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Advice Regarding a Girl That I Met Online Recently

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    You only would get involved if you were a token feminist. Feminism appeals to women precisely because they're women. No more a noble cause than that, hey girls? Well educated women in successful careers say the same as I do, I know because they agree with me, they tell me this. And as for the guys, there's nothing more pathetic than seeing a man support feminism because he wants to get laid.

    We have had a woman primeminister, Margaret Thatcher, is that sexist? Can I say this? To say women have struggles in the most powerful nation in the developed world is utterly ridiculous, women have struggles in countries like Saudi Arabia in Iran and sudan were they are treated as property, don't make me laugh! you ought to be ashamed of yourself thinking you have it difficult in a 1st world nation and democracy, you should thank your lucky stars that you don't live in Yemen.


      Don't speak of women in "western countries" you know nothing about and then claim you did not mean that. Women here in USA are still paid less than the average man for doing the same job. Our Ancestors were not allowed to vote either. You don't have a clue what it is like to be an American woman and how dare you insinuate you have a right to? Of this or any other "western" nation. You do indeed, have your own head highly up your arse in that respect. Take your foot out of your mouth if you want any actual advice or kindly go Frak off with your sexist BS.

      Yes, Michelle will warn me on this, but for this, It will be worth it.

      You don't walk in our high heels, so don't pretend like you know what it is like. Give birth, hold a job and then come talk to me. I am about the farthest thing there is to a feminists too.
      Last edited by Hollandia; August 29, 2014, 12:59 PM.
      "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
      Benjamin Franklin


        I said I wasn't aware of the political situation in your country. Because I didn't know about it, does that make me sexist? Women aren't allowed to drive in saudi arabia or leave their homes witout their husbands permission is it that right? of course not!
        In fact thanks to my university days, I do know what it is like to wear high heels, but that's another story

        The fact that women are paid less is truly discriminatory, I had no idea. But it doesn't change the fact that a lot of things have improved for women.
        But that's the whole, you just proved my point by saying that. I won't know what it is like to give birth, ever. But I acknowledge the differences between men and women, you don't. You have no consideration for it is like to be a man, so you're sexist, if the truth be known. It's not sexist to know that there are inherent qualities of a woman that a man can never hope to aspire to. But I suppose that's sexist as well, right? It's okay to say that, but to say that men have qualities that women don't is wrong.
        Last edited by Arhat; August 29, 2014, 01:04 PM.


          Originally posted by Arhat View Post
          You only would get involved if you were a token feminist. Feminism appeals to women precisely because they're women. No more a noble cause than that, hey girls? Well educated women in successful careers say the same as I do, I know because they agree with me, they tell me this. And as for the guys, there's nothing more pathetic than seeing a man support feminism because he wants to get laid.

          We have had a woman primeminister, Margaret Thatcher, is that sexist? Can I say this? To say women have struggles in the most powerful nation in the developed world is utterly ridiculous, women have struggles in countries like Saudi Arabia in Iran and sudan were they are treated as property, don't make me laugh! you ought to be ashamed of yourself thinking you have it difficult in a 1st world nation and democracy, you should thank your lucky stars that you don't live in Yemen.
          I don't care about what you said I just wanted to point out that Thatcher was not a feminist. :P


            Originally posted by Arhat View Post
            To say women have struggles in the most powerful nation in the developed world is utterly ridiculous.
            You are not worthy of our time. And you're not sexist? That line utterly reeks of sexism. If I was that girl you were seeing, I'd flee far and fast from you. Seems exactly like what she is doing. Smart girl. Do some actual research on the women struggles in the United States before coming to spew your trash or next post, I'll report you to Michelle for being a troublemaker.


              Typical bourgeois response


                Originally posted by digitalfever View Post
                I don't care about what you said I just wanted to point out that Thatcher was not a feminist. :P
                - Well, if that's not a moronic comment, then I don't know what is. The more women dispute my words, the more they prove my point. You sexists!


                  Originally posted by lilspitfire View Post
                  You are not worthy of our time. And you're not sexist? That line utterly reeks of sexism. If I was that girl you were seeing, I'd flee far and fast from you. Seems exactly like what she is doing. Smart girl. Do some actual research on the women struggles in the United States before coming to spew your trash or next post, I'll report you to Michelle for being a troublemaker.
                  Hilarious, 'sexism' was a made up word by bolshevists you idiot, do your homework. You harbour resentment purely because you've been treated badly by men, so you found an ideology that appeals to you, either that or a few too many episodes of sex and the city. Fleeing from what? I've withdrawn from her. I don't have any interest in the USA, compare your standard of living and what you are able to do with those of of womn in saudi arabia you moron, but like most americans you know nothing about the rest of the world.
                  Last edited by Arhat; August 29, 2014, 01:51 PM.


                    Arhat, it's against the rules to call people names such as moron. It also invalidates a lot of your points, and kinda makes it look like you're the moron. Please respect the rules of the forum. You can debate feminism all you like, but you can't call people names, OK?

                    You seem a little red pill-ish, that doesn't go down well here. While I don't disagree that women in other countries have it a lot harder than first world women do, it's a little hard to defend and debate some of your points when you resort to name calling. Be the bigger person, and stop. You apologized for being offensive last night, I think people should have just moved on perhaps, but you aren't helping yourself.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                      - Well, if that's not a moronic comment, then I don't know what is. The more women dispute my words, the more they prove my point. You sexists!


                        I'm truly sorry, Moon. and also to other people that posted here. I didn't like it when people said my comment was sexist for saying women had it 'easier', I didn't mean they had it easy, I meant to say things had improved drastically in 100 years, I don't know how it is in the USA. so I'm sorry to have said such things. It's like discrimination over race exists everywhere, but it's not like the jim crow south today if you get me, but racial prejudice still exists as a matter of course.
                        It disappoints me when people have referred to me as a sexist, because I've never viewed women as having a lower status than myself. So I've said a lot of silly things, so I apologize for that, some of the things that i may have said don't reflect my true thoughts on the subject. I didn't mean to compound the error in my earlier posts, I was just merely pointing towards progress that had been made over the decades, that's all.

                        Red-pill-ish? In what sense am I delusional?
                        Last edited by Arhat; August 29, 2014, 01:56 PM.


                          Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                          And as for the guys, there's nothing more pathetic than seeing a man support feminism because he wants to get laid.
                          How about guys that are feminists because they believe that women have dealt with and continue to deal with a lot of oppression and misogyny based on nothing more than gender, and want real equality to exist?


                            Originally posted by silvermoonfairy3 View Post
                            How about guys that are feminists because they believe that women have dealt with and continue to deal with a lot of oppression and misogyny based on nothing more than gender, and want real equality to exist?
                            Real equality can exist in social terms, but never in gender precisely because we're different, I thought that would've blatantly obvious?. As a poster previously pointed out, regarding how as a man, I'm not sufficiently enabled to know how it is for a woman. And such a comment like that isn't sexist or condescending? Hahaha, nothing like double-standards is there girls. token feminism.

                            It's not saying one is better than the other, it's about a mutual appreciation of the 'other' on both sides. I would've thought it was simple. but that's too simple for a feminist, as no feminist seeks equality really, let's be honest about it. Sorry to give the game away. The moment you recognize yourself in terms of gender, you already create a division in the first place, like all of the others 'isms'.
                            It's amusing to find out that women on this forum have been involved in such arguments before on here. I am no the one who engenders the battle of the sexes, women do this because they want superiority or ego fulfilment.
                            Last edited by Arhat; August 29, 2014, 03:09 PM.


                              I know I shouldn't feed the troll, so this will probably be my last post on the subject, but.. Seriously?
                              Wow, dude. Just wow.

                              You have an incredibly skewed version of feminism. It's okay, I don't blame you, a lot of people do. Try doing some actual reading and looking into it.
                              If you didn't know about the male/female pay gap, which is one of the most common, I'm sure you're also blithely unaware of things like women's difficulties with things like getting promoted in STEM fields, rape culture, misogyny in video games (where there's a journalist currently getting death and rape threats because of her video series that seeks to address to gender issues in video games where half the point is to kill prostitute women). You're probably also unaware of how male celebrities are asked about their work, their influences and their craft, while female celebrities are asked about their manicures. You probably haven't come across women who have to work harder than male colleagues for the same respect in the workplace, or schools that kick out teen mothers but not teen fathers.

                              You probably haven't read anything about businesswomen who pass away and their work press release about the death starts off talking about how she made a mean pot of chili, where a guy's one talks about his valuable contributions to the company.

                              It's laughable that you think men and women are anywhere near equal in modern society, especially living as you do in Britain where there are still a lot of issues with class divides.

                              The moment you recognize yourself in terms of gender, you already create a division in the first place
                              You can't have it both ways. You just said previously that men and women are different, and need to accept/acknowledge that. That's true, and I agree. But if we're different, then obviously you recognize yourself in terms of a gender.

                              You keep apologizing to Moon with some variation of "this isn't my true thought!" and "I'm not a misogynist!" but this entire condescending post screams that not only is it your true thoughts, but that we're probably just scratching the surface of your deep seated misogyny. And it's even worse because you don't know it's there and are actively attempting to justify or excuse it.

                              Yeah. Good luck with that.


                                Originally posted by Arhat View Post
                                here in the UK women now have more rights than men.
                                what rights are you thinking of?
                                I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                                - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

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