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Advice Regarding a Girl That I Met Online Recently

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    I'm so glad I've spoken to her now, I'm a little impulsive sometimes and get the wrong end of the stick. I don't want to have crossed wires and act badly towards this one, it's last thing I'd want. It's one of my faults that I can sometimes be hotheaded and too sensitive. It's not everyday that a man like me gets to meet a wonderful native american goddess of this magnitude.


      Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
      lol I appreciate the explanations of what he's doing. Since I can't see him in his day to day business, nor his facial expression typically as he does that business, these kind of things help a great deal in understanding the tone of a conversation. Some days I may be totally committed to the conversation. Others, I might have some distractions that a preventing me from interacting fully, but I love the time I spend with him so much that I really would rather blow off whatever it is, but I just can't. So I make do But I think, at minimum, he should know what's going on so he can understand the tone
      —I can understand how you feel completely, it's funny because recently at her job, she disappeared briefly when we were talking, and she returned shortly thereafter saying: "damn customers, distracting me from good conversation!" hehehe. I'm the same, I'd rather stay in and talk to her than go out anywhere here these days.
      Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
      My SO is very much the same as he wants to leave England. It's been difficult for him, but I'm very much encouraged by his tenacity. Doing what we can to open our options have really given me the sense of purpose and progress that I need in order to feel like we're moving forward
      —She said something similar to me actually, like she really admires me making such a big decision to leave england, and to learn the language there. I hope it works out well for you both. And I can understand his feelings completely, I hate so much what has happened to my own country, I don't even recognize it anymore, there is a real feeling of apathy here, and I cannot see a future that lies ahead for this nation, that's how bad things are. Which part of England is your SO from btw? I hope you don't mind me asking, I'm from the north, near Manchester, and here it's even worse.
      Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
      I was talking to a friend of mine recently who is all gaga about me and Him and really just a romantic at heart lol but she said something that struck a chord with me. She said that he and I seemed to be very good friends and that it would be nice to have something more with a friend. For some reason it clicked and I was like yeah she's right. There is something terribly more intimate letting someone get to know you and, honestly, as scary as it has been, I wouldn't want it any different
      —so is it fairly recently that you two became an item? My friends that know of her, say to me that they think she's obviously interested in me. Maybe it might take a little time for things. But I'm glad that you thinking that i'm handling it in the right way.

      Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
      I agree with her me and him agree on a lot, but not everything. I like how he challenges my thoughts and shows me there are other viewpoints that are perfectly valid. It's given us hours of conversation lol
      I feel the exact same way, she certainly is a challenge, one of the cleverest women I've ever known.


        Originally posted by Arhat View Post
        —I can understand how you feel completely, it's funny because recently at her job, she disappeared briefly when we were talking, and she returned shortly thereafter saying: "damn customers, distracting me from good conversation!" hehehe. I'm the same, I'd rather stay in and talk to her than go out anywhere here these days.
        This is exactly what I do. Him, not so much lol but I know that he'll respond to me as he's able. He's proven to me his consistency over quite some time.

        Originally posted by Arhat View Post
        Which part of England is your SO from btw? I hope you don't mind me asking, I'm from the north, near Manchester, and here it's even worse.
        Not at all he's further south from you, near Colchester

        Originally posted by Arhat View Post
        —so is it fairly recently that you two became an item?
        We've been increasingly good friends for over a year now. I didn't know when I started talking to him, but he'd been in an LDR with someone from the States over a decade ago. It didn't end very well and he was quite heartbroken over the whole ordeal. Like I said, he's the more grounded one of us, and definitely the dominant one all I could do was tell him how I felt and let him decide the path that would take. He's really put his emotional trust in me and I am eternally grateful for that He doesn't want to declare anything official until we get the chance to "meet and bond properly" lol but our bond already has its foundation laid. He's become so much to me friend, confessor, shelter, teacher... I feel very lucky to have him

        Originally posted by Arhat View Post
        I feel the exact same way, she certainly is a challenge, one of the cleverest women I've ever known.
        I think these are the best kind the intellectual challenges they keep you stimulated in such a way that you never get bored with discovery
        "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


          Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
          This is exactly what I do. Him, not so much lol but I know that he'll respond to me as he's able. He's proven to me his consistency over quite some time.

          Not at all he's further south from you, near Colchester

          We've been increasingly good friends for over a year now. I didn't know when I started talking to him, but he'd been in an LDR with someone from the States over a decade ago. It didn't end very well and he was quite heartbroken over the whole ordeal. Like I said, he's the more grounded one of us, and definitely the dominant one all I could do was tell him how I felt and let him decide the path that would take. He's really put his emotional trust in me and I am eternally grateful for that He doesn't want to declare anything official until we get the chance to "meet and bond properly" lol but our bond already has its foundation laid. He's become so much to me friend, confessor, shelter, teacher... I feel very lucky to have him

          I think these are the best kind the intellectual challenges they keep you stimulated in such a way that you never get bored with discovery
          A male friend of hers will visit her for 2 weeks soon. It could all be completely innocent, but you can imagine what i'm thinking. She has a lot of male friends, so perhaps it's not worth pursuing. Maybe she sees me as no different either.


            Originally posted by Arhat View Post
            A male friend of hers will visit her for 2 weeks soon. It could all be completely innocent, but you can imagine what i'm thinking. She has a lot of male friends, so perhaps it's not worth pursuing. Maybe she sees me as no different either.
            Well for now, unless stated by her, believe that it is nothing more than completely innocent. Otherwise, you'll stress for no reason.
            Friends don't send friends flowers, atleast not that I know of. Just keep at it, consistency pays off.
            "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


              Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
              Well for now, unless stated by her, believe that it is nothing more than completely innocent. Otherwise, you'll stress for no reason.
              Friends don't send friends flowers, atleast not that I know of. Just keep at it, consistency pays off.
              You're right unconditional. A lot of things she says, points to her being interested in me. And especially the note that I sent her with the flowers as well, I'm sure she must know. I will do, unconditional, she's worth it.


                Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                A male friend of hers will visit her for 2 weeks soon. It could all be completely innocent, but you can imagine what i'm thinking. She has a lot of male friends, so perhaps it's not worth pursuing. Maybe she sees me as no different either.
                I can understand why that is hard for you. I have a male friend that I go camping with, it used to be monthly (when we were going to do research stuff) but now it's maybe once or twice a year because it was difficult for my fiance. But it really is completely innocent, we both have similar interests in the outdoors, but there is absolutely no feeling of attachment at all for me. Before I just used to let my fiance know that I was going, and now I make sure that I ask first, so that he knows I have his feelings in mind.
                Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                First met: June 13th 2006


                  Originally posted by BlueCat View Post
                  I can understand why that is hard for you. I have a male friend that I go camping with, it used to be monthly (when we were going to do research stuff) but now it's maybe once or twice a year because it was difficult for my fiance. But it really is completely innocent, we both have similar interests in the outdoors, but there is absolutely no feeling of attachment at all for me. Before I just used to let my fiance know that I was going, and now I make sure that I ask first, so that he knows I have his feelings in mind.
                  I'm a little neurotic about the whole thing lately hehehe. I can't see there being anything more to it, I wonder if women test men sometimes to see if they're the jealous type? I think i'm going to go in for the kill tonight, flirt and compliment like there's no tomorrow.... License to charm! lol


                    I appreciate your reply BlueCat. Have you and your SO been apart for some time now?


                      Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                      You're right unconditional. A lot of things she says, points to her being interested in me. And especially the note that I sent her with the flowers as well, I'm sure she must know. I will do, unconditional, she's worth it.
                      I hope this all works out well for you =)
                      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                        Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
                        I hope this all works out well for you =)
                        I'm going to make her feel like she's the most important woman in the world, when I finally meet her in September lol


                          Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                          I'm going to make her feel like she's the most important woman in the world, when I finally meet her in September lol
                          That's always a generally great idea. Best of luck
                          "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                            Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                            I'm going to make her feel like she's the most important woman in the world, when I finally meet her in September lol
                            That's always a generally great idea. Best of luck
                            "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                              Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
                              That's always a generally great idea. Best of luck
                              I said to her today, I can't imagine a man would ever be unfaithful to you, he would be foolish. I hope I've not said the wrong thing lol. She's sent me photos of herself and I've complimented her on how nice her hair looks.


                                Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                                I said to her today, I can't imagine a man would ever be unfaithful to you, he would be foolish. I hope I've not said the wrong thing lol. She's sent me photos of herself and I've complimented her on how nice her hair looks.
                                Trust me, you have not said the wrong thing.
                                "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."

