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how often do you communicate

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    Originally posted by Hkh8871 View Post
    Hi guys! I've posted here before about all my problems wiht my boyfriend. We are in an LDR and haven't been having a good time with it lately. We've been fighting a lot, but now I think we are trying to move forward. The one thing is- we barely speak. Maybe 1 text message a day...if at all. We don't skype or anything either anymore. I'm just wondering if this is normal or not? He is supposed to come visit me in 2 weeks and I'm just afraid that he's coming because he had already bought the ticket before we were fighting (it costs 1000$) and doesn't want to deal with the loss financially and he is just coming to have sex and then go back home?
    Lucky for me, my SO is a huge talker lol. We text throughout the day, though he's not typically very good about texting, but better than most, I'd say. We also hate going more than a day without at least talking to each other on the phone. He's finishing his 5th year of university this year so the days that he has tests he has to pull all nighters and I don't really get to talk to him then. But then he calls me the next day and says how he really missed me and wished we could have talked the night before. I guess writing this all out makes us seem kinda obsessive, but it works for us. We don't use Skype since it's lags, but we do use facetime or gmail, every 3-4 days.

    I can definitely understand your fears though. My first year dating my SO, we fought a LOT and after a while he tried avoiding me a little because he didn't wanna have such serious arguments all the time. It burned him out. I'm not sure if I'd say that 1 text a day is "moving forward", but it might be what works for him. If it doesn't for you, let him know! You might be a little scared to, seeing as how you guys have such serious conversations all the time and he doesn't wanna involve himself in those...but maybe start off by saying something like "can you hear me out? I know we've been having serious conversations lately, but they aren't exactly getting better because of our lack of communication..." or something.

    Also, I can understand your fear of him just coming to have sex, especially if he only seems to reply to your texts when they become more about sex...but if you don't talk to him about this, either, it won't change! Communication is key, just try opening those doors again, very gently...


      My SO and I talk daily. We text all day every day, except when I'm either at work or school.
      We FaceTime usually 1-2 times a day. I just started a new job and we're adjusting to that. Some nights I get home and I'm exhausted.
      It just depends. I want to try and watch a movie on my day off with my SO. Haven't figured out how to do that yet lol it's a learning process. We're still learning but so far, I'm happy with our communication. <3


        I really don't understand how you people do it, texting "all day everyday" or 9 wake hours. I guess most people's lives are 8 hour sleep, 8 hour work/study/rehabilitation of sick and 8 hours to eat, work out, hang with friends and the rest... I mean I have just started to do this but I already feel the preassure on time. I am not even home half the time in the evenings, and when I am there is often other people there, and I would think it not so appropriate to virally hang out with my SO then. I feel blessed to Skype/talk to my SO for the whole of 2-3 hours most evenings, but I am also sometimes really tired afterwards, as we usually is really talking for the whole time. I need my space and me-time, too. He has his own work, studies and work-out, and not much time to text a lot or do anything else while doing those things.

        But I guess the most important thing is that there is an agreement on how things should be. And be smart when you are angry or sad. There is a place between martyrdom and bitch at war where things can be adressed in an constructive matter. Though I have to say that the odd fight can actually be helpful! I cried and got hysterical once, and that was the best thing I did, because it cleared the air about a lot of things.
        Last edited by differentcountries; November 2, 2013, 05:51 PM.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          My boyfriend and I have been in an LDR for almost a month. The first 2 weeks, we would text all day especially after he gets off work. Lately, I only get 3 to 5 texts from him a day. He said I am not receiving some of his text messages. Well, I'm not sure if he is getting all of my messages. He says he isn't mad at me and still misses me and loves me. I'm trying to get him to email me or instant message or skype or something other than text. But he is not responding to a my emails. Neither on the ste where we met nor his personal email. I'm trying not to worry about it too much but I seriously miss him. I tried to tell him that but don't know if he got the email. He is a busy guy and I understand that. Now, since Tuesday night he hasn't text me at all. I don't know if he is ignoring me or he has phone issue or what. We're only 1.5 hours away so the time is the same. Should I be worried or not? Is this normal?

