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Your SO's parents?

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    I havn't met his mom and sister yet but we are friends on fb and he says they are excited to meet me -blushes-
    "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

    Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
    Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


      I have met my fiance's parents few times now, and I know that they don't like me. I feel that they are just waiting for us to get tired of the distance and break up.
      I remember the first time I met them, I brought fruits. While I was in the US, I baked muffins for them and bought extra fruits. The second visit I did the same. I brought a basket of fruit, and in Chinese Lunar Year I gave them cookies, fruits etc. But no matter what I did, they just pretended as if they accepted me.
      I don't understand Cantonese, but I could see the way his dad looked at me when one of his friends asked him if I was Chinese. He gave me that annoyed look and said "pst... vietlam yan" which means "vietnamese". I'm Vietnamese, and they don't like me because of THAT!?! While I was there, they thought I have an illness. They are afraid that MY illness will ruin THEIR family blood. When I walk, then I don't move my arms. I feel comfortable that way, but no... they think THAT is an illness. It's not my fault that I walk "weird". No one is perfect!! My family and I don't have any illness or disease. The only problem I have in my family is that we're short. I'm short, but guess what? THAT makes his mom think that it's an illness. Being short is an illness?!?!?!
      His dad has diabetes, and his grandma has Alzheimer's disease. They think that their family is healthier than mine??
      Anyway... last week my fiance told his mom that he proposed to me when he was visiting me (end of March). His mom asked him if he's sure that I'm not using him. She think that I'm using him so I can come to US, and bring my family with me! I was so upset when I heard that from him. I've been with him for over 2 years and 7 months now. I have stayed in the US less than 4 months, and I even helped them at their restaurant, but she think I'm using him!?!?!
      I did my best... I was friendly and helpful. I was being myself, but it wasn't enough. They will never accept me. I'm very upset and sad about it though...
      I keep telling myself that I don't care about their approval, but inside me it hurts because I didn't do anything wrong.
      I won't give up!! I will show them that they are wrong!

      That's my rant... I'm happy to share in here, cause I've been feeling very upset about his parents.


        My boyfriend lives with his parents, so I met his mum the morning after our first date (teehee). She was really sweet from the very beginning and instantly liked me. Apparently she has always wanted my boyfriend to have a foreign, preferably German, girlfriend.
        Everytime my boyfriend and I skype she comes in to tell me that she loves me, misses me and can't wait for me to come back to their place. When I'm staying with them for longer we share clothes or go to the hairdresser's together. Haha, I think I have more in common with her than with my mum.
        I don't talk to his dad very much, but when we do, we get along quite well, too.

        My boyfriend has only met my mum once, as she lives quite far from me and I don't see her very often myself. They occasionally e-mail, though (haha, like when I'm here and I don't answer my mum's mails she'd write to him, cause it's almost guaranteed he'll write back).

        Our mums have met, too and seem to like each other. It was a really fun meeting, despite the language barriers

        No rant from me.

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          I love my SO's parents and I feel really really comfortable with them. I don't always agree with the decisions they make, especially parenting ones while my SO was growing up. But I respect that they were always doing the best they could.

          When we were first dating, I talked to them a few times on the phone. And then months later, I was in the US for a month so they offered to buy me a plane ticket to come see them. I went (by myself!) to meet them and stayed with them for 5 days to celebrate Eid (the holiday at the end of Ramadan). I had a great time and felt really welcomed by his parents and siblings.
          Now, I call them every few weeks just to say hi and see how they are doing. They are sweet and really supportive of us.


            My mans parents have passed away so I don't have to deal with in-laws!
            I've met his sister and she was lovely! He's also got a brother too which I haven't met yet.

            He hasn't met my parents yet, my father can't wait to meet him. They've emailed and chatted over FB with each other and my father always invited him (and me) out to his second home in the Philippinnes so they can go diving together. My father loves diving and my man is a dive master. They're also both welders with a passion for cars, my fathers built a couple of his own and that's something my man has always wanted to do, but has so far only built boats I'm sure I wont be able to seperate them when they meet....


              My mans parents have passed away so I don't have to deal with in-laws!
              I've met his sister and she was lovely! He's also got a brother too which I haven't met yet.

              He hasn't met my parents yet, my father can't wait to meet him. They've emailed and chatted over FB with each other and my father always invited him (and me) out to his second home in the Philippinnes so they can go diving together. My father loves diving and my man is a dive master. They're also both welders with a passion for cars, my fathers built a couple of his own and that's something my man has always wanted to do, but has so far only built boats I'm sure I wont be able to seperate them when they meet....


                Originally posted by BeckyHarrison View Post
                Maybe you should talk to her, and tell her how it makes you feel. If you love your SO then you have to "like" his parents. Maybe you should get her email or phone number and explain to her your side of the relationship. It's not easy by any means, but what is in an LDR? But if you want change, you make change. She won't understand how you feel until you express yourself.
                I feel like if I do that, however, it will just make matters worse. I'm not very good at stay polite when I'm trying to make a point.


                  My SO's parents love me and really want me to go and live there. The first meeting with them was really intense and traditional though, I went round their house and they cooked a meal and they asked me sooo many questions about everything, including my political opinions. The most awkward thing was that they are super christian so I felt really awkward when they were saying grace and I'm not christian at all. They have asked my SO about my religious beliefs and he told them I'm not christian but fingers crossed they still like me!


                    Yes, I've met my SO's parents. It was amazing how well I got along with them. I really like them.


                      My SO's mother passed away a few months ago. I met her briefly many years ago but he wasn't very close to her so I probably would not have spent much time with her anyway. I also met his father and step-mother around the same time and his father seemed to like me. We haven't seen each other since but he knows about us and supports us. His dad likes to joke that I bring bad weather every time I come up to visit My SO just isn't close to any of his family though, so I doubt we'll spend much time with his father either. He sees his dad maybe twice a year and his dad only lives a few hours away from him.

                      My SO met my parents for the first time last summer, although they've known about him for years. My dad is not so expressive but I think he liked him. My mom likes him a lot and is always trying to plan our wedding despite not even being formally engaged yet. It's a very odd concept for my SO as he's not used to family members being as involved in his life as mine are in my life.


                        My SO doesn't have parents (his mother died & he never met his father), so the only one I really deal with is his sister and her husband. He actually lives in the house his sister & husband own. He moved to live out there in October, but before then he hadn't seen his sister in years and he also didn't really grow up with her, as they had different fathers. I think they like me, but I'm not too fond of them.
                        I met them over Christmas when we had dinner together at her father's house here. It was EXTREMELY awkward. They were all drunk (SO and I don't really drink much) and being completely rude (saying wildly inappropriate things about his physical appearance etc) to my SO in front of everyone. After dinner, they told my SO that I was "hot" and that he did a good job picking me. I was nice and pleasant, so I think they like me. I've never expressed any dislike in front of them. They also say I can visit whenever I like.
                        But she thinks that just because she is the "older" sister, she can berate him. They are constantly treating him like a child, when he is nearly 21 years old and paying them rent (his sister is only 24!). He pays for all his own expenses, and for all intensive purposes is merely a renter there. Yet, he is always told what and when to do things. They also have a hoity toity attitude because they were born privileged and look down upon minimum wage jobs. I have MANY problems with the way they treat him, that extend beyond all this.
                        In addition, he tells me that they are constantly making jokes about me. Saying that I'm probably off "doing" every guy back here, or telling my SO that he should find girls there or to try and have a threesome with my sister and I when he visits. It's really irritating, and makes me not want to visit him because they all live in the same house.


                          i havent met his parents yet, i will in july(: his mom is soooooo excited to meet me, she already loves me and texts me and talks to me on facebook and stuff. its cute(: his dad is...idk. haha. whateverrrrr, ill meet him too i guess.
                          my parents love him and totally accept him as part of the family.<3


                            I haven't met my SO's parents in person yet, so I don't know how we'll get along. We have been introduced via Skype, though, and my SO's mum seems very excited about me and has been nothing but pleasant and charming to talk to. I wasn't sure what his dad thinks of me, so I asked my SO what the general sentiment is in his household, and he said his family all thinks I'm pretty awesome. I'm hoping and praying that nothing I do when we meet in September will change that. xD

                            I've been introduced to one of his younger brothers on Skype as well, and his brother and I get along pretty well. We're not FB friends or anything yet, I think that would be seen as weird by his family just because we haven't met in person, but we always say hi to each other when we happen to both be talking to my SO at the same time (me on skype, him in my SO's room to use the printer or something like that).

                            I'm hoping that all goes well when we meet, I would hate to have to deal with the frustration of having my SO's family dislike me. I can only imagine how much that hurts. =/


                              I absolutely ADORE Gareth's parents! I met them in November, and I was so nervous to meet them. Everything turned out amazing though! I met his whole family who I hadn't already met on a prior visit (his brother is dating one of my friends). Everyone was so nice. His mom is so nice and his dad is hilarious. I definitely saw a lot of Gareth's personality in his dad. His youngest brother is getting married, and he and his fiancee were there too. I didn't feel like Gareth's parents treated me any differently from her. They made me feel so welcomed. They are amazing, and I can't wait to meet up with the whole family again in July.
                              "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                              "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                              Met: August 22, 2010
                              Made it official: September 17, 2010
                              Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                              Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                              Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                              Got married: November 21, 2012
                              Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                              Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                                I love Alex's parents ^^ they're hilarious >w< and so honest. I love them so much. >w<

