I had a situation similar with an ex YEARS ago. I was in my young teens thought I was in love, he was my world, blah blah. None of it was true. Well, I ended it with him after a year of being together on and off again. He kept calling me asking me why? Why can't we give it another chance. I said finally, "Stop, calling me I gave you an answer. If you don't stop calling me I'll block you." I did block him on my phone for 6 months, when I had time to myself. It was probably the ultimate fuck you to him, but I was ok with that. Even after taking him off my block list. He wouldn't call again. If I were you, I'd just go no contact, completely. Good luck with everything.
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We Broke Up (previously Eclaire)
I don't completely want to change my number because I use it for one of my students (it would be a literal pain in the arse to get her/her family used to a new number) and blocking, as far as I'm concerned, costs money. I'm hoping he'll eventually realised I'm not going to give in. I only had one missed call so I'm hoping he won't try again. I know he doesn't see it right now, but this is going to be the easiest thing for the both of us. Everyone's stories is also making me realise it won't be just this one time either.
You sounds like you're doing way better than I did when me and my ex broke up. I ended it, but I gave i after the first day and we ended up getting back together for the night, and then I realized what a dumby I was being so I broke it off again -_- it was all a lot more painful and complicated than it should have been, and it was because I gave in.
Be strong, and enjoy being single!!! Besides, that's how I found my current SO
Yeah, we did the break-up and get back together after his mom passed. I won't do it again. It's why I chose not to take a break and instead decided this was permanent/official. I'm doing my best to hold fast to the no contact rule. I've had someone play this game before, so it's possible I've simply learned, grown, and become more strong from that.
I'm sorry your ex is being persistent about contacting you, I had an ex do the same thing and it made it really hard to stay broken up. Just stay strong and remember all of us here are here to keep your mind off it all.
Thank you. <3
I simply hope he stops soon. I understand that he's hurt, but he's not going to get another chance, regardless of what "realisations" he comes to, and while I know he might not see it, no matter what I say, it's not going to ease the pain or give him any more closure. I literally cannot think of anything I could say that I have not already. All of the questions, even, that he brought up in his e-mail, I had already answered. It would simply be another "no" and anything further would only be angry/harsh, and I don't want to break his heart further. Ugh. My heart hurts over this.