someone else. Maybe he too was trying not to be damanding. But we are just humans, missing each other. So even though Skype was totally crap today (he is with his family, in rural Turkey) things ended up just wonderful with exactly the special connection I was craving
and so I think it is really important to sometimes let the guard down and not try to be the perfect girldfriend, or clever LDR or whaterver... thanks for reminding us.