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How Do You Sleep with Your SO?

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    I often fall asleep on my right side; from the first time we shared a bed I asked my SO if I could keep on the left hand side so I can drift off to sleep facing him He really needs his space when he sleeps though whereas I'm a snuggler by nature, so he's had to wake me up on a few occasions to push me back to my half of the bed! He can't fall asleep facing me, nor without earplugs... I never tell him because I know he can't help it and it'd be childish of me to mention, but I do feel a bit cut off from him at night by his sleeping preferences. Of course it's not personal, it isn't like he's rejecting me or anything, but still I guess the best thing to do would be to invest in a hot water bottle and cuddle that instead!


      My SO is a pillow stealer, bed hog, and occasionally beats me up during the night lol. But, I still the blanket. He always prefers me to spoon him, but I insist it doesn't work that way haha although I occasionally will. Sometimes we face opposite ways curled up, this is where I push my butt into him supposedly and almost knock him off the bed. Sometimes we face each other and get all tangled up! (But I can't breathe on or near his face...i guess he has some trauma story from his dog doing that when he was younger haha!!!


        I have a queen sized bed in my room, so we have tons of space...but we use none of it practically! Meaning he cuddles on me, closely. He'll wrap his arms around me and hold me until morning. I love it! I also love how much he twitches! His body just twitches all over, it actually ended up with him hitting me in the face and me glaring at him for a couple minutes while he slept but it was still nice.


          I HAVE to sleep on my back. This doesn't work with my girl as she likes to move around. Then I AM IN TROUBLE because I don't move with her.


            I'm a side sleeper, typically my right side. He tends to switch between his back n his right side as well. So we typically end up spooning til we fall asleep then he'll drift away and we'll wake up him on his back and me in the fetal position wrapped up in a good hunk of the
            "You want for myself
            You get me like no one else
            I am beautiful with you

            I am beautiful with you
            Even in the darkest part of me
            I am beautiful with you
            Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
            You're here with me
            Just show me this and I'll believe
            I am beautiful with you"



              We can't cuddle at night while sleeping, mostly because we both get hot at night and extra body heat is awful, I'm sad to say. So we just sleep on our own sides of the bed. :P This is of course the few times I actually have had the chance to sleep in the same bed with him.


                Before we were LD, I used to sleepover all the time and so we learned how to comfortably sleep on a single bed (spooning, my favorite ). Since he has more space to himself now, he likes to sprawl out on his stomach and sometimes when he visits he still has the urge to do that. As for me, I constantly love snuggling -- when he's not around I put pillows and blankets in place of him cause I find it so much more comfy that way. When he's around, he'll usually sleep in my favorite position, just for me, and then somehow end up moving to his stomach with his arm around me still.


                  I toss and turn and usually end up sleeping on my side, but sometimes I sleep on my stomach.

                  When I'm with my SO I sleep on my side with my back to him. He sleeps on his side very close to me with his arms wrapped around me.

                  Finding myself.


                    I've posted here two other times. He still tosses and turns like it's nobody's business, but usually ends up on his right side. I can sleep on my right side, left side or my back. We usually cuddle before we fall asleep or spoon for awhile. Whenever I am sleeping in bed with him, I tend to toss and turn a lot and snuggle up close to him. I will end up with my head on his pillow lol. We usually wake up on opposite sides, but then we cuddle for awhile.

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      Never actually slept with him in a bed or anything... But when we accidentally fall asleep on my couch its usually him laying on his back and me using his chest as a pillow. He twitches in his sleep though... A lot... One I woke up cause his arm spazzamed and smacked me on the head. xD


                        My SO either spoons me, or we sleep with our stomachs facing, but I don't know how he ever manages to sleep, I am the most restless sleeper ever!


                          My SO and I both had single beds, so the best way to sleep was to spoon each other. If we were back to back we'd just have no space! Being able to sleep in a double bed from time to time was a luxury and we'd spread out as much as we could


                            Awwww all these posts are so precious!! My absolute favorite thing in the WORLD is sleeping with my SO. I pretty much moved in with him when I was in Ireland. :P

                            At first, it took some getting used to for sleeping together, since I've never slept with anyone before him. I wake up frequently during the night, and he calls me his personal radiator since I have such intense body heat (I'm just a very warm person--I almost never get cold). At first, we'd end up snuggling and somewhat apart, but always touching, but as we neared the last bits of my stay, we definitely ended up snuggling throughout the night. My absolute favorite position is lying on his chest, while he's on his back, and we just hold hands, or he plays with my hair. I often trace him with my finger; I just love every inch of him. Spooning gives it a run for its money, though, but that most often leads to other things...^_~

                            I just really, really miss him holding me.
                            "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                              The one time that we accidentally fell asleep with each other, we were laying on our right sides facing the same way with his arm around my waist. He twitches. It's adorable. But he's a light sleeper, so I couldn't roll over to face him and see him sleep. But I woke up feeling him kissing my cheek, neck, and shoulder. Although, the next morning I woke him up by kissing his nose. He slept in the bottom bunk in my brothers' room and woke up really easy. When he'd rubbed all the sleep from his (amazing) eyes he pulled me to lay on his chest and just held me for a moment. I think I could get used to that


                                I'm typically a side sleeper and so is he. He is also what is referred to as a "yearner", where he puts his arms and legs out, so we often end up spooning with one of his legs over me, but we have also adjusted some to sleeping together and so, especially after intimacy, he will lay on his back and I will lay with my head on his chest or I will face away from him, but hugging his arm to me. Sometimes tho, we just can't get comfortable and so we will face away from each other.
                                Also, we can rarely agree on temperature. I'm hot, he's not. I'm freezing, he's hot, stuff like that. But compromise is everything

