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Longest time you spent without seeing your partner

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    Longest time you spent without seeing your partner

    Hii everyone! I'm fairly new to this website even though i joined back in December but i just never posted anything lol I'm so glad to discover a website like this where i can share things with my fellow LDR dolls

    Just a few quick facts about me; i started a long distance relationship with a childhood friend of mine just over a year ago, we grew up practically on the same street, but then i moved to England with my family when i was about 10 and a few years later he moved to Norway with his fam and we lost touch for many years, but we finally found each other on facebook and the rest is history! lol

    So far i have been to visit him once and that was in last October for 9 days. It's been just over 7 months since i last saw him and to say that i miss him terribly would be an understatement. I can't visit him in the summer cos of work schedule, so it 's going to have to be after summer, maybe beginning of September. There is a chance I could go see him in May for a few days but the cost of visiting is kind of an issue. I'm trying to keep motivated and positive in just everyday life but i just want to see him so badly!

    I just need some sort of perspective on this and I was just wondering how long have you guys gone without seeing your partner for and what was it that kept you from visiting them for so long or what sacrifices did u have to make (eg money)??

    P.S he can't come to visit me, it's only me that can go visit him (long story )

    Welcome to the forum
    The longest we were apart was 6 months. I was saving up to get a visa to the UK to be with him and it wasn't worth going for a week or two in the middle and then not have the money to go when I planned.


      30 years...

      “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


        One year


          Welcome, hana!
          By the time we see each other again, we'd have been apart for a year and a half. God knows I'll be glad to be in his arms again!


            The longest we've been apart is 2 1/2 years, while I was working overseas - though we weren't actually a couple during that time. But we'd dated before I left and he was waiting for me for pretty much the whole time I was gone, so I know he at least would count that time as us being separated!

            Other than that - we've only been an official couple since April 1st or 2nd, which is also the last time I saw, I haven't been pining away for very long! Scheduling and money restrictions are definitely the two biggest obstacles for us, though I'll hopefully be seeing him around once a month through the summer. Then I'll be heading to grad school in North Carolina, which will add several states to the list of things keeping us apart. But there is a chance he might be able to take a job in the fall about 3 hours away from where I'll be at school, which would be wonderful!


              I am actually sounding quite lucky... The longest we have spent apart was two months, and that's the longest it will ever be. We usually see each other once a month.


                Six months, and I'm hoping that's the longest it'll ever be between visits. :P

                Reasoning for it is school, more or less, maybe finances. I'm a tutor so generally only work during the school year (though I also do intensive tutoring with students over the summer) but if it's not a matter of finances, it's a matter of the fact that I want to make an $800+ ticket worth it, which means visiting on school holidays.
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...


                  1 year :/

                  Met: 8.17.09
                  Started Dating: 8.20.09
                  First Met: 10.2.10
                  Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                    3 months... which was hell after having him back home for an entire semester. Never again. We close the distance in 4 months and plan to see each other at least twice between now and then.


                      Between the first relationship with my SO and my current one, 13 years But now we are in our longest stretch, it will be over 6 months when we meet up again. We were averaging between 3-4 months but things did not work out as planned at the beginning of this year


                        The longest is 4 months, but by the time we next see each other it'll be 8 months


                          It'll be a year as of next month, and officially 15.5 months when we do get to be together again. The distance is really taking its toll on us. I hope we never have a stretch this long ever again.


                            The longest have been 3 and a half months, so guess we've some of the more fortunate ones. Normally there's 6 weeks between our visits.


                              8 months, which was really tough as we also have very limited communication

                              the next visit will be after 4 months apart which feels a lot more manageable

