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Some days, the distance is just hard.

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    yes sometimes it is really hard... Funny thing is, I was missing him and I got angry at him for being - what I first perceived as - distant, serious and almost cold. I was trying to be cheerful and making him cheerful and it did not really work. And I got really upset! But then I thought... I am feeling low because I miss him, he just might be feeling the same thing. And as soon as I said those words out loud (well actually wrote them), "sometimes the distance is hard", is was like he loosened up and became someone else. Maybe he too was trying not to be damanding. But we are just humans, missing each other. So even though Skype was totally crap today (he is with his family, in rural Turkey) things ended up just wonderful with exactly the special connection I was craving and so I think it is really important to sometimes let the guard down and not try to be the perfect girldfriend, or clever LDR or whaterver... thanks for reminding us.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Originally posted by charly View Post
      Svalla, you have no idea how much I just needed to read this. So close on giving up, telling myself I am no longer strong enough to keep on going long distance. At least 4 more years of distance upon us, but for now I'll try to go on. Thank you.
      I'm so glad my post helped you so much!


        This is really amazing. Its put everything into perspective for me. I hate it when people take their partners for granted when they get to see them everyday. This girl in my Psychology class constantly tells her boyfriend that she is going to find a new one and she doesn't know why she is with him. If I were able to see James everyday I would remind him of how much I love him, and how special he is to me. LDR' s definitely suck, but it is possible for love to stretch that far, there is no limit.



          I've really been missing my SO like crazy.
          And being unsure of when I'll see him next makes it so much harder.
          Sometimes I'm just really mad at the distance between us. It isn't fair. For any of us


            I just feel very mad about the distance! It isn't really fair for any of us being in LDR!

            I want to hug him and kiss him so much!

            It's making me crazy that we don't know when will we see each other next.. We've plans to go married in this summer if everything works cool for us, but it's still making me crazy when i think i will not see him during some months it's already 6rd month I've not seen him..

            Some days just suck! But we must stay strong!

            only we know how it feels to be in ldr.. It's so frustrating when people say to you silly things about your relationship, they all seem very nice to you about it but still some of them can't even imagine how can someone be in long distance relationship, without seeing each other in real during so many months.. It has happened lots that people around me asked silly/bad things about it, once, my neighbour made me crazy (she asked me how can you be without seeing each other? don't you think he has another girl there? for sex and stuff? I'm sure he does..)

            But anyway my real friends are next to me as they can, i'm sure they can't feel what it feels like but they are still super cool about my relationship, so I decided not to mind another "wise" peoples opinions about it..

            I'm very happy to have this forum here and all of you.. ^^

