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    Just wondering how many times a day do you and your LDR text or call and talk to each other. I feel like im not getting enough. Its been a text every other day or so and a call once a week for me :^ /

    We only talk on Skype once a week - on the weekend. We do send daily emails though.


      Well we never text since I don't have lol. And we rarely call, we only called when he was down here visiting. And skype we do maybe once a week if that. We mainly just talk online, Chat, or leave emails. With leaving messages we do that about everyday, but actually talking, like both of us on, we been doing that everyday since he's left, I'd say we talk almost ereyday cept when we have family events or vacation. or my SO is working non stop. Then we'll miss a few days or won't talk for a bit. I think our communication is good though.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        Depends for each couple. For some couples communication is really expensive (international texts) or hard to come by (limited internet connection). I think if you feel that you're not getting enough communication you should ask for more. Tell your SO that you want them to contact you __ number of times a week/day/etc.


          We text on and off throughout the day and at least talk on the phone every night. We usually Skype a few times a week.


            We are both in USA, just in different states and the cellphone plans that we have make every call between us free and we both have unlimited txts, I know not every couple has these advantages so I understand why not everybody comminucate as much as us. We text eachother all the time every day, since good morning... while he is working we don't do it, just when he is on his lunch break, and again when his working day ends, but then I have to go to class so we stop again, until my class ends hehehe then when I get home at night we talk on the phone and at the end say good night. sometime one of us is really tired so we don't talk to long, but ussually we talk like for 45 minuts every night.
            During the weekends we txt much more because he is not working and I don't have class... And we also talk on the phone like 3 times in a day instead only once like during the weekdays..
            But again not everybody has these advantages to communicate that much paying little for it... So you have to se how much money can you and your SO spend in communication and deside together how much communication eachone needs


              Daily, really, as far as messaging. Sometimes we'll send the occasional "surprise!" e-mail, but it's usually sent with the expection we'll have time to chat later in the day. :P The phone is rare, due to the fact that it's expensive, and we Skype about once per week if we have the time for it.
              { Our Story on LFAD }

              Our Beginning
              Met online: February 2009
              Feelings confessed: December 2010
              Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
              Officially together since: 08 April 2011

              Our Story
              First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
              Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
              Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
              Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

              Our Happily Ever After
              to be continued...


                We talk on the phone every night. He texts me on all three of his breaks at work. It is very rare that a day goes by that we don't talk. If we don't talk, it's usually very special circumstances.
                candi ❤ austin
                ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
                ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
                ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
                ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


                  We don't text, but we do IM for hours each day while we're at work; so even though we're both on IM all day, it's not non-stop talking -- it's talking between other things. We Skype a few times a week. We don't call because we're an international couple and Skype works fine for talking.

                  This is what is normal for us. We both like having a connection each day. As others have said, not everyone needs or wants to feel as connected as we do. If you're not getting enough communication (and IMO it seems like very little), ask your SO for more communication.

                  Best of luck.


                    We IM on skype daily and video skype at least once a week. We don't text very often as it costs us a lot of money with international rates, but I'd go crazy with less contact, haha.

                    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                      My SO and I talk to each other on Skype everyday, for at least several hours. Might be a bit extreme, but it's become the norm We even fall asleep to each other on Skype nearly every night.

                      When we're unable to go on Skype, we text each other during the day and sometimes use Facebook, though very rarely.

                      We go on webcam when we can, which isn't very often unfortunately. We try to go on at least once every 2 weeks.


                        Well, me and my SO never chat, skype, webcam, call, or text. We only keep in touch with email at least once a week, but can be more when we have more free time.
                        Ah, I really miss his voice and his accent :|


                          Seeing what alot of you wrote makes me thankful how often I am able to talk to my SO. We text through out the day, basic good morning or how is your day. Let them know if something exciting is going on. And it is rare if we do not talk at night. Sometimes it a a decently long conversation and other times it is a quick good night since it is so late. When we dont talk for more than 4 or 5 days it drives me nuts.
                          Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                          I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                            Again, for every couple their abilities to communicate vary based on country, budget, time, etc., and also their personal preferences, but me and my SO both have subscriptions to each other's countries on Skype so we can save money on phone calls as it's very cheap for us - and we talk for a short time on his lunch break (my early morning when I first wake up), and my lunch break (his early evening). We send each other 1 or 2 texts per day on our phones but more than that would get expensive. I log into my AIM account and go "mobile" so that all my IMs are forwarded as texts to my phone, and he can get on his AIM and send me text messages that way when he's at home and I'm at work - that's how I can let him know I'm on my break and it's ok to call me now. We have short videochats on Skype on days of the week where I either work later or get off work earlier, so I can either greet him when he gets home from work or tell him sweet dreams before he goes to bed. It's not every single workday, but it's at least 2 or 3. On days when we know we won't be able to see each other on Skype, we make "videomails" for each other, a short talk about our day and our thoughts for the day, which we'll film and email to each other as an attachment, so we can still see and hear each other even on a day when we don't get to videochat. And on the weekends, we have super long chats on Skype, sometimes up to 10 hours if we can! We talk a lot for an international couple, but we really thrive on a lot of communication, and both of us very much want it! I have never had to ask for more from my SO, because the amount we have is good and I feel satisfied with it (well, actually, I always want for more time with him, but we can't sync timezones, lol), but if you aren't getting enough for yourself, I'd ask your SO for more and just be honest. You have to be able to communicate your needs to your SO and tell her what you need and want from the relationship! Best of luck!


                              We text daily with the usual "Good morning texts" or if he has a quick break he'll message me - but throughout our LDR he's called me almost every single night and we talk anywhere from 30 minutes - 2 hours. More so on weekends we get a solid 2 hours in. We also both live in Winnipeg, Mb Canada as a close distance couple, but as he is currently just a province east of me in Ontario (for work) we are both fortunate to have BlackBerry Messenger so its free to message each other. And he just buys phone cards to call me - so we skip the long distance charge. We've skyped a few times as well. But not often because he is in the military and its a barracks so there's like 24 other guys around listening - watching as well the wifi sucks.
                              .We've Closed the Distance.
                              no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                              i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                              no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                              all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                              Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,

