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    Originally posted by honeybunny View Post
    Trying to get it together and sleep so I can call relevant people in the morning. I just don't understand why people feel the need to be so controlling. Like I think people should just live their lives, don't be so fixated on other people. And don't give stupid excuses like it's because we care. If you cared you wouldn't be stressing me out. That's all their behaviour is doing, causing me stress. I mean my brother is still a teenager, and he's trying to tell me how to live my life? Quizzing me about my personal life? It has nothing to do with him. I just needed to vent a little. I'll never understand why some people are like this.
    He's just being a brat, that's all. Typical teenager know-it-all attitude. Plus, I think he may be jealous because you will be leaving and he's stuck there.


      Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
      He's just being a brat, that's all. Typical teenager know-it-all attitude. Plus, I think he may be jealous because you will be leaving and he's stuck there.
      He doesn't know I'm leaving, but he did tell me to go. In the heat of the moment but whatever. He's a lot like my parents, quite religious. That's what he was using to try and guilt trip me. But it doesn't work because I don't believe any of it anymore.


        Keep safe and get to can always buy "things" are important and priceless.


          Originally posted by Elizabeth123 View Post
          Keep safe and get to can always buy "things" are important and priceless.
          I know. I'm only taking essentials. A friend is keeping my valuables and I'll come back for them at some point.


            Originally posted by honeybunny View Post
            Well I'm not single but does it not count if I'm not living with him? I couldn't do the calculator yet though because my situation may change very soon.

            I know. I have some money though. I can use that to get out.
            Single in these circumstances means living alone, as in not living together as husband and wife.

            The calculator should let you know what (if any) tax credits you would be entitled to. The amount of help you will get with your rent varies around the country but for an under 35 it's not a lot. Around about £70 mark and that the absolute maximum. There is a new "benefit" being rolled out called universal credit, it's paid monthly and supposed to cover everything and combine all the benefits (tax credits, housing benefit, income support etc) but it's very new and there have been a lot of teething problems. It may not be in your or your SO area yet.


              Originally posted by Unicorn26 View Post
              Single in these circumstances means living alone, as in not living together as husband and wife.

              The calculator should let you know what (if any) tax credits you would be entitled to. The amount of help you will get with your rent varies around the country but for an under 35 it's not a lot. Around about £70 mark and that the absolute maximum. There is a new "benefit" being rolled out called universal credit, it's paid monthly and supposed to cover everything and combine all the benefits (tax credits, housing benefit, income support etc) but it's very new and there have been a lot of teething problems. It may not be in your or your SO area yet.
              Ah ok I understand. Well I've had to leave home in a hurry. I have somewhere safe to go to. I can start claiming new benefits when I get there. But really I want to work so we'll see how that goes.


                I'm so rooting for you that this all works out. Be kind to yourself, and stay safe. You deserve to be respected and safe.

                It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                The hands of the many must join as one
                And together we'll cross the river


                  As long as you are safe... that's ALL that matters. xo


                    Originally posted by honeybunny View Post
                    Ah ok I understand. Well I've had to leave home in a hurry. I have somewhere safe to go to. I can start claiming new benefits when I get there. But really I want to work so we'll see how that goes.

                    Some of the benefits can be claimed to top up a low income.

                    Good luck and stay safe. You're doing the right thing


                      Good luck with everything dear, you deserve way better than what you're dealing with <3

                      On another note, my mom finally asked about my relationship status on facebook, I told her and she says she supports me even if I decide to move there. I mean,, we'll see over time but that talk went way better than I expected.


                        Originally posted by staruletto View Post
                        On another note, my mom finally asked about my relationship status on facebook, I told her and she says she supports me even if I decide to move there. I mean,, we'll see over time but that talk went way better than I expected.
                        Good! that's a wonderful start


                          Staruletto, that's great to hear. I am now living in the same city as my boyfriend and we are openly dating. We have had nothing but positive vibes from his family and the good people in our lives, but my family hate it and that's one reason I had to leave. I was going to be confronted about my relationship the day I left. I really didn't fancy being cornered by everyone in my family and feeling ganged up on, when all I am doing is trying to eventually settle down with my boyfriend and just live my life. I'm looking for work here and we are hoping to close the distance at some point soon. Things have been kinda crazy which is why I didn't reply yet. It's a bit calmer now and I have blocked all family members on my phone until I figure out if I want to talk to them or not. It's crazy how great it feels to enjoy the little things I was never allowed to do, like go outside without my headscarf on. Play my music out loud. Go out without getting texts asking when I'll be back home. I feel like I can finally breathe. I had so much stress it was unreal.


                            WOOOOOO! That is awesome, enjoy your freedom!


                              I'm so glad it's working out and you are out of that place :3
                              And so close to your boyfriend too!
                              Fill us up with more details when things calm down and when you have time, if you feel like it of course~


                                I've already started to look for a job. I've been here a week now. I stayed a few nights with my boyfriend, but usually we meet in the city centre if we are apart. It feels so strange to be able to do that. I got used to being far away. I have more responsibilities, I'm staying in a refuge and paying rent. Buying all my own food. My boyfriend wants us to get a double bed and move in together as that's what was stopping us. He feels better knowing I'm happy at the refuge. The women are lovely here and the kids are really sweet.

