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My SO is only one year older than me and seriously... thats not such a big difference xD
Furthermore we are exactly the same, except i am a bit more mature than him and need to push him down sometimes from his kiddie moments xD
when it comes to love age aint nothing but a number
I wish everybody thought like this. Our age difference is 30 years.
When we're together the age gap between us doesn't even cross my mind. We have same kind of interests, we have same kind of values in life... We just fit together and it all feels so natural. Sometimes I notice the age difference when he says something like "All the great music has been made in the 80's, music nowadays is rubbish!" lol.. and of course he's got a job and I'm still studying.
BUT when I start thinking about other people and what they think about this... They think that he's some creepy old man who desires young women and that I'm naive and too much in love to see that this is just crazy and wrong. It hurts me, it really does. This is such an important thing to me that it hurts if anyone starts judging it. Normally, I wouldn't care what other people think but this is so important to me! I know it doesn't matter what they think but it's hard for me when people stare at us when they see us together. Some even laugh and they don't even try to cover it. It hurts me incredibly much.
We didn't plan this. He wasn't looking for a younger girlfriend and I wasn't looking for an older boyfriend. We just started talking and fell in love. Neither of us thought this is going to work but we loved each other so much and we wanted to be together so we wanted to try it and we're so happy we did. He's not my sugar daddy or anything like that, we have a normal relationship... Well, as normal as it can be when being in a LDR!
And again I find myself explaining why I'm doing this... It's a bit like explaining people why you're in a LDR. Some get it, some don't. I just want people to be happy for me.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!
I wish everybody thought like this. Our age difference is 30 years.
When we're together the age gap between us doesn't even cross my mind. We have same kind of interests, we have same kind of values in life... We just fit together and it all feels so natural. Sometimes I notice the age difference when he says something like "All the great music has been made in the 80's, music nowadays is rubbish!" lol.. and of course he's got a job and I'm still studying.
BUT when I start thinking about other people and what they think about this... They think that he's some creepy old man who desires young women and that I'm naive and too much in love to see that this is just crazy and wrong. It hurts me, it really does. This is such an important thing to me that it hurts if anyone starts judging it. Normally, I wouldn't care what other people think but this is so important to me! I know it doesn't matter what they think but it's hard for me when people stare at us when they see us together. Some even laugh and they don't even try to cover it. It hurts me incredibly much.
We didn't plan this. He wasn't looking for a younger girlfriend and I wasn't looking for an older boyfriend. We just started talking and fell in love. Neither of us thought this is going to work but we loved each other so much and we wanted to be together so we wanted to try it and we're so happy we did. He's not my sugar daddy or anything like that, we have a normal relationship... Well, as normal as it can be when being in a LDR!
And again I find myself explaining why I'm doing this... It's a bit like explaining people why you're in a LDR. Some get it, some don't. I just want people to be happy for me.
I am happy that you found someone that makes you happy and loved. I could care about age...people don't understand unless they experience it.
My SO is 7 years older. I have never really dated anyone older till him. For some reason the guys I chose were always younger by 2-3 years. Age doesn't matter...it's how the heart feels...
My SO is one year younger than me I'm 18 and he's 17. Not that big of a difference :P We don't really notice the age difference much besides the fact that he's still in High School and I'm not and also because his mother likes to bluntly bring it up :/ I won't go into detail on that...
First Met Online: May 08
Became a Couple: 4.11.09
First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13
My guy is 17, and I'm 20. He grew up very quickly, so in most ways, I think he's more mature than I am. I think that's partially what attracted me to him.
I'm not alone! yay!
I'm 20 and Clay is 17... (my dad HATES it... ) He will turn 18 on March 11th and I'll be 21 on April 2nd
I feel Clay is very mature, he had to grow up because of the life experiences he has been in before.
Jon is 17 and I'm 22. Our birthdays are only 10 days apart (January 19th and January 29th). My parents don't like the idea that much and they're always throwing comments (mostly my mom) about how he's still just a kid and not mature enough to handle a serious relationship and that irks me so much because the main reason I fell in love with him was his maturity for his age. Also, after 2 years of dating, I think that says something about how serious he is. His parents (and also the part of his family that I met) on the other hand, are very supportive and don't care at all about our age difference.
I was very uneasy about it when I started liking him because, as you all know, this world can be very judging and back then I was 20 and he was 15. He was a minor (and still is) so I was very worried about what people would think. You know how these days people throw the "P" word at anything that includes a relation between an adult and a minor without even knowing the full details, so I was really scared. But, thankfully, no one that knows has judged us (or me, rather) so far and I'm very happy about that.
Alex is 17 and I'm 19. That's two years. But he has his birthday before me, so for a sweet about 2 months we're a year apart x)
Honestly, the age difference doesn't affect me much. I mean, there's a moment where he can be a little bit immature, but that's okay, because he's SUPER mature for a 17 year old. He has the same maturity as I do, and he says it's because of me.
I swear that he's the older one, because he's always protective of me and acts like I'm the younger one and I need the protection. Idk if this is similar to anyone else, but I just feel like the younger one because of this...but honestly it's true because he's like a blue belt in karate basically a black, according to him if I recall correctly. (haha)
I think if anything, he's going to look older than I do in person, because we haven't met yet, he's got like 8 inches on me (I'm a shorty.)
I don't think age matters, as long as two people understand each other, and they have the same level of maturity, etc.
I love Alex no matter how old he is =]
When it's love, it's love. Age is just a number, more experience or less, and when you're together, you're experiencing life together, so I don't think it really matters. As long as two people are happy.
I'm 22 and my SO is 19. When we're together I never notice. It just feels natural and normal! Its only when either a) I see her birthday (1990!?!?!?! WTF!?!?!) or b) she talks about her course and I'm like, yea, I remember that from my first year (I'm doing a masters, she's just started her undergrad).
Personally I don't think age matters at-all. As long as each person is mature enough to handle the relationship and you love each other, why should a silly number stand in the way?
My SO is 4 years older than me. I do feel the difference sometimes, but we just led different lives before we started our relationship. He is very established in his career and I haven't even started a career, so that is a major difference. Then again, I have 2 children and he's never had kids, so I guess I am more advanced in family experiences, and he's more advanced in career experiences, so we possibly balance one another out. As far as maturity level, I think we're pretty much even. I don't really think 4 years is much of an age difference, but I suppose it depends on how old you are to begin with.
Okay well I am 7 years and 3 months older than my SO. We don't notice it at all. As a matter of fact he is often more mature than. LOL. His parents have made some snarky remarks, and a friend of his that was a girl (obviously with feelings for him) went to his parents house and told them I was some creepy old lady trying to exploit their son!! LOL Years later they are accepting of the fact that I am still here, we are still together and happy. Its a good fit for us, that is all that matters.
Love isn't a number its a feeling as well as a fact.
BUT when I start thinking about other people and what they think about this... They think that he's some creepy old man who desires young women and that I'm naive and too much in love to see that this is just crazy and wrong. It hurts me, it really does. This is such an important thing to me that it hurts if anyone starts judging it. Normally, I wouldn't care what other people think but this is so important to me! I know it doesn't matter what they think but it's hard for me when people stare at us when they see us together. Some even laugh and they don't even try to cover it. It hurts me incredibly much.
And again I find myself explaining why I'm doing this... It's a bit like explaining people why you're in a LDR. Some get it, some don't. I just want people to be happy for me.
There are a lot of people in this world that are plan uncomfortable with any kind of happiness or love, be it their own or someone else's. Don't let them ruin your happiness. I'm happy for you.
There is a possibility that your 'looking for other people to be happy for you', comes across to them as you being unsure about your relationship. Just be happy, show it, and ignore everyone else.
Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love
Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.
My SO and I have a 5.5 year difference between us, and we've both had our birthdays this years, so we're currently at me at 26 and him at 20. I've had some people, even other people in LDR's, make comments about our age difference that sort of shocked me. I mean, you're in an LDR, and complain about getting people who judge you for that, then you turn around and judge me for loving someone barely younger than me? It's not even a big age gap! Ffff on them.
You're always going to have differences in maturity, lifestyles, up-bringing, and a thousand other things that make you who you are. Age is a number. How you handle your life quotient is what determines how well you 'mature' in life. It's how their puzzle piece fits with yours, and how you manage to deal with those life changes together that show your strengths and weaknesses as a team.
Aww yay! So many people dating younger lol
I usually date younger men, so it's nothing new to me. I even umm......dated a 15 year old last year *whistles nonchalantly* Age is a silly thing created by those who want us to feel creepy and old while dating someone younger lol
I love my SO and anyone who thinks he's too young can suck it!
Me: I love you more than writing.
Derrick: I love you more than Pokemon.
My SO is 2.5 years older. He's very mature for his age and teaches me things in life that I didn't realize or fully understand before. I like it that way. To me the age doesn't matter. It's about how two people connect, and it's about the love they have for each other.