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A love/hate thing?

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    Originally posted by Tanja View Post
    TOMATOES ARE HEALTHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lol, exactly! But if you don't like tomatoes, does that mean you also won't eat ketchup??

    I don't like black cherry jam and he loves it. He's always joking that I have to start liking it and of course I'm trying.... hehe.
    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


      i gots more!

      she likes to wear makeup and dresses, i do not im the biggest tomboy you'll ever meet

      she likes all sorts of music but she loves Frank Sinatra and he doesnt do a thing for me really

      i love the movie The Exorcist, she cannot stand it since it creeps her out

      she loves to cook, i cannot stand it!


        Originally posted by xMesmerize124 View Post
        I absolutely love Spongebob, and my bf thinks its lame how i still watch it since its a little kid's show (booo him)
        Spongebob is awesome!!!!


          Originally posted by XX, Lexi View Post
          He also hates most TV, where as I love the good reality shows [Like Survivor, Amazing Race..Don't judge me! D=]
          Woooo Survivor, I love it! One of the few programmes I watch on TV. Project Runway and America's Next Top Model are also nice

          Originally posted by Andy View Post
          Yeah those 2 are good ones babe... can't stand liquorice at all and they love it here. I mean even liquorice flavoured ice cream :/

          I mean come on :/
          You come on everyone should like liquorice, it is awesomeee

          Liquorice ice cream is soooooooooo yummy


            I really like hip hop but I'm not at all fond of hard rock; vice versa for him. When I stay at his place we take it in turns in the mornings to play our favourite songs in those genres, just for the sake of torturing each other Luckily we meet in the middle with classical music though - it makes for much calmer evenings!


              I am not a big fan of most vegetables, he loves them.

              He is into dub-step, I don't really like it.

              He likes math and hates science, I love science and hate math.

              He wants kids, I don't.

              I love to read, he can't stand it.

              I am a night owl, he is an early bird.
              Last edited by ashleecarol; March 1, 2012, 11:29 AM.

              *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                Well, anything with food. Our tastes are polar opposites of one another. If he loves something, I'm guaranteed to dislike it and vice versa. I did get him to like cheesecake though!

                My partner loves sleep (and likes a lot of it) and I hate it. I function best on 1-3 hours (though I can sleep for up to 7, sometimes 8. If I get 7-8, I'm good. Anything between 3 and 7 and I'm a zombie) and am an early bird.

                I love reading and my partner's not a fan of it.

                My partner loves computer science, programming, computers, etc. and I'm terrible at it, therefore hate it. He also likes the physical sciences, which I'm also not good at, therefore I dislike it. But I love math and he hates it, so we're even.

                And I'm not sure if this counts as love/hate, but the fact he's so creative/abstract and I'm mathematical/ linear means we sometimes (though not often) come up with entirely different solutions and both think our own ideal.
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...


                  I love sweet things he hates em. He also hates wasting food so when ever i buy chocolate or cake he always finishes it off for me.
                  If he could he'd eat meat alll the time. I cant do that.
                  I love hello kitty, he doesnt at all.

                  Hmm i don't think we actually do anything either of us really hate. Its too strong a word. we tolerate each others likes and dislikes and compromise. Or jsut make fun of each other.


                    He loves any kind of soda, I can't stand the stuff. He dislikes most vegetables, I love pretty much all of them. He loves video games, I hate them. He likes to read fantasy novels, I mostly like nonfiction.

                    Luckily, we both love to travel and watch sports so we've got that going for us!


                      He loves science Fiction...I'm not a big fan
                      I love some RAP & Hip Hop....he hates it
                      He Loves Anime....I hate it! but, my younger brother loves it
                      He's into video games....I'm into certain computer games (its rare for me)

                      The problem is, is that we have alot in common and alot of likes.
                      Things happen for a reason especially when you never expected it


                        I hate rock music, he loves them. (it's good he doesn't listen to it when we're together lol)


                          He loves spicy food, I hate it. (I like a little kick but I'm pretty much a baby when it comes to spicyness)

                          I love vegetable, he hates most of them.

                          We like a lot of the same music but I know one artist we differ on for example. I love Wiz Khalifa, SO hates him.

                          I like diet soda and drink it to conserve calories, SO hates it.

                          Trying to think of more differences but we are very similar and enjoy a lot of the same things.

                          Finding myself.


                            I too love Spongebob, my bf refuses to watch it ever.
                            He doesn't like cream cheese, yogurt, sour cream, etc. and I love anything dairy. I also like spicy foods, and he can't do spicy.
                            He drinks soda constantly; I don't drink it anymore unless I'm having rum and diet Coke or something
                            He likes RPGs, I don't really care for that type of games. He also likes sci-fi and fantasy stuff; while I don't hate it I just never could really get into.

                            All little stuff; we pretty much agree on all of the important stuff.


                              Soooo many things.

                              One that we frequently get into shouting matches over are Ducati´s Vs. Harleys. God. Sports bikes are so. damn. UGLY.

                              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                              -Miguel De Cervantes

                              Read our story HERE


                                Uhm.. oh gosh, so much! LOL

                                he loves rock/screamo/stuffff - I love country, hiphop & classical. He hates my music lolol.
                                he drinks a ton of water and refuses to drink anything else. I love water too, but I like my soda too.
                                hmm.. oh! he loves working out. Me? Not so much...

