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How long have you been Long Distance?

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    We've been long distance right from the start which was 1.5 years ago now. We've still got years till we'll close the gap too, I've just started uni which I hope to finish in 2-2.5 years but we have a lot of other things going on which will make the move to CD complicated.
    Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


      by boyfriend hasnt moved yet actually
      hes moving this summer and well be 7715 MILES apart DX
      hes gonna stay there for 2 or possibly 3 years
      we plan to keep a relationship the whole time but we decided that we can date other people too while apart
      but we cant do anything that we havent done with each other yet
      by the time he leaves we would have been dating for exactly a year and a half


        Have been in LDR for 9 months. Soon as he can get a job where I live the gap will be closed. Not sure when that will happen, has things to take care of where he is now. So, still unfortunately, really have no clue as to when will happen.


          We were LD for 16 months total, with one three-month-long visit in the middle. So I guess we were only apart for 13 months. We met online, so I knew it would be LD for awhile.... but if I knew it was going to be longer than 2 years, I don't know if I would have tried. I am very impressed with the people here who have managed to stay LD for many years. It is so difficult.


            We've been in a long distance relationship for 931 days now, and we've got about 75 more days to go until I graduate and move back. Can't wait. Its been long, but the wait is worth it. I have a ring to put on her finger this summer sometime. Life is good!


              As of today I have been with her for one year I have never been happier in my life and I get to be with her all week <3


                we've been coping for 4 1/2 years...we get to see each other, and its not enough it will never be enough until i don't have to leave his arms...there have been times that have felt impossible, like i wouldn't be able to go on, but i know that someday (maybe in the next 6 months, not holding my breath, sadly) we'll have all that we've dreamt of for the last nearly 5 years.


                  We spent 9 months as a CD couple, until college time came up. Now we're also 4 years of LD, but I am looking to transfer to his school to change that. I keep thinking about that question and bringing it up to him, "Is 4 years too long?" He is so willing to deal with the distance, even 4 years, if we will be together in the end, but me on the other hand really doubt I can emotionally handle 4 years of distance. If we HAVE to I've decided I will find my way through the 4 years, but ideally I'm trying to lessen the years apart. I find it really hard to start CD and get used to being LD suddenly.
                  ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                    We have been long distance for 8.5 months, during the whole part of our romantic relationship. We have been friends for 15 years, though.


                      We have been together almost 3 yrs and have been in a LDR for the last year. Its tough, really really tough (especially for me) but if you work hard at it, it can work.


                        Originally posted by Thad View Post
                        We've been in a long distance relationship for 931 days now, and we've got about 75 more days to go until I graduate and move back. Can't wait. Its been long, but the wait is worth it. I have a ring to put on her finger this summer sometime. Life is good!
                        How sweet!!!! That's one lucky girl!


                          Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                          4 years isn't too long. There are people who have been LD for longer and still make it work with visits and stuff like that. It seems like a long time right at the beginning, but being busy with classes and such time will fly by. As for the engagement, I can understand. My cousin's been engaged to his fiance for almost 8 years now. He proposed before she went off to pharmacy school and they were long distance most of the time and during complications they would break it off, he'd propose again, etc. Some people it works for, others not so much. If he doesn't want to have the long engagement, why not do promise rings? Similar meaning, but you're not tagging on a new label to each other just yet. You're just promising you'll be true and together.

                          LDRs can be scary, I admit that. But, you've come to the right place for support and advice as there are people who have survived the distance, those still going through it, and those who've been through it many times. Mainly you just need to make sure you guys communicate clearly, have complete and utter trust for one another, and have a love that knows no distance.
                          i agree to her!...nice advice LMH....

                          me and my SO are in LDR for 6 months now....but we started as CDR at first....
                 be honest LDR is not that easy,,but Through Prayers and advices from some friends,,We're surviving...and there will be a lot of trials and issues,,,but Just give each other TRUST,,,and will work...Good luck to us!


                            We've been dating for almost 6 months, 5 months LD and it'll be that way until I graduate in 1 1/2 years.


                              The whole relationship. Since Nov 2009. God help us, I pray it ends this year.


                                For a year and 6 months- ending distance countdown in a week's time. But for the visa it's only for 2 years until i move back to Australia but we're going to work on having my SO come with me and live.

