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Long Distance Relationship Articles


Long distance relationship advice. Articles written by people in long distance relationships for people in long distance relationships.

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  • Miss You Issues: Self-sufficiency

    Miss You Issues: Self-sufficiency

    Dear Miss U, My husband & I have spent 3 years in a LDR, having met online and never having lived together. We've had an endgame in place almost since the beginning that involved him moving to my country. Now that hope has been dashed as his application was rejected due to his criminal record, just a stupid mistake of his college days. While I am willing to move to his country instead there is an obstacle which is my child from a previous relationship. While I have full custody, the father has ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Hidden Meanings

    Miss You Issues: Hidden Meanings

    Dear Miss U, Sorry to bother but this is a topic I've been thinking about a lot lately. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while now but in a couple of months, he's going to college four hours away. A lot of people say we should break up because we are just in high school and that it would make me more unhappy than happy. I truly love him, and I don't want to lose him. But I don't want to hold him back from the whole college experience by having a girlfriend stuck in high school. What's your...
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  • Miss You Issues: The Virtue of Patience

    Miss You Issues: The Virtue of Patience

    Dear Miss U, First let me say that I have no doubt that she loves me, and is faithful to me. Our situation is this, two years ago we met and fell quickly in love. Her marriage ended over ten years ago, mine just a couple. I did know that she was living with her (should be) ex as room mates for a number of reasons. We discussed it thoroughly and I thought I understood. She said their children had a difficult time understanding that it was over between them and they get along fine as friends. Ho...
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  • Miss You Issues: Assessing The Options

    Miss You Issues: Assessing The Options

    Dear Miss U, I am in NY & my bf recently moved to India for a 6 month job. They want him to stay for another year. He "wants" to stay, but he also wants to continue the relationship. I love him. However I feel that he has a choice and he should want to come home. His desire to remain in India makes me feel I am not in the equation. I cry myself to sleep every night. I have expressed my concerns. He is a wonderful man with a great heart but perhaps he doesn't really love me?! He does not want to...
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  • Miss You Issues: You Could Talk About It

    Miss You Issues: You Could Talk About It

    Dear Miss U, I'm a female soldier, who has been dating my boyfriend on and off for the past 4 years. This year we decided to take it seriously. When we were in high school I would always lead him in and then cut him off. I did this because I was afraid of what my friends would think about me dating him. You see my bf is a nerd, one of the things I love about him. Well after we graduated high school, I went in the army. When I was home on leave we started talking again and we started a Relations...
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  • Miss You Issues: Pending Moves

    Miss You Issues: Pending Moves

    Dear Miss U,

    I have been with my boyfriend for over 5 months. I'm a single parent of an 11 year old. He's a great man and we live 2 hours apart and he wants us to move in together. I've been at my job for 14 years. I'm scared? Insecure of leaving everything? What if it doesn't work out? I'm miserable away from him. I love him.

    Dear Patty, Immediately I have to think, "why can't he move?" Are the reasons fair and respectful to you? Workwise, yes you'...
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  • Miss You Issues: Love & Time

    Miss You Issues: Love & Time

    Dear Miss U,

    What do you do when you just miss them so much and can't do anything about it. I can't see him he's in a while other state. I know I'm young but I really really like him and I just want to hug him.

    Dear Kylie, Sometimes all you can do is accept that you can't do those things you want to do. As hard as that sounds, acceptance is empowering. All that moping will do is bring you down, after all, so accept those things you currently can not ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Once A Cheater...

    Miss You Issues: Once A Cheater...

    Dear Miss U, I've been dating my LDR sweetheart for 2 years. He treats me like gold. I never knew a relationship could be this amazing or that I could be this happy every day. He's wonderful, and goes out of his way to make me feel loved, beautiful and appreciated. He treats me the way I always wished a boy would. We're crazy about each-other. I'm a lucky girl. My friends and family all adore him and say they've never seen me so happy. But I know that he cheated on his only other seriou...
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  • Miss You Issues: Big Efforts

    Miss You Issues: Big Efforts

    Dear Miss U, We have been in a LDR for 4 years now, he comes from Germany and I come from Chile. A year ago I managed to finally get together for a long term (3 years), since I came to study my bachelor in Germany. However, 4 months after my arrival, my boyfriend left to Colombia for 1 year to do voluntary social service. He got a scholarship for it and felt bad for leaving me alone in a country completely new for me, but he left anyway but I'm happy he had that opportunity. During the tim...
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  • Miss You Issues: Obligations & Consequences

    Miss You Issues: Obligations & Consequences

    Dear Miss U, My ex and I had been in a 3 year LD relationship. He was from Ghana. We never got a chance to meet in person (due to financial issues/him getting denied visas) but we would always keep in contact via video chats, call, texts, emails, etc. Over time things started to change. The communication wasn't as great as it used to be, it started decreasing. I started getting frustrated due to the lack of communication and many failed attempts of us meeting (he was supposed to come to the U.S....
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  • Miss You Issues: Write It Out
    Dear Miss U, I have been having a tough time going through the distance. I love my boyfriend with all my heart, and I want nothing to come between us, but that is very difficult with my parents. My parents are very strict, I can't make any decisions in my life, and when I try to make a decision, I am usually yelled at and hit. Making me more and more depressed. The worst that has ever happened is that I have been choked by my own father by a decision I tried to make. Me and my loved one talk on...
    December 13, 2015, 08:40 PM
  • Miss You Issues: The Dawn Of LDR
    Dear Miss U,

    I recently realized I had to move away from my boyfriend of 3 months, I want to know if there's anything I need to know about starting a long distance relationship? My boyfriend knows and really wants it to work as well.

    Dear Zelda, I feel the only thing people need to know about starting a long distance relationship is that you need to treat the relationship and your partner the same, regardless of proximity. That means making time for ea...
    December 10, 2015, 09:21 PM
  • Miss You Issues: Talking It Up
    Dear Miss U, Me and my boyfriend have only ever met once and he proposed to me to be my girlfriend through phone calls. He's currently out of town because of his thesis and his work, and we haven't seen each other for half a year. We are both Cancers and very affectionate and I know he loves me, but sometimes he does this thing every month where he says that he is tired of our conversations everyday that seemed too monotone for him. He wants me to contribute more to the conversation and I swear...
    December 8, 2015, 04:27 AM
  • Miss You Issues: Life Or Love?
    Dear Miss U, Recently you gave me advice on how to deal with the pain caused by such a large distance. It was fantastic advice and worked well but unfortunately I find myself in need of your advice again. I have been paying for a trip to India through an organization called world challenge and they are offering a once in a lifetime opportunity that could even help me get jobs etc. in the future, although it costs a lot of money and keeping up with payments can be stressful. I've also been lookin...
    November 30, 2015, 09:16 PM
  • Miss You Issues: Decisions
    Dear Miss U, My partner and I both want to move in together since we have both had our fair shares of long distance relationships. He is trying to find a job here with no luck (he hates his job). I might have found one for myself in his town, and his family is way more supportive than mine. I am going to a tour around that prospective job in his town but I am dreading it. My current bosses are so nice to me. They even got my partner an interview here. My biggest concern is they just fin...
    November 26, 2015, 09:06 PM
  • Miss You Issues: Fat Shaming, Pregnancy & U.
    Dear Miss U, The distance just makes things hard to fix. It seems I'm being a crappy girlfriend. I haven't been the best lately. I feel it's because I have resentment held. We've discussed it & it just hasn't gotten any better feeling for me. He has issues with my sexual style compared to his, but it's mostly about what's wrong with me. The other night over Skype, I was telling him about my chiropractor appointments to help my chronic muscle tension. Since the beginning, we've disc...
    November 23, 2015, 03:17 AM