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HONEYMOON! where do u wanna go?

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    Immigration fees killed our chances at a honeymoon, but I always thought a Disney cruise might have been a lot of fun.


      We won't be having a honeymoon after the wedding in the US, but tomorrow we're leaving for a little pre-wedding honeymoon in Bali.


        I like the idea of Hawaii or maybe somewhere nice in Thailand. Dubai is also nice for a honeymoon maybe? They have some amazing hotels there. But i reckon a little beach villa or something in Hawaii


          Well since we'll be living in a place lots of people go for honeymoons (Costa Rica), I'd like to go to Russia. My SO is a big history guy and I've never seen Eastern Europe and would be all about it!!! Or maybe Alaska! Hell anywhere cooler than the tropics


            We are so excited for our honeymoon! We would LOVE to go to Italy but we probably won't be able to afford it. Our second choice is definitely somewhere tropical. Laying on the beach, relaxing, with my new husband and the love of my life, ahhhh. Sounds good to me.


              My SO wants to go somewhere with a beach, but I would like to go to Italy or somewhere I've never been. Before I met my SO, I would have said England. Now since he lives there, I want to go somewhere else. I would say Italy or Greece.
              "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

              "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

              Met: August 22, 2010
              Made it official: September 17, 2010
              Got engaged: January 15, 2012
              Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
              Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
              Got married: November 21, 2012
              Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
              Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                yeah the thing about the tropics is that i pretty much live there and so does my bf.. nonetheless we both like the whole beach atmosphere...

                altho one day I'd love to go all around europe and visit all the tourist sights etc.. :P

                I would also love to go to china and japan :P


                  I think we'd either want to go somewhere in Italy, Japan, or, Ireland.

                  Met: 8.17.09
                  Started Dating: 8.20.09
                  First Met: 10.2.10
                  Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                    We're still considering where we want to go, but we've strongly considered the Bahamas. There's a Sandals resort package that caught our eye.
                    "The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
                    -Tom Bodett


                      not sure yet where to go on our honeymoon...we talked about somewhere nice beachfront and beautiful for at least a week..still working on it though :P
                      " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                      Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                      Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                        We went to Bali as a pre-wedding honeymoon since my SO cannot leave the United States for months after our marriage and because an Iranian passport cannot take you many places. It was perfect, though! We went with a 5-star hotel in Nusa Dua and I have no regrets about the price we paid. It was an amazing trip that we'll never forget.

                        For an anniversary down the road, we'd really like to go to Egypt, Morocco and maybe Tunisia. He cannot go to Egypt with his current passport, though... so maybe 5-10 years down the road we will go!


                          we wanna take a cruise to somewhere... not sure where lol


                            I've always liked the idea of Italy in the fall, right before winter. Chilly enough for a scarf and some cuddling, not all the flowers are in bloom but some are remaining, etc. I LOVE eating and I would love to walk everywhere to see the sights together (I'm a history person). My SO (I'm guessing, because we haven't really talked about it) would love a beach with nothing to we'll see who wins *hint hint: me* hahaha!


                              My SO and I want to go back to Hawaii for out honeymoon. We went there for a spring break trip with the marching band we were in and had a wonderful time.


                                We want to go to surfer's paradise, QLD (Aussie). See the reef, take a surf lesson, canoodle in the sand, visit the theme parks on the gold coast, that kind of thing. We have no pennies saved toward the honeymoon thus far though, so we might need a different/cheaper plan! We'll see!
                                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

