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Not sure what to say to this....I know I LOOK old...but come on! :P
Nooo she's saying that she wouldn't have guessed your SO is 20 years younger because YOU look so young!!
And I totally agree...I think you look so young
Nooo she's saying that she wouldn't have guessed your SO is 20 years younger because YOU look so young!!
And I totally agree...I think you look so young
haha no I'm 20 years older. he's 25 and i'm 45. i think our avatar photos are too similar now - confusing even myself
haha no I'm 20 years older. he's 25 and i'm 45. i think our avatar photos are too similar now - confusing even myself
Hahaha I didn't even realize that wasn't YOU who said that!!! I just looked at the avatar and was like, Oh Eternity changed her picture LOL, I feel stupid
I wish everybody thought like this. Our age difference is 30 years.
I think it's great that people can fall in love despite the big age gap... Age really is only a number and when it comes to the matters of the heart that number doesn't mean a thing.
My SO is 5 years younger than me - when I told my parents they were amused and a bit shocked I think but I can't see why because really, 5 years is nothing! I hardly ever notice our age difference, just sometimes make jokes about how he's my toy boy
I think it's great that people can fall in love despite the big age gap... Age really is only a number and when it comes to the matters of the heart that number doesn't mean a thing.
My SO is 5 years younger than me - when I told my parents they were amused and a bit shocked I think but I can't see why because really, 5 years is nothing! I hardly ever notice our age difference, just sometimes make jokes about how he's my toy boy
LOL I did the same thing, referring to him as my 'boy toy' much to my SO's consternation! His response was "I'm not a boy toy, I'm a MAN toy... WAIT that didn't sound right!" so now he just quietly grumbles if I tease him about it!
Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love
Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.
Nooo she's saying that she wouldn't have guessed your SO is 20 years younger because YOU look so young!!
And I totally agree...I think you look so young
Hahaha I didn't even realize that wasn't YOU who said that!!! I just looked at the avatar and was like, Oh Eternity changed her picture LOL, I feel stupid
A quick thank you, I feel really humbled when people say such nice things. Sometimes I feel like the old lady on here and that all my posts/blog need to have 'back in my day' disclaimer. hugs to all and thank you for your kind words.
A quick thank you, I feel really humbled when people say such nice things. Sometimes I feel like the old lady on here and that all my posts/blog need to have 'back in my day' disclaimer. hugs to all and thank you for your kind words.
It's so cute that you say that. I have NEVER thought of you as older than the average LFAD member...
Hahaha I didn't even realize that wasn't YOU who said that!!! I just looked at the avatar and was like, Oh Eternity changed her picture LOL, I feel stupid
LOL i didnt either! i was all ready to say no silly...and explain what i meant lol. to funny!
Welllll i have had a lot of stick about our age difference...but i think its more about our actual age.
We met a few days before me 15th birthday. I've been thinking about this for a while now. I am 16 and my SO is 24. Personally, he says i'm quite mature but i don't know if he's just saying it....but anyway at times he seems to be the least mature one in the relationship And i know my mum will explode when she finds out (here's hoping its not until i'm 21) and he says in Ireland, an adult man going out with a younger girl is REALLY frowned upon, even more than in england. He told his friends i'm 18, and they've seen pictures of me and didn't question it, so i guess its partially ok....but still. Usually on the internet i get SO much stick for it. And the phrase 'paedophile' is so not appropriate for what this is....it just annoys me that people can instantly resign something as something derogatory without even getting to understand it.
Does anybody think i'm too young? :S
Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling
Welllll i have had a lot of stick about our age difference...but i think its more about our actual age.
We met a few days before me 15th birthday. I've been thinking about this for a while now. I am 16 and my SO is 24. Personally, he says i'm quite mature but i don't know if he's just saying it....but anyway at times he seems to be the least mature one in the relationship And i know my mum will explode when she finds out (here's hoping its not until i'm 21) and he says in Ireland, an adult man going out with a younger girl is REALLY frowned upon, even more than in england. He told his friends i'm 18, and they've seen pictures of me and didn't question it, so i guess its partially ok....but still. Usually on the internet i get SO much stick for it. And the phrase 'paedophile' is so not appropriate for what this is....it just annoys me that people can instantly resign something as something derogatory without even getting to understand it.
Does anybody think i'm too young? :S
In the most loving and unoffensive way possible yes I do. Not because you are 16 but because he is 24. I'll be 24 in January and quite frankly I can't wrap my head around it.
THAT BEING SAID: Y'all have been together for 1 year and 3 months and you clearly have a grasp on what it is that your relationship entails way more than anybody else could. I just hope that he respects you for your age and that's all I'm going to say about that.
In the most loving and unoffensive way possible yes I do. Not because you are 16 but because he is 24. I'll be 24 in January and quite frankly I can't wrap my head around it.
THAT BEING SAID: Y'all have been together for 1 year and 3 months and you clearly have a grasp on what it is that your relationship entails way more than anybody else could. I just hope that he respects you for your age and that's all I'm going to say about that.
*hugs you*
Wow, that is quite possibly the most lovely answer anyone has ever given me to that question. Usually its a mixture profanities and bad grammar
I understand what you're saying and he DEFINITELY respects me, he is such a gentleman lol. And we kind of view our relationship as 'waiting', like obviously we can't go around making out on every street corner, but its kinda like a I.O.U for when i'm 18. Some people have said that must be pretty boring, but i just think its the best thing thats ever happened to me, despite the fact that i don't get to really publicise it for a few years.
*hugs back*
Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling
Welllll i have had a lot of stick about our age difference...but i think its more about our actual age.
We met a few days before me 15th birthday. I've been thinking about this for a while now. I am 16 and my SO is 24. Personally, he says i'm quite mature but i don't know if he's just saying it....but anyway at times he seems to be the least mature one in the relationship And i know my mum will explode when she finds out (here's hoping its not until i'm 21) and he says in Ireland, an adult man going out with a younger girl is REALLY frowned upon, even more than in england. He told his friends i'm 18, and they've seen pictures of me and didn't question it, so i guess its partially ok....but still. Usually on the internet i get SO much stick for it. And the phrase 'paedophile' is so not appropriate for what this is....it just annoys me that people can instantly resign something as something derogatory without even getting to understand it.
Does anybody think i'm too young? :S
Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with NikkiP.
First of all, it's your life and you know your relationship better than anyone else. So if you are comfortable with it...then good.
But because you asked...I do think you're too young. I mean, 8 years isn't that big of a difference when you get older. Say if you were 22 and he was 30 or you were 30 and he was 38, etc. But I think when you are younger, 8 years is A LOT.
I guess I'm like NikkiP. I am 24 years old and I cannot even imagine dating someone who was 16. I mean, I teach in middle/high school and I look at even the mature 18 year olds and I just can't understand it.
But that's me. And I'm a different person than you.
Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with NikkiP.
First of all, it's your life and you know your relationship better than anyone else. So if you are comfortable with it...then good.
But because you asked...I do think you're too young. I mean, 8 years isn't that big of a difference when you get older. Say if you were 22 and he was 30 or you were 30 and he was 38, etc. But I think when you are younger, 8 years is A LOT.
I guess I'm like NikkiP. I am 24 years old and I cannot even imagine dating someone who was 16. I mean, I teach in middle/high school and I look at even the mature 18 year olds and I just can't understand it.
But that's me. And I'm a different person than you.
I respect your opinion and kinda know exactly where you're coming from haha, its just weird because its like nothing i could ever have imagined, its not creepy/strange/weird to me, its just right to me. Like everything makes a whole lot of sense now.
Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling