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How Do You Sleep with Your SO?

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    Hahaa, when we were LD, I did that thing on the picture almost every night we spent together! That's funny. Don't do it anymore for some reason.. but I guess he's happy I've stopped

    I usually sleep on my stomach, and so does he, so we're rarely cuddling when we're asleep. Most nights we cuddle before we go to sleep and then just move away from each other a bit, get our own space We get too hot if we cuddle for too long, neither of us can get to sleep that way, really.. I'd love to sleep in his arms, but oh well. If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be


      Itīs complicated as hell how we sleep lmao. we are both on our sides facing each other, and he wraps his arm around me. And then I bend my top leg and put it between his a little bit. Thatīs the best I can describe it LOL. But the cute thing is that we sleep in those awkward positions naturally when we are alone, so we kind of compliment each other in sleep I guess hehe.

      "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
      -Miguel De Cervantes

      Read our story HERE


        We can't sleep through the night if we're cuddling because he gets too hot and I don't like to be touched much while sleeping. So usually, we'll cuddle then move away when we're actually gonna fall asleep. We're both side/back sleepers so its nice because we can be close, but still not touching a ton.


          Either he lays on his back and i lay on my side sorta half on him, or i lay on my side and he lays on his side behind me with his arms around me. But by the morning, he has all the duvet and we're other sides of the bed! But sometimes we're still huddled together by morning >.<


            I'm usually a back sleeper and he's all over the place. He moves around...a lot lol. Usually he sleeps on his side though. He'll try to put his arm around me or hold my hand but we usually end up failing. XD

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              My SO doesn't have a specific sleeping position, I on the other hand have to sleep on my side facing away from him! We cuddle for a long time then when I'm falling asleep i turn away from him! I always feel really guilty for doing this but it's the only way I can sleep! I always make sure I'm touching him though, I have my hand behind me holding his!


                He sleeps on his stomach, and I toss and turn I usually end up sleeping on my side but I switch back and forth a lot. Luckily he sleeps through anything so I don't bother him. We do our snuggling for a few minutes and then he turns over for the night.


                  We both sleep on our sides, but facing different directions. It makes it hard to cuddle, but somehow, I always end up with my arm falling asleep because it gets under her head/shoulder/etc. I want to move it so bad, but she looks so beautiful sleeping that I don't want to wake her up just for that, so I normally wind up having it tingle really badly in the morning.
                  National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                  National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                  Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                    We normally sleep facing each other with me snuggled up in between his arms by his chest. He's the one that totally wraps his body around me, legs, arms, etc.. He's also the one that pushes me off the bed. Well no completely, but right to the edge where I end having to wake him up to tell him to move over! I miss sleeping with him. ;_;


                      We've only taken naps with each other, but we'll definitely be sleeping in the same bed when I'm back. Luckily, we're both side sleepers. During our naps, we've slept facing each other with my head on his "captive" arm, his other arm around my waist and my "top" leg draped over his legs. I do tend to push him off the bed - he's joked that when we're sleeping in his bed at school, he's going to have to be on the wall side to keep me from forcing him off the bed. I also am a blanket stealer, but he's generally warm and I'm almost always cold, so that's less of a problem.
                      Ann & James

                      “We are all a little weird and life's a little weird,
                      and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,
                      we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”
                      ― Dr. Seuss


                        I know I already posted, but since I'm on a visit now, this is something relevant. He tosses and turns so much lol. Last night, he stretched out his arms in the middle of the night and accidentally elbowed me in the face like twice haha. Granted, we are sharing a twin bed in a college dorm lol. I've been basically pressed against the wall and he is trying not to fall off the tiny, lofted bed. XD We cuddle usually before we fall asleep and when we wake up.

                        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                          i always always sleep on his left hand side, and have my head in the grove of his neck/shoulder bit as we havent spent a night together yet, we usually sleep due to being just too tired because of school/uni... he sleeps so peacefully, but he has this face on that either can be depicted as concentrating reeeaaally hard on the dream, or just very very angry!!

                          we usually end up just side by side come the end, but its always nice to drift off in his arms, then be woken up by him stroking my hand or something.... x


                            Sometimes we sleep facing each other with our arms wrapped around each other and our legs intertwined, other times my head rests on his shoulder, and other times we spoon. I love sleeping with him. We're in a dorm room with only a twin sized bed, so we have no choice but to sleep very closely and cuddled together.


                              He usually sleeps on his back and I'm either just facing him or his arm around me lying on his chest


                                He's visiting now and we're staying in my parents' king bed (it's their vacation house and my college house haha) so we end up kinda far apart by the morning. But we always start sleeping with him laying on his back and me curled up next to him with my arm around him and my head on his chest.

                                Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                                Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                                Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                                Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                                Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

