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Picking up Personality Traits (Becoming more like your GF/BF)

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    My accent became softer! I come from the north of Mexico and he's all the way south. He speaks more like me and I speak more like him (he has changed his accent more than I have).

    About personality... I've become way more patient and I feel like I went back to my older self as well, one who loves fantasy stories and those sorts of things. He kind of made me remember a side of myself I had let down after elementary school :P I feel like I'm more myself now, it feels pretty good.


      He says "granted" all the time and I am always getting yelled at by my brother and my mom because I say it so much without even noticing now. Also, I now use an unnecessary amount of commas because of him.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        We've both picked up random phrases from each other. It's quite funny, and we laugh on the phone when we catch the other one using "our" phrase.

        He has made me such a better person! He showed me my heart can heal, and I have become much nicer and more like my old self. Very much better!


          Because of my wonderful, amazing and handsome SO I have learned the fine art of PROCRASTINATION
          I cant say its a good thing LOL
          Love him to bits


            I've started talking a bit like him in the way that I say someone's 'odd' meaning kind of not happy? I say like more (which is common for where I live anyway, but I never really said it until i started talking like him), there's quite a few random phrases and words actually... Recently, I've started using a few cheesy chat up lines becuase they make him laugh, I guess that's because he is always saying them to me...


              Oh yes. I started adding "uhh" whenever we talk because he speaks like that (plus the French accent). And sometimes whenever he ask something, I got the habit of saying "oui oui".

