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Where was your first date?

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    Like most of us, our first LDR date was on Skype. It was really awkward for me, since he quite literately kept starring. If it would had happened when we were in person I would have been checking for boogers or something =/

    When we first met, he picked me up at the airport, got us some wendy's and took me to a pond area. Even tho it was midnight, it was a very romantic scenery. <3


      I think our first date was the third day we had met, it was in Munich and the christmas festival Tollwood was on so we met at the train station and went together. We walked around and saw the lights and the looked at the different things they were selling then went for a drink after.


        ^^ he took me to his favorite local restaurant and we just sat and talked >w<


          Our first date was a trip around the town near my college. We wandered around for a little while (I was kind of new there too, seeing as how I had only been there a month), then we had Chinese food at a tiny little restaurant in the town. She also met my parents that weekend, because it was Parent's Weekend there, and we got to enjoy a beautiful time that weekend, and many more after that. :-)
          National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
          National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

          Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


            Our first in-person date was on the very first day of our very first visit when I visited him in Dublin last year. We went to the cinema to see Sherlock Holmes that evening, and we shared a Coke and a bag of popcorn that we had mixed with a bag of Maltesers which ended up being our dinner. I don't go to the movies much when I'm at home but my SO is a huuuuuge cinephile so that first date was the most exciting time I've ever had at the movies, plus the movie was great. Then we went back to our hotel room and we had our first kiss. It was a really good day.
            "These are the days of miracle and wonder. This is the long-distance call."--Paul Simon
            "I can't tell one from another. Did I find you, or you find me?
            There was a time before we were born. If someone asks, this where I'll be. . .where I'll be."--Talking Heads


              Our first date was at a cool restaurant that had a live band in Atlanta...then we went to a dessert place for some yummy cake. It was one of the best first dates ever! I will never for get it!


                Our first date was at a few different places.
                We met and he showed me some interesting places in his city (I had been living there for only a month by then), we went to a Lithuanian (? I think) fair and
                then to this tea-place together.
                Afterwards, because we didn't want to separate just yet, we wanted to go to the cinema. We checked the films in two cinemas and decided for one, but had like an hour before it started, so we went for beer (him) and hot chocolate (me).
                After the movie we went to his place together to have dinner (which ended in cheese sandwiches for me, as he didn't know that I don't eat meat).

                It was great. Awkward at times, but we had a lot of fun :-)

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  We had dinner at a nice restaurant. The food was yummy.


                    Well our official first date was at Chili's but we were together like 2-3 weeks ago when we went to our "first date"


                      At the airport? lol. It kind of was a date in a way, because I wasn't driving then, I caught the bus to the airport to wait for him, and then I organised for us to be picked up about 1/2 an hour after his flight arrived so that we could have time to chat before he had to meet anyone else. So he got off the plane, we hugged (and I don't think I would have let go if he hadn't needed to use the bathroom), then we sat down at a table to talk, I was insanely nervous (had to spin the table number between my hands to keep me sane) but we sat there chatting, he asked if he could kiss me, I said yes, so we did. It was awkward and across the table but still nice then we kissed again. I don't really remember a 'first date' as such, going out somewhere. But I know we went to the movies so that could have been one of our first 'datey' outings.
                      Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                      First met: June 13th 2006


                        Awwww!! I love hearing these sorts of stories! <3

                        Our first date lasted three days.. as I was coming from Australia, he was coming from Canada and we were meeting in Los Angeles on the tail end of my 5 week journey around the Southern US. First time we had seen each other in 5 years.. and we spent the whole time in Disneyland. He told me loved me by the wishing well while the fireworks were going off and it was a place where dreams really do come true. We're excited to go back there for our honeymoon!


                          Met in a bar (place I said I'd never meet a guy). Next day he asked me out on a date. I was hesitant to say yes. But I did. He was going to pick me up, but that made me nervous because I always need a "way out" on the first date, so I said I would meet him. He happened to pick the same Chinese place that I love! So we met there, ordered and took it back to his place. Went to his basement and watched a movie. He had candles burning (thought it was cheesy, but found out he always does because he likes the smell!) and his roommates were gone. The movie wasn't all that good, we were on opposite sides of the couch to eat and then he moved over by me, but he asked first. When the movie was over he kissed me. Messy kiss at first...but he has gotten better since! Then we hung out and talked, he asked if he could see me again, I said yes. And I went home we went on another date and I started coming over to hang out and vise versa and two weeks later we were officially dating and its a year and half later. We have been long distance for about 5 months now.


                            Loic and I had been dating CD for 7 weeks already, and were about to become LD. We had only really hung out at my house, a lot of the time with my housemates, with whom he went to highschool actually! We hadn't really been on an actual date, just the two of us, despite being in love. So the night before I left Cork, he took me out to his favourite restaurant. It was a lovely Mexican place in Cork, and I barely ate anything because I'd decided I had to tell him I loved him, and was ridiculously nervous. Also, we both cried a lot. It was lovely, and very very hard.

                            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                              I guess my first date one on one with my SO was at an Indian resturant. It was lovely


                                Our first official date was @ a Ihop on a Saturday morning and then we went and explored a small little historical town it was wonderful..

