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Interracial relationships

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    I'm a Spaniard and he's American. He grew up in Western Pennsylvania and I grew up in South Florida, we make it work, but there are some cultural differences...we've never really experienced racism, though his hometown is about 95% White-Non Hispanic so we definitely stick out.


      I am French Canadian, and he is Arab/Italian but has grown up in Canada. I have never dated a guy of a different culture, and frankly a different colour than me. But I love everything about him; he is tanned, has thick wavy hair, has the italian smooth moves, and his eyes are to die for. We haven't really encountered any racism as a couple since where I live is becoming more culturally diverse. But it's hard to say what will be said in my small town, and by small I mean less than 3,000.
      But we love each other too much to let words spoil anything <3


        I'm white (pale as paper), he's mixed race. His parents separated when he was a baby and he grew up with his mum's family (white) in a small town (predominately white). All of his friends are white too. So he's used to sticking out.

        My country is not very racially diverse at all, but thankfully I can't say we've ever encountered problems or evil looks. My parents are cool with it. It was my brother who broke the ice first, he's had a black girlfriend for a few years. My parents joke we'll be a UNICEF poster family.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          I dated a boy from india when I was in grade 9. He had only moved to Canada a year before and I am pretty sure i was his first girlfriend. His parents didn't seem strict in terms of him going out with friends and hanging out but his mom did not like me at all. I remember when ever I called to talk to him she would be like 'ugh no you again!" and apparently she called me a whore once, little ol innocent 14 year old me a whore! My Dad wasn't a huge fan of him either, but that could be because I hid him in my closet and wasn't so stealthily about it the second time doing so.


            I am english and very pale and my boyfriend is turkish. He doesn't look 'turkish' just slightly tanned! His eyes are beautiful, really brown and obviously his hair is dark. On my last visit in September, we had a lot of funny looks, also from mainly older ladies, and when i say looks, i mean proper stares. The one day we were on a boat trip and this one woman just stared at us solidly for about 45 minutes. To be honest when someone does that, I just kiss and cuddle him more to annoy them! I think a lot of the looks i get is to do with Turkish men having a bad reputation, wanting money or a visa etc but they are not all like that! Mine's a good one!! I say ignore everyone else, maybe they are jealous that you are so happy!!


              Haha, what is it with old ladies and staring?!


                Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
                Haha, what is it with old ladies and staring?!
                Back in their day they never did see a two people of different races making fancy eyes.

                My Goddaughter is mixed race. Her mom is white and her Dad is filipino. She has her Dads dark features and when she is out with her mom she gets looks from old ladies all the time.


                  I love this! My SO is African-American and I'm Filipino-American. I love seeing other interracial couples. So diverse and so rich in culture! LOOOOVE IT!


                    I'm in an interracial relationship myself I’m black and my SO is white and from the UK while I’m from the Caribbean. My older relatives have I wouldn’t sat an issue but they are skeptical..other family members don’t care really as long as I’m happy and the same is true of his family.


                      I feel awful but I've never been in an interracial relationship. I mean... my boyfriend in 7th grade was African American, but all I did with him is go over to his house once and eat dinner and watch Pet Detective. We never kissed or anything like that.

                      Anyway, I've just never been attracted to a boy of another race, so sometimes I feel like that makes me a bad person. My boyfriend is Brazilian, but his family is Italian-Portuguese, so he is white white white.

                      I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


                        Both of us are ethnically Chinese, and I was even born there. But since I grew up in the USA, I consider myself as American as my friends who are born here. We are kind of inter-cultural, in that he has been raised with certain traditional Chinese beliefs that I shun and dislike. Sometimes its attractive-he said he found me interesting because I am Chinese-American and am an interesting mix, and for me because dating a traditional gentleman is very romantic. Sometimes it grates on my nerves how obedient to the traditions he is.


                          Originally posted by weetzie View Post
                          I feel awful but I've never been in an interracial relationship. I mean... my boyfriend in 7th grade was African American, but all I did with him is go over to his house once and eat dinner and watch Pet Detective. We never kissed or anything like that.

                          Anyway, I've just never been attracted to a boy of another race, so sometimes I feel like that makes me a bad person. My boyfriend is Brazilian, but his family is Italian-Portuguese, so he is white white white.
                          I don't think you should feel bad because you aren't attracted to someone of another race, but you mentioned how your SO is Brazilian by nationality, but Italian and Portuguese by ethnicity, so does that mean you yourself aren't either of those? I would think you aren't since you mentioned it. It doesn't matter though because dating someone who isn't the same race as you isn't important. It's all about the attraction to their personality, not about their race (though there are a few crazies who date outside of their race for rebellion or just because they feel it makes them look better, anyway that's another subject for another time) so don't ever feel bad about it.


                            I'm half Aussie/Maori and she is Estonian. I have a natural tan and she is pale white. Given that my parents are an interracial couple themselves, I haven't had any problems. Her side has some interracial relationships as well.

                            I didn't have any racial problems in Estonia (I even noticed some African-Estonian couples!). Our cultures are quite different but the main issues were understanding my accent & my colloquial slang. There are some things I don't like about the Estonian culture, such as the absence of manners & the cold nature of the people in general but it isn't much better in Australian cities. Luckily most of the youth have pretty good English and people in shops talk to me in English over Estonian.

                            It is a shame to hear that people having problems because of their racial background. I'm just happy that I haven't had that issue.


                              Interracial relationships and marriages are no longer strange things in my country. My sister's husband is a French and I have an uncle who marries a Swedish woman, which means my cousins are a mix. That being said, my family has no problem in interracial relationships.
                              So far after 3 visits from my SO, I haven't experienced anything negative regarding the race difference. Actually our skin colour is a bit similar, it's just that mine is a bit lighter and it has a yellow undertone. Perhaps the most significant physical difference between us is the nose! XD
                              I've had compliments saying that he's handsome, which obviously makes me feel very glad and proud. I am, though, looking forward to visiting him one day and meeting his family, relatives and friends. It'd be interesting to see what kind of opinions they have about me. He has told me how easy it is to tell that I don't look like a Persian, especially since I have a small and flat nose lol!


                                I am a born and raised Texan! My family are two things either texans or from nothern ireland, so you can only imagine how people felt when i started dating my black catholic boyfriend. But i always tell people as far as race goes, Why should skin pigments defy who you fall in love with. "beauty is only skin deep." But race is only skin deep too! As far as him being catholic, that has caused the most strain in our relationship. that is what the most fights are about.

