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Your LDR - exciting or painful?

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    Your LDR - exciting or painful?

    I'm new in a LDR, well, six nearly seven months, and sometimes I find it an exciting adventure. As if it bonds us closer than a close relationship would do...So, I am curious, is your LDR an exciting adventure or a painful thing to be in?


    Painful..... I hate it !!!! It's driving me crazy and my stress level is in overdrive. I hate being apart from him


      I think it starts off exciting and tails off towards immense frustration after a certain amount of time... we passed the excitement part a while ago in my book
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        Mine's an adventure! Sure, we miss each other all of the time, 4200 miles is a lot of space between, but this is something neither of us expected and surprised us both. The distance can be hard, but the excitement of seeing each other and doing things together is fantastic. We know it'll be a few years before we close the distance, but we're mostly content with it and are just happy to have found each other. Also, being a little older means no pressure for marriage or kids and makes life so much easier for us, we can go at whatever pace we set and just be happy
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I'm not exactly sure anymore. Maybe I'll answer that personally when he and I can talk more and not sporadically.

          Really they're both, I think, for everyone. There's the adventure of love, travel, etc and the pain of distance and waiting. But still the good seems to outweigh the bad with most of us and we go on with them, hoping one day we can stop being LD and be CD for a change.


            Well the excitement only happens once every *however often you see each other* and the pain happens pretty much all the other time..

            So it's definitely more painful


              It was painful for me. Even trips because I just couldn't get the upcoming goodbye out of my head. I never thought of it as exciting, nor an adventure. It was a miserable time to push through.


                For me, it's an adventure, but I'm new to a LDR as well. I consider myself as being artistic and I do love making crafts to make others happy - I wouldn't probably send him letters in a CDR, also we wouldn't do webcaming and so on, it's like a whole new level of relationship for me as I know that only strong couples will survive (I shouldn't probably say it here, but my brother and his finace broke up because of LDR). But it's a pain to know that you have just certain amount of time to kiss each other, to touch each other. And we have 4 years of LDR ahead, therefore I sometimes wonder if he gets fed up with it...


                  Mostly painful for me.
                  Guess the exciting part is being able to date a Japanese guy (since I love Japan) and such, and when it comes to that there is no way around a LDR, before I can move to Japan. Guess that thought is also exciting.
                  But the "missing" part and the "fear of the goodbye" part is painful.


                    Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                    Really they're both, I think, for everyone. There's the adventure of love, travel, etc and the pain of distance and waiting. But still the good seems to outweigh the bad with most of us and we go on with them, hoping one day we can stop being LD and be CD for a change.
                    I agree with this! Sometimes it feels so great and exciting and sometimes it is really painful and depressing... Right now it's more exciting for me because we're going to see each other in 4 days
                    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


                      Both. It can be exciting in many ways, but it's also oh so painful. All those lonely days and nights... it's horrible.


                        I think i jump from one to another. First couple days of being apart hurt so much, but after a while we start doing lots of things that we dont do while being close to each other, like sending postcards, planning movie dates often, send emails full of love! and thinking for hours on how to go that extra mile and do something special for my so. Its nice to know that we are doing something special that a lot of couples will never have to do, and that makes it an adventure!


                          its a bit of both. exciting and the most amazing experiance because i found my soulmate, but painful because im away from her and i dont like it, it hurts alot especially if im in a bad mood and i need her to hold me but she cant since shes far away although were close to closing the distance soon which will be a good thing!


                            Painful. Extremely painful. Beyond anything i've ever felt.

                            I'm a man and i'm at the point where i'm crying at night at least 3 times a week. Haha, but you know what body builders say! "Pain is weakness leaving the body"! Bring it on!


                              I think that it's both for me. Most of the time it can be exciting but I have those days when it's super painful and I want it to end!

