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How long has it been?

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    The longest we have been apart is 6 weeks at the most. We talk every morning and before bed. txt all day, more from me because he is working. talk sometimes during day. and we have now started to skype, OMG if you can do it, it is awesome!

    Even though, we have a lot of contact. I still go nutso missing him. weekends I don't have my kids I do the same thing and wanna stay in bed all weekend. And the longer we do this and the closer we get. It is harder for me being apart.


      Originally posted by 8983MilesofLove View Post
      Omg KiwiLove! Are you going back over there soon!? I wish you were going the same time I was going so we could catch up for breakfast on the beach or something
      I WILL go back!!!!! :-) I cant wait for the day Im leaving. Im just waiting to get my visa which will be very soon hopefully (mite this week) and then Im going to book my flight. One way ticket :-) When are you going back? Would be awesome to catch up with you at scarborough maybe ;-)


        Woww congrats! So happy for you
        What visa did you apply for? when did you apply?
        I'm going back June/July! So Winter unfortunately lol
        Defs, iced chocolate at Scarborough Dome? Or Floreat Beach Kiosk? hehe those are my fave places :P
        I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
        please visit my blog and sponsor me!
        It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

        'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'


          December 30th was the last time i saw him, last time i actually verbally talked to him was so long ago I cant even remember...and i get texts from him semi-daily. needless to say, if you read any of my post and/or'll know i'm not handling it very well. I feel so unwanted.


            Originally posted by 8983MilesofLove View Post
            Woww congrats! So happy for you
            What visa did you apply for? when did you apply?
            I'm going back June/July! So Winter unfortunately lol
            Defs, iced chocolate at Scarborough Dome? Or Floreat Beach Kiosk? hehe those are my fave places :P
            Yes me tooo!!!! I cant believe its going to happen! And I am goign to see him again!!? Wow..
            I applied for student visa since we arent allowed to apply for working visa when your Swiss.
            So the visa will be effective for about 8 months and I will be going to TAFE school for 6 months. I also thought this would be the best since its like a "test" for my kiwi and me since we didnt see each other for one year.
            If everything is as we both expect it and we will be happy we are able to apply for the partner visa
            Yes Scarborough Dome is awesome..the ocean view is nice :-) oh dont worry the chips are also yum if its too cold for an iced chocolate :-)


              Dome chips are THE best!!!! Yummmm! And also theyre white chocolate and macadamia cookies :P
              I love the ocean view too
              Aww, how come you cant apply for the work visa if your swiss!?
              I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
              please visit my blog and sponsor me!
              It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

              'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'


                Originally posted by 8983MilesofLove View Post
                Dome chips are THE best!!!! Yummmm! And also theyre white chocolate and macadamia cookies :P
                I love the ocean view too
                Aww, how come you cant apply for the work visa if your swiss!?
                Pff...stupid rule between Switzerland and Australia..I dont know why :-/ But everything has its meaning so if we are still happy together after those 8 months we will find a way :-) We really should go and have a large amount of chips one day!! Would be nice :-)


                  Of course you'll find a way I'm really excited for you!!
                  Yess, we will defs have chips
                  I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
                  please visit my blog and sponsor me!
                  It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

                  'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'


                    My SO left for home on the 20th. Not so long ago, but it feels like it.
                    I talk to him still through text and messenger though.
                    I hate going to bed.
                    I need something to keep me busy. I have nothing D;


                      I think it's worse just after you're apart slowly gets easier as the time goes on because each day you get closer to seeing one another again
                      I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
                      please visit my blog and sponsor me!
                      It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

                      'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'


                        The longest we have went without seeing each other is 5 weeks. The longest we have went without talking is about 5 days because he was hunting up in no man's land with no cell reception.

                        He is actually visiting right now but he is with his parents, so I just saw him yesterday and will see him again today. We have been together for a week now and he will leave Sunday. We typically see each other about every 3 weeks, though.

                        I know that I am pretty lucky, but the distance still stinks when I am experiencing it.


                          Originally posted by OliveOyl View Post
                          December 30th was the last time i saw him, last time i actually verbally talked to him was so long ago I cant even remember...and i get texts from him semi-daily. needless to say, if you read any of my post and/or'll know i'm not handling it very well. I feel so unwanted.
                          I am so sorry that you are feeling unwanted. I am definitely not a LDR expert but what I have learned is that while we all have insecurities, it is us who are in control of our ability to change the way we ALLOW others to view us. If you are constantly tearing your self worth down and basking in the negativity then that is how the world will eventually view you. What we think about, we bring about.
                          You are a beautiful person, worthy of unconditional love. Make that your morning mantra. And chin up....


                            Originally posted by Alexandria Lora View Post
                            I last saw my SO January the 9th and will see him again September 1st. OMGoshhhh i cant wait! My sister says September is right around the corner, and I say she is daft!! That is like forever and a day!!! ( I still love her even though she is daft )
                            Twice in a year? YAY!!!! That's awesome, I'm so happy for you!


                              January 7th was the last time I saw him. I'm booked to go see him May 27th. I was originally thinking September but I saw an opportunity to grab a cheap flight and take a week off from my job (temping so I can pretty much go whenever). Also, I realize this LDR is really an investment and it's important that I prioritize visits.

