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Long Distance Relationship Articles


Long distance relationship advice. Articles written by people in long distance relationships for people in long distance relationships.

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  • Miss You Issues: Stale Cookies

    Miss You Issues: Stale Cookies

    Dear Miss U, My girlfriend and I have been together for over a year now, before then we played PC games and spoke on Skype for 2 years prior. I usually go up to her country to visit her and things in the first couple of months were just perfect, the activities (walking, visiting families, etc) and the conversations we had were fun, romantic and amazing! Our LDR was perfect up to the point where she became a Nursing student at her University, and moved from her parents' to a flat of her own in ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Proof

    Miss You Issues: Proof

    Dear Miss U, I've been with my bf for 2.5 years (lived together for 2 years). Things have been great! Except that it took me a lot of effort to be less jealous. Because he's obviously into a certain type of girl (I'm that type too). He kept reassuring me that he loves me for who I am and not who I might resemble/represent, and I know I should believe him, yet the irrational side always gives in to jealousy. I recently got accepted into grad school and will be away for at least 4 years. A...
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  • Miss You Issues: Stay Or Go?

    Miss You Issues: Stay Or Go?

    Dear Miss U, Four years ago I met a guy who chased me until I couldn't resist any longer. What we have is complicated and intense but we love each other more than we have ever loved anyone else. We have been on and off all these years but I need to know if it's worth sacrificing a lot. Every time we see each other it's Amazing but we have never lived in the same state. He wants me to move to New York since he can't leave his family business but I have yet to figure out my career path or if I wan...
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  • Miss You Issues: Keep Smiling

    Miss You Issues: Keep Smiling

    Dear Miss U, To start off, I have depression and have experienced things that don't allow me to trust people(even friends and family) easily. And honestly, the near complete trust I have for my SO before we started dating is a miracle. He's the only person I can truly trust. He's in the army and stationed over 13 hours away. He's very independent and optimistic, so he doesn't really understand what to do when my depression has taken hold of me. Nor does he understand that when my depression ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Quick Questions

    Miss You Issues: Quick Questions

    Dear Miss U, I love my boyfriend. He makes me so happy. I just feel like I'm a bad girlfriend sometimes. He got me this wonderful gift and sent it to me in the mail. I want to send him something back, but its a LOT harder than it seems to shop for someone you've never met. He says he'll be happy with whatever I get him, but I want everything to be perfect. I just want him to be happy. I sometimes wonder if I'm doing enough in our relationship. Half of the time, I feel like I am, but the other h...
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  • Miss You Issues: How To Disappear

    Miss You Issues: How To Disappear

    Dear Miss U, I dated a guy for 2+ years. It was a really tough relationship emotionally and mentally because we never got to meet and we both had a lot of personal problems to work through. The first time we broke up, I broke up with him because he constantly harped on my religious views. After the break up, he was constantly contacting me through email and through friends and it got to the point that I had to block him. I eventually recontacted him to tell him that I was sorry and what no...
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  • Miss You Issues: Go For It!

    Miss You Issues: Go For It!

    Dear Miss U, Even on our first date he warned me he was moving in August. We fell so fast for each other in a romantic summer filed with trips to places like Aspen or Mexico. He's so respectful and kind. I love his passion and drive and feel like it's something I need in my life. The only issue is now he's in New York for medical school, which is awesome!!! This will just be for an extended period of time.. 4 years for med school and another 4 possibly anywhere for residency. With all of this...
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  • Miss You Issues: Your Best Shot

    Miss You Issues: Your Best Shot

    Dear Miss U, My girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for 11 months . When we are together everything is fantastic. We have lots a fun being together and we are happy when we are able be there for one another. Don't get me wrong, we have our arguments, but we always manage to resolve them. I ended up moving back to Scotland after Uni 2 months into the relationship. At the time, we both decided that we wanted to remain together because we really cared about each other. I realized that ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Your Relationship, Not Theirs

    Miss You Issues: Your Relationship, Not Theirs

    Dear Miss U, I met my bf online when I was still in college. We saw each other pretty much everyday and I stayed over at his apartment most nights. Well, I graduated a couple of weeks ago and moved back home with my parents. Meanwhile, my bf has a steady job and LOVES that town so I told him that I would make the effort to come see him every weekend. I'm currently looking for a job so I told him that it's unrealistic for me to come up every weekend and I don't want to come up during the week be...
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  • Miss You Issues: Ten Steps To Save Your Marriage

    Miss You Issues: Ten Steps To Save Your Marriage

    Dear Miss U, I have been struggling in my marriage for the last 10 years. I have been married for 18 years... have 3 children. Recently I traveled by myself to California and saw an old flame and had an affair with him. Sparks flew and we are now still talking and I have fallen in love with him. I don't know what my husband is hanging onto and why he still wants me when I have cheated on him and I want to be with this other guy. Can you please help me on what you would you do? Thank you ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Write It Out
    Dear Miss U, I have been having a tough time going through the distance. I love my boyfriend with all my heart, and I want nothing to come between us, but that is very difficult with my parents. My parents are very strict, I can't make any decisions in my life, and when I try to make a decision, I am usually yelled at and hit. Making me more and more depressed. The worst that has ever happened is that I have been choked by my own father by a decision I tried to make. Me and my loved one talk on...
    December 13, 2015, 08:40 PM
  • Miss You Issues: The Dawn Of LDR
    Dear Miss U,

    I recently realized I had to move away from my boyfriend of 3 months, I want to know if there's anything I need to know about starting a long distance relationship? My boyfriend knows and really wants it to work as well.

    Dear Zelda, I feel the only thing people need to know about starting a long distance relationship is that you need to treat the relationship and your partner the same, regardless of proximity. That means making time for ea...
    December 10, 2015, 09:21 PM
  • Miss You Issues: Talking It Up
    Dear Miss U, Me and my boyfriend have only ever met once and he proposed to me to be my girlfriend through phone calls. He's currently out of town because of his thesis and his work, and we haven't seen each other for half a year. We are both Cancers and very affectionate and I know he loves me, but sometimes he does this thing every month where he says that he is tired of our conversations everyday that seemed too monotone for him. He wants me to contribute more to the conversation and I swear...
    December 8, 2015, 04:27 AM
  • Miss You Issues: Life Or Love?
    Dear Miss U, Recently you gave me advice on how to deal with the pain caused by such a large distance. It was fantastic advice and worked well but unfortunately I find myself in need of your advice again. I have been paying for a trip to India through an organization called world challenge and they are offering a once in a lifetime opportunity that could even help me get jobs etc. in the future, although it costs a lot of money and keeping up with payments can be stressful. I've also been lookin...
    November 30, 2015, 09:16 PM
  • Miss You Issues: Decisions
    Dear Miss U, My partner and I both want to move in together since we have both had our fair shares of long distance relationships. He is trying to find a job here with no luck (he hates his job). I might have found one for myself in his town, and his family is way more supportive than mine. I am going to a tour around that prospective job in his town but I am dreading it. My current bosses are so nice to me. They even got my partner an interview here. My biggest concern is they just fin...
    November 26, 2015, 09:06 PM
  • Miss You Issues: Fat Shaming, Pregnancy & U.
    Dear Miss U, The distance just makes things hard to fix. It seems I'm being a crappy girlfriend. I haven't been the best lately. I feel it's because I have resentment held. We've discussed it & it just hasn't gotten any better feeling for me. He has issues with my sexual style compared to his, but it's mostly about what's wrong with me. The other night over Skype, I was telling him about my chiropractor appointments to help my chronic muscle tension. Since the beginning, we've disc...
    November 23, 2015, 03:17 AM