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    For the record, Again - I never, EVER questioned why someone wouldn't want to live here, although you're determined to make it so, even thinking you had balls to say it to me. That's kinda amusing, really. Whatever, I've said what I wanted to, and have no desire to further hijack this thread. There really isn't much more to say about it.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      If you can see why people wouldn't want to move there, to the point of wanting to leave yourself, then why are you so damn offended that we admit it? It makes no sense whatsoever.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Ahhh...I see, gotta have the last word, huh? Well, go ahead, have it then after this, as I'm finished. Saying you don't want to live here isn't the point, never was. The "ewww...America" factor was, and how awful it is to people I'm not sure have ever even been here, that's it. So, say whatever, I'm done. You can all post however you like about what I've said, or me, or anything else about this. I was as entitled to voice my opinion as you were, and as all opinions go, nobody else has to agree with it.

        Actually, I apologize for this last post (but just this one), that wasn't nice and I'm sorry. Now I really am done.
        Last edited by Moon; October 18, 2010, 09:38 PM. Reason: rethinking
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          *Sighs* I know you wont reply to this, but I'm damned sure you'll read it and that's what matters. Maybe you'll even read it once you've calmed down enough to realise I'm not trying to piss you off, nor am I trying to have the last word.
          When I have a misunderstanding with someone, I talk it out with that person until it is resolved, that's all. Maybe I spent too long in an LDR and it's tainted the way I relate to people I would like to reach an understanding with you, shake hands and make up. I don't like to see any member of this community upset or feeling put-out or unwelcome or anything else.

          I fear that we're not going to come to an agreement on this issue, but hopefully at the least we can see past that and not hold a grudge against each other as individuals. I don't have to agree with you to like you, and I hope that goes both ways.
          Carrots xx
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Originally posted by Moon View Post
            Well, I'm not exactly the biggest patriot or anything, but it's nice to see how you all really feel about us :/ Makes me wonder how many of you have even visited here. I, as the ignorant American I must be, would never put down other people's countries of residence on a public board, because tbh, it's just rude.
            Well erm.. sorry..
            I wasnt meant to please or offend anyone. That's not what a personal opinion is about *shrug*

            I have been there. Twice. Sure I havent lived there or anything, but I'm still allowed to base an opinion on it. I can visit anywhere and say I dont like it, if that's how I feel.

            Our media doesnt really help, but I tend to ignore that

            Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
            Yes move to New Zealand :P
            x) I'd love to go there. Seems like such a nice place

            I have a question, which island is better? Dunno if that's even possible to answer, but whatever :o


              Originally posted by sam View Post

              x) I'd love to go there. Seems like such a nice place

              I have a question, which island is better? Dunno if that's even possible, but whatever :o
              I actually don't know! I live at the bottom of the north island, in the capital city of wellington. I've only ever been to the south island like...twice in my life, and not for long periods of time. The south island is very beautiful (as is the north island too in some places though), as I know from pictures and people accounts. It colder down there too I believe, more likely to find snow in the south island than the north. I personally know more about the north island in the respect of actually visiting places. I don't think either one is necessarily better or worse


                Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
                I actually don't know! I live at the bottom of the north island, in the capital city of wellington. I've only ever been to the south island like...twice in my life, and not for long periods of time. The south island is very beautiful (as is the north island too in some places though), as I know from pictures and people accounts. It colder down there too I believe, more likely to find snow in the south island than the north. I personally know more about the north island in the respect of actually visiting places. I don't think either one is necessarily better or worse
                Ah, ok My friend is from NZ (though I dont think he's ever actually lived there ) and if I remember correctly he said kinda what you said. Like.. the south island is more.. beautiful with nature and stuff and the north is more tourist..y
                Do they have different names or just.. "south and north" haha

                Forgive my ignorance on NZ


                  Originally posted by sam View Post
                  Ah, ok My friend is from NZ (though I dont think he's ever actually lived there ) and if I remember correctly he said kinda what you said. Like.. the south island is more.. beautiful with nature and stuff and the north is more tourist..y
                  Do they have different names or just.. "south and north" haha

                  Forgive my ignorance on NZ
                  No worries, I'm ignorant about several countries myself!
                  I'd love to explore and travel the south island to see the beauties of it.
                  The north island in my opinion is ..or has more larger cities and yeah I suppose more touristy like you say! Auckland, which is one of the biggest cities here is in the north island.
                  Christchurch down south is a lovely city though too, my dad says it reminds him of england (where he is from)..or wait..ireland? no...I think he said england. Oh damn I forgot now..xD

                  And yeah just "south" and "north"


                    Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
                    my dad says it reminds him of england (where he is from)..or wait..ireland? no...I think he said england. Oh damn I forgot now..xD
                    I just went on google maps, zoomed in a bit on Christchurch, and threw that street view guy on some random street. What did I see? It pointed at some wall with a load of graffiti on
                    Just like England!

                    Me and Elina have spoken about going to NZ.. maybe even for our honeymoon. The flight is a bit of a pain, but it seems like suuuuuuuch a nice place


                      Originally posted by sam View Post
                      I just went on google maps, zoomed in a bit on Christchurch, and threw that street view guy on some random street. What did I see? It pointed at some wall with a load of graffiti on
                      Just like England!

                      Me and Elina have spoken about going to NZ.. maybe even for our honeymoon. The flight is a bit of a pain, but it seems like suuuuuuuch a nice place
                      Haha, ah yes graffiti - can never escape it anywhere! lol.

                      Well I hope that you will both get to visit at some point! I'm sure you would love it here. When my SO visited she just kept saying how nice all the people were ha.
                      I never used to think NZ was very great at all, but then...I grew up and people always said how nice it is and beautiful and over the past couple of years I've started to actually love being from here


                        Originally posted by Moon View Post
                        Well, I'm not exactly the biggest patriot or anything, but it's nice to see how you all really feel about us :/ Makes me wonder how many of you have even visited here. I, as the ignorant American I must be, would never put down other people's countries of residence on a public board, because tbh, it's just rude.
                        I don't think anyone was putting your country down... But that's just my opinion. Everyone here has the right to say what they want, it's a public forum and from time to time there's things that some people find rude and some don't... It's just how you take it all I suppose and how things are worded.

                        Anyway, it's not what this thread is about so if anyone wants to rant about America, Finland, Sweden or whatever there's the ranting thread for that

                        @Zephii: Thanks, I wish we had some good news too... There's a little something in the air but it's not something I wanna say out loud yet in case I'll jinx it!


                          Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                          There's a little something in the air but it's not something I wanna say out loud yet in case I'll jinx it!



                            Me and Elina went to the police office thingy in Jyväskylä today so.. thatäs the reason for the bump

                            We werent told anything new really.. other than if I actually had somewhere to study (a place in a Finnish uni) I'd also need €500 a month
                            Seeing as I only earn around £450 a month from my work anyway, that's pretty much impossible so I can forget the idea about studying in Finland too to be with her..

                            Er.. the only real option for us is for her to move to England for 2 years, so we will have lived together for that amount of time (which is what you need for me to move to Finland) or we get married..
                            I'm thinking we'll probably end up mixing them both.. ie, she'll move here and after a year or so we'll just marry so we can move to Finland. I dont wanna take her away from all she knows and loves for much more than a year to be honest

                            I know this has nothing to do with Andy and Tanja and Andy made the thread, but it's now the Andy, Tanja, Sam & Elina thread

