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Sweetest/Deepest things your SO has said to you

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    While i was on vacation with my SO in Duck, North Carolina we went to a souvenir shop known as Super Wings.
    Inside i found this robot mood ring and i decided that i HAD to purchase this!

    Looks similar to this:

    Anyways, i am known to have a goofy sense of style which makes my SO say things like "omg *holding laughter in* i cannot believe you are wearing that"
    The plan was to give her this robot ring before i left to go back home but to no surprise, i lose it.
    About a week after i go home, she tells me that she had found it under the rug!
    I told her that i had originally planned to give it to her before i left.
    I told my SO to keep it as a promise ring promising that i would always love her no matter what, whether she broke my heart or literally stabbed it with a blade.
    I said she should also keep it as a reminder of my goofiness. I promised her that i would always stay the innocent child that i am today (with us both going away to college).
    I think she truly understood my feelings for her that day.


      My SO's said so many sweet and lovely things to me, it'd be impossible to list them all! But I'll never forget the first time he told me he loved me...that was when he first swept me off my feet <3


        Last night, he told me that he will never ever hurt me. He said if he ever did, whether it be intentionally or unintentionally, he would hate himself forever. It was so sweet!

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          he doesnt say a lot of romantic things. his actions speak most of the time. but he did say that if he didnt care about me he wouldnt bother keeping in contact with me. and recently he said that he loved me. those two things are the sweetst things he's said lol.


            Te amo. (I love you in Spanish, his native language)
            It took him 9 months to say it.
            One night during this summer that we spent together, he explained to me that he has been in so many relationships, and said it so many times, when none of those relationships ended up working out. He said that he wanted to wait to say it until the moment that he felt that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the girl.
            That was sweet enough; And then he finished his speech with it! :3

            "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
            -Miguel De Cervantes

            Read our story HERE


              One really sweet thing my SO said to me a few weeks ago was after I had had a fight with my mom and I told her I didn't really feel wanted. And she said: "You're wanted by me. Always will be wanted by me." <3
              "Everyone smiles in the same language."


                My SO isn't the most verbally demonstrative person ever either, but every time I get upset or frustrated, he tells me, "Come live with me in Paris," and my heart melts. He also tells me from time to time that he wants to marry me and "grow sweet potatoes in South America," which I love.

                But pretty much every time tells me he misses me, I get all verklempt, because he doesn't say it often.


                  We were watching a show and there were some old people and we started talking about wrinkles. I said one day I'll have wrinkles like that and he replied 'One day I will love you even more so it won't matter' He isn't very verbally expressive so this definitely stood out.


                    I was feeling very horribly undeserving at one point, and in response I received:

                    "You're not going to die alone and you don't deserve anything but for somebody to love and care about you and make everything better.
                    For somebody to tell you just how amazing you are.
                    For somebody to love you for it."

                    To which I asked what if I'm not good enough for someone to love me forever, and he said:

                    "You are.
                    There's no if.
                    You are amazing and if forever had a number I'd tell you that you're good enough to be loved for longer.
                    You are the most amazing person.
                    You have no idea how happy I am to be able to say you're my girlfriend.
                    You are loving, you are caring, you are beautiful, you are funny, you are fun, you are intelligent.
                    There is not one thing I would change about you and not one thing I wish I could add.
                    You deserve nothing but the best in every count lol."

                    I love him to pieces.
                    { Our Story on LFAD }

                    Our Beginning
                    Met online: February 2009
                    Feelings confessed: December 2010
                    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                    Our Story
                    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                    Our Happily Ever After
                    to be continued...


                      mhm my Nathan is very sweet recent sweet thing he told me was about how his flight messed up and that he had to call them up, and so it turned out we would get less time then he originally thought when he is here. By a few hours, so he called them up and ended up getting back his original flight time. But he wanted to see if he could get better and now we have a extra hour. Heres what he said.
                      [3:15:59 PM] My Nathan: leave san fran at 15 45 go to paris then go to amsterdam then edinburgh i was like ill take that it means at least another hour with you and yes the first option would be better as there was only one connection but i thought hey an hour for another flight well worth it

                      maybe not romantic wording, but it made me melt and feel so loved. Just was re-reading this and it makes me happy that im so loved.
                      I love you Nathan <3
                      5/25/09 <3


                        When we were lying down and talking in bed, he just stopped in the middle of his sentence, looked me straight in the eye, brushed back my hair and said "You're so beautiful."


                          When we were talking on Aim one day he said something like:

                          I never let anyone nearly as close to me as you
                          and i dont think I could ever do that with anyone else
                          because you have the key to my heart no..
                          You ARE the key to my heart

                          I love him soo much
                          Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

                          I love you soooo much Luke


                            Lol so many sweet things.. below are couple of his sweetest FB messages from early on in our relationship. The most recent thing yesterday was a text saying "You are the woman I want to spend my life with" It always makes me so happy to hear that There are so many sweet texts I have backed up to my gmail.. well pretty much every message from the past 7 mos I have saved lol. I'm such a sap.

                            im so glad your mine to you will see that if im gonna do something halfass id just rather not do it at all i know what a relationship is supposed to be and will do everything possible to have our relationship be the way it should. im not gonna mess this relationship up i will love and care for you everyday

                            i love you so much! its pretty crazy how we met and how things appear to be working out with us. im planning on showing you my love for the rest of my life to,these will be no question as to how much i love you,you will know thats for sure

                            Yes I gotta admit that Im kinda surprised to I didnt think that I was capable of loving someone as much as I love you. I really feel that you are the woman that I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. Its so strange how things work out, Im so grateful that you are with me now even when Im in a messed up situation and you have been there with me through it. You mean so much to me, all plans with Im making for my life involve you. I love you babe dont you go changing on me.



                              Probably last winter when we were spending the day together, he told me that he finally felt like he had a reason to come home on leave. I was there waiting for him and he had never been so in love with a girl before. That he wanted to spend his life with me. That when you find the right girl you don't have to give up what you love doing, you just get to learn to love doing it with her. I think it was probably the sweetest thing he could have ever said.


                                Few weeks ago one day before our one year anniversary he broke down in tears, because of stressed out over his job and he had to move back to Russia.

                                He want us to broke up. He never told me whats inside his mind, his feeling about me and about the relationship. He i said many times in here as cold as Moscow winter..not showing expression, hard to made him laugh but he actually very sweet.

                                That night he told me his fears: "..i can not imagine how i could live my life after we live together in Moscow and you don't like it and you leave me" he scared that i will leave him just because i don't like Moscow. He also said something like "i tried to deny the feelings, i try to be mean to you, i put walls between you and me, i did a lot of bad things to you.. but you still stay strong and now i can not loose you, the more i want to push you away the more i fall in love to you the more i care about you, more than i wanted to" hahah i was burst in to tears when he said this. He also said "you don't understand, my dreams to give you good health care, good house, a car ... even good school for our children..." he mentioned his dreams and its just the same like mine i was cry even more!!

                                There are plenty things he said, and i just listen to him, to his voice, he cried for 3 hours... until we barely speak because we cry so much. I never had anyone caring me this much.... i am glad my effort to show him that i love him unconditionally works. And he feel as deep as i feel too. I know my decision to stick to this guy is right, and he could be a responsible husband and a loving father for our future kids.

                                After the conversation, everything just went.. so ..easy.... i suddenly had no fears... hahah i love him more for revealing all of this to me.. we didn't broke up that night.. but we love each other even more...wish us good luck guys!

