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Is this emotional abuse?

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    Is this emotional abuse?

    Hey everyone I'm new here and usually don't post but I really need some urgent advice because I am wondering if this is an emotionally abusive relationship. We've been together for 5 mths but friends for about 2 years now. I love him a lot and fell in love with him for his kindness and I feel perhaps I am facing great denial: seeing red-flags that shout "ABUSE" yet its hard to swallow thinking in such a negative light someone I use to think so highly of? Or am I just overreacting? Or expecting too much from him? **Sorry for the essay, I tried to keep it in blocks for an easier read.**

    1. About a mth ago he told me he felt the relationship revolved around him - He wanted someone with a mind of their own: He asks me: "What do you want to do?" but I've tried to explain to him the problem is that the options are only the ones he is comfortable with doing: i.e playing WoW, movies hes into etc. If I ask him to do something I want ex. webcam or talk about something I find interesting, he'll say "I don't want to." or "I don't see how that's interesting but okay.." or just plain no comment. I've explained numerous times that I take interests in his interests because I love him and usually, I end up liking it and I wish he'd reciprocate that. He thinks I'm just guilt tripping him but I really just want him to innately want to show some interests in mine. Ultimately, I feel like his needs > mine. He only does what he wants 95% of the time..which I think is selfish.

    2. He is really bent on being right - On our 5 mths we had an argument and he kept hanging up on me despite me saying its disrespectful and he said IDC and said we'll talk tomorrow. I called him the next day while hes at work but no pick up so I figured 3 things: a) Busy. b) Didn't get the call. c) Ignoring me. A little later I text just to confirm that he got the call but still no reply. Hes never ignored me before but hes also only recently started hanging up a lot and so I figured I'd give him space or perhaps he really was busy (normally he calls about 3x while at work). I sign onto MSN later that night and he is on but chose to not MSG. So I MSG him later (I'll paste that convo down below). During our phone conversation he goes "I know you would only call me once, when I call you several times a day, and that you would wait until night time when its convenient for you to talk. You know the nature of my work so you could call more." And insisted that my actions showed that I did not miss him + don't care about him because I didn't call more. What bothers me is he does not try to understand my POV - why I acted the way I did. It's a repeating pattern in our relationship. At one point he felt that he was not special in my eyes because he is not my first love or first sexual partner. I explained to him that's like saying the people who choose to remarry because their 1st fell apart aren't special? Shyt happens! Ultimately, I feel unheard because he has tunnel vision and feels justified, literally believes his POV = right and the only explanation.

    3. I feel isolated because he thinks its rude when I talk to anyone else besides him while talking to him even if he is busy running errands and has delayed replies on MSN and also thinks its weird for me to talk to guy friends he doesn't know, and doesn't care to know. He thinks I am possibly using the guy as back-up when I've explained Ive been friends with him before we dated, and he listens to my relationship probs + I help him find a girl. Its totally platonic but I respected my bf and keep my distance. My bf doesn't seem to care that Ive lost a lot of friends and need company besides him. He sees it as a threat to our time together when we spend...everyday 5 hrs+ together + phone calls while hes at work.

    4. He's okay with disrespecting me. Last night while he was upset he kept saying STFU and told me to F off because I don't care and I said you're disrespecting me and he said IDC. Even this morning when I called him, he said that it was rude that near the end of the convo I was talking to a mutual friend on MSN and didn't give him undivided attention and I admitted he was right but he said he isn't apologizing for disrespecting me because he was pissed off. I'm sorry but I think as adults, no matter how upset you are, you learn to CONTROL your actions and respect one another, if you slip up, apologize and try not to do it again. There should never be justification to disrespect someone?

    Here's our convo last night (I realized the post is SUPER LONG so I will just cut to the gist):
    Earlier around 10pm:
    E: I know you don't want to talk ATM so I'm just letting you know that when your ready just give me a call as I have waited here for you giving you your
    space but please not later than 12:30AM. I love you.
    P: Space? Lol kay don’t expect a call.
    E: Well you ignored my text and my phone call. You didn’t bother to msg me the entire time. If you wanted to talk you would have msged.
    P: Yea ur right. Kay ttyl.
    E: You say you love me but you treat me like this
    E: I've clearly missed you the whole day as you were at work and I didn't hear a single word from you.
    P: My ass you did. And no I’m not going to talk to you. I’m going to enjoy the rest of my day.
    @ Midnight:
    E: Whats wrong? What happened? Your MSN said FML IGU. Whats wrong?
    P: Depressed
    E: Aww babe whats wrong? I'm here for you.
    P: Nty night
    E: I won't start anything. I'm here for you babe...Let me be your partner the one whose there for you when your down...Well if you don't want to talk about
    it just know Im here if you ever do. I love you. Night.
    P: K.. Nice to know you care about me enough to not call me after I tell you I'm depressed F U
    E: Well I'm just respecting your wishes babe...I was typing..still. I'm waiting for your call so I can hear you out.Dude I'm calling pick up.
    P: You can fuck off if u cared I wouldnt have had to tell u. W.e your true colors. I should just avoid u for the rest of…Nvm..pce
    E: I'm trying to be here for you but you are flipping out on me for no good reason. Just cause I didn't call? Stop being so stubborn and let me be here for you.
    Wow I've called 6 times and you're still ignoring me. I'm trying and you arent even giving me a chance.....
    P: Go to bed I know u don't care I don't need u to pretend

    Till today he insists I don't care and that I wasn't thinking like a "normal person" who would call because he's depressed. I said he ignored me all day, I was already hurting from that and set my own feelings aside for him. When hes upset he doesn't like the phone. I stated I was there in text and I understand its not the most "personal" approach but I felt I needed to give him space so I didn't call because he ignored me all day + told me that he didn't want to talk to me. He can't consider my POV at all. He thinks hes right to say that I really don't care about him. He hung up on me at least 10x that night...saying I'm only calling cause he pointed it out.

    *** What alarmed me most though is that he's known for a week that the gyno found a breast lump, though I know 80% of the time its benign I'm still scared it may be cancerous and despite me saying that I am here for him now but my appt is in 2 days (tmrw) so I will need his support soon, he chose to focus on his hurt feelings - that I neglected him simply because I didn't call. If he cant set aside his own feelings when I am scared of something as life-alternating as cancer...I think that speaks volumes as to how much it is self-love...not real love. His response was "so you're using that for me to kiss your arse and think everything's okay?" I think his pride > love.***

    Anyways I'm terribly sorry for the long post, if anyone reads. I hope to get a reply because I really am confused. I love him but inside of me is saying to leave, because it is abusive, it can possibly escalate and even now, he loves himself, not me. He wants me to obsess over him, have no friends, call him several times a day + dedicate all free time to him..but even then, when I already feel like I have devoted all my love to him...I feel I am only getting some in return.

    So what do you guys think?

    I'm going to be honest and I know people are going to disagree with me but I think it's important that you hear both sides of things. After being in an emotionally abusive relationship, I would not call what you've described, emotional abuse. I would say that this is a relationship where you're needs aren't being met and that you feel badly because of it. Just because someone upsets you, doesn't mean they are emotionally abusing you.

    Yes, he is exhibiting a ton of self-love here instead of setting aside his feelings and being there for you, but this is selfishness. Sometimes people are so wrapped up in how things benefit them, and their own world that they cannot be there for someone else.

    That being said, I don't believe that there should be disrespect in relationships. Now that being said, some people have different tempers than other and can fly off the handle more easily. Now yes, when fights happen, so can emotional abuse, but I wouldn't say my boyfriend is emotionally abusing me because he told me to STFU.

    Every relationship, including abusive ones, are different. In my emotionally abusive relationship I was constantly reminded how worthless I was, how easy to leave I was, how not worthwhile I was, how I was ugly and my ex was ashamed of me. He abandoned me places on purpose, after taking away my cell phone so I was stranded, and eventually it turned into physical abuse.

    I'm not saying that all emotionally abusive relationships are the same. What has me concerned is that you're feeling isolated, and based on that and his behavior MAY escalate into emotional abuse. I guess my question at the end of this long post is, is this someone you're happy being with?


      I'm going to have to agree with sierra, I wouldn't call it emotional abuse but it definitely doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. If you already notice these red flags and know he is treating you poorly then it might be time to reevaluate the relationship and decide whether it is worth staying in.


        sometimes the only thing to say is "how do you think that makes me feel?"

        sometimes if the SO goes too far (he has stopped now going too far) i hang up on him. either just before i say "i dont want to sit here and be bullied", or ill say it when he calls back (it usually happens on skype)

        it doesnt look like extreme emotional abuse, but if it hurts you its enough abuse to matter. let him know how you feel, say you cry about it, and if he says "lol" to how you feel, then he isnt worth it.



          I wouldn't consider it abuse but I agree with the above posters saying it is an unhealthy relationship. I would get out now while you still can.

          Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
          Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
          Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
          Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
          Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


            Honestly, he sounds like a petulant brat, and the way he talks to you is like teens sulking at their parents and screaming they hate them when they don't get what they want. Abuse or not, from your post he just doesn't seem mature enough for the kind of relationship you'd like to have. Hanging up 10 times on you? Really? Why did you keep calling?

            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


              I definitely agree with the agree with the above posters, this isn't emotional abuse but he is treating you like crap. Emotional abuse is beating someones self esteem to a pulp, making them feel worthless. Emotional abuse is often paired with physical abuse its how the abuser gets control of his partner. The person feels so worthless that they don't think they can do better or survive without that person. They become dependent. This guy (while not emotionally abusing you) just doesn't seem worth it, i would have told him off in a heartbeat. It seems like its all about what he wants, how he is and couldn't care about your feelings. I'd say just cut ties, you don't deserve to be treated like that.
              "You want for myself
              You get me like no one else
              I am beautiful with you

              I am beautiful with you
              Even in the darkest part of me
              I am beautiful with you
              Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
              You're here with me
              Just show me this and I'll believe
              I am beautiful with you"



                As someone who has been through emotional abuse, this doesn't sound like it to me. However, He doesn't treat you like you deserve to be treated. He's way too self-absorbed to be in a relationship. He's being an asshole and I think you need to find someone better
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  It doesn't sound like you're happy in this relationship. Can you imagine spending your life with someone who doesn't listen to you?


                    Did your SO start acting that way when he learned you have a breast lump?

                    If so, I think he's trying to shield himself from the risk of losing you and/or he doesn't want to deal with a serious ailment, in short, he's a coward. That means, he has more self love than he has for you because he's thinking of safe guarding his own feelings to keep from getting hurt than willing to support you. I have an ex-bf that is like that, he has a crush on a girl before me and when he learned the girl had a blood clot in her brain and fell ill but recovered, he immediately stopped liking her. I asked him why and he said that blood clots can happen again and he doesn't wanna deal with it if he pursued her. What an ass.

                    I think your BF has the same mindset and he's trying to abuse you to make you break up with him so he wouldn't have to do it himself. That's really stupid but I think if he's trying to do that, then give it to him. You don't need to deal with his drama, deal with your own life. I believe you can get thru your problems by keeping your friends and family close to you. Besides, I agree with Malaga, he's immature and he's acting like a teenager talking back to his parents.

                    You should love yourself first before you can love others. Give your relationship a break, it's going to hurt but only temporarily. If he comes back and is ready to deal with your relationship, then give him another chance but for now, just let him sort out his own problems, he's been dismissing you so obviously he doesn't want your help - or he's being egoistic and telling himself no amount of cursing and hanging up can make you leave him - girl, I'm sorry, that's just insane. Take a break.
                    Nobody knows who I really am
                    Maybe they just don't give a damn
                    But if I ever need someone to come along
                    I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


                      He sounds like he has Aspergers. I'm an Aspie dating an Aspie, and I "get" some of how he's acting. One issue I have is I tend to believe how I feel is how everyone feels. It takes a lot for me to remember that not everyone, not even my SO, thinks exactly as I do.

                      In general, Aspies have their own interests and enjoy going on about them, and if they're not interested in something, it's really hard for them to fake it. They can also be easily hurt and react childishly, swearing and giving the cold shoulder. They're what I call "right angle" thinkers -- very black and white, right and wrong thinkers. My SO often forms a quick, strong opinion about something and he takes awhile to understand nuances of the situation, and until he understands those nuances, he can be very stubborn. I probably do this as well, as I also tend to see things as black and white.

                      Anyway, if he is Aspie, he can change the way he treats you, but he has to learn how. I've learned how to fake normal most of the time, as has my SO, and that includes trying not to have tantrums on each other.

                      But of course, I could be wrong about all this. If not, and any of this rings a bell to you, feel free to ask me questions.


                        I want to add to what others have said and say I feel this has the potential to become emotional abuse. Though I wouldn't consider this quite "there," it's also true that emotional abuse isn't evident straight off the bat, and sometimes it can take time before it completely surfaces in a relationship. Will it develop into emotional abuse in the future? It may or it may not, as right now, it could go either way really - it could either progress and get worse or it could continue with him acting like a spoilt child and never moving beyond that - but either way, the relationship is extremely unhealthy and as others have said, I think he's given you enough red flags to get out. He's demonstrated that he's selfish, childish, absolutely manipulative (and quite frankly, I do think a manipulative personality can be as damaging and abusive as a directly abusive personality; I should also note that I do think cursing at your partner absolutely senselessly like you've claimed he does/is is abusive), and has no interest in needs that don't benefit him in any way. He sounds like he's in this relationship because you care, and because he can manipulate you into dropping your needs for his games. Frankly, I think you deserve a lot better. Your needs aren't being met and he sure as hell has shown no sign of even wanting to meet them, let alone change a character flaw.
                        { Our Story on LFAD }

                        Our Beginning
                        Met online: February 2009
                        Feelings confessed: December 2010
                        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                        Our Story
                        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                        Our Happily Ever After
                        to be continued...


                          Thanks everyone for your prompt response and great insight! ATM I'm very conflicted because as everyone has stated, it isn't a very healthy relationship. Even a mutual friend has said it sounds exhausting that he can't even consider another POV, that he isn't ready to have a mature relationship, etc. I really love him and I wanted some advice and I suppose the perfectionist in me wants to give it my all, because I know I ain't perfect and I'm willing to try different approaches to maybe reach out to him. But it is really comforting to hear validation from others that what he is doing isn’t right. I’m finding it really hard to let go but I will definitely be mulling things over tonight. Thanks again everyone!!!

                          @Sierra - thank you for sharing something so personal - I'm sorry to have to hear that you went through it and it is definitely an eye-opener and makes me think that if this is not bordering emotional abuse, I definitely don't want to stay and wait to see what it is. I have been very clear about what my needs are to him. I don't think upsetting me makes it abuse but rather that he even admits that when he's moody, he doesn't gave a crap whether I am hurting or about the relationship period. He's even admitted to being a dbag and trying to justify that it is totally okay because that is his personality yet he preaches that he treats people nicely because he wants to be treated nicely. I have pointed out to him several times and a mutual friend has also noticed that he is quite selfish but he just thinks I am guilt-tripping him.

                          @Megfashion - thats a very good tip to use that I won't sit there and be bullied and just hang up on him.

                          @Malaga - you're response made me LOL. A mutual friend of ours actually has mentioned that he is like a kid who needs his mommy because he literally wants me to be around him 24/7 and feels neglected if I talk to friends. He literally does sulk or gets angry if he does not get what he wants.

                          @rubydissolution: it was nice to have a very clear definition for sure because I already feel pretty crap without him beating on my self-esteem.

                          @meg – No I cannot it frustrates me that he cannot see beyond himself most of the time..and I keep hoping (maybe foolishly) that he will realize it.


                            xD I’m having trouble keeping up with all the responses. Thanks everyone - this is a great community and I’m so glad I came to you guys for support and to gain varying perspectives.

                            @ Annb8888- I never thought of that but when I told him about it and asked if he would go because I understand worse case scenario it could be a lot to deal with he said he loves me. I said well imagine what kind of person you’d be if you left someone when they needed you most? But that story is truly saddening and yes very cowardly and it’s a good point to ponder but things were going relatively smoothly after I broke the news too so I don’t think it’s that. It’s very probable that he thinks at this point that I will not leave him no matter what. In fact he doesn’t think he did anything wrong because he thinks all his actions are justifiable and rarely apologizes.

                            @Minerva – That description sounds just like him! Where do I learn more about this? :O

                            @ Eclaire – It’s interesting you mentioned manipulative because I was very unsure if it was considered that what he does and I do agree, my past partners have never cursed at me ever even in rage which is why that did not settle too well with me. It’s interesting that you point out as well that “he’s in this relationship because you care” because when I have asked him why he loves me, he insisted it’s because I am selfless. That many people are nice, but not selfless…and lately I am starting to wonder if he likes that…because he is SELFISH.



                              As the top of the list says, not all Aspies are the same. Aspergers is a spectrum disorder, which means it affects some very mildly (such as with myself and my SO), and others so strongly they can't function on their own -- and everything in between. Not every aspie has all traits and not every person with traits has Aspergers.

                              Also, he has to understand he has these issues and want to fix them. If he doesn't want to work on himself, I wouldn't stay with him.

                              Best of luck.

